RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (Full Version)

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Saint Kilda -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 3:31:29)

Hello, Fabula!
Hello, Saint Kilda!

Your name sounds awefully like the leg bone in the body, 'Fibula'

Heh, well that's because they are both Latin.

Do you have anymore cakes? I ran out...
*gives Saint Kilda a big, delicious, and utterly mouth-watering slice of cake*

Fave Mod?
A lady never tells...

You do have a hat, right?
Not on my head...

Rate your literacy skills out of 10.

Are you serious? O.O
Always. =_=

*waves* I gotta got to go now.
So soon? /me waves back

One last thing, Congrats!

Thankies!!! \(^.^)/

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 8:18:43)

Crimz!!! /me DoomoruKitteruAttackzCrimz

*Thinks of questions*
*thinks of answers*

1) Why cats?
Because they don't care about pleasing people. Actually, any reason suffices... Because they purrrrrrrrrrr

2) What gave you that forum name?
Fabula is Latin and means fable,or fairytale. My name means fairytale. Therefore, it's just my name translated in Latin.

3) Why is your avvy still like that?
I like my avvie...

4) What do you think of the plot... of AE games?
They sure have a lot of sidetracks...

5) Opinions on Eragon
Haven't read it, so none.

6) Favorite Author?
There are a plenty...
Amy Tan, Arturo Perez-Reverte, Anton Tsehov, ...

7) Have you ever asked cow face for milk? cows love those xD
Ooh, I haven't... thankies for the idea!!

Thankies for visiting and I'll See You Around!

ringulreith -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 15:04:00)

aaahahahah! I'm back! Let's see...
0.o Welcome back!

1. Pie or cookies?
I can haz both?

2. Do you like milk? I sure do! (no seriously, I love milk)
Actually, not really, unless it's in hot chocolate or rice porridge. =P

3. Do doom kitties also hate water? *pulls out water gun to test*

4. How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?
As much as the wood chuck would need to chuck wood.

5. What would you do if all stories were to suddenly disappear/be forgotten, and everybody became unable to write?
I would start an oral tradition for telling stories. Or, to be exact, revitalize the old traditions for telling stories. A campfire and a lute, no one could stay mute...

6. Can you make up a random poem about pie right now?

*has a go* I like pie/I'll like it till I die/so creamy and sweet/very dreamy and leet. (what? Don't look at me like that!)
*looks at you just like /that/* Anyways...

What was it when we met?
Was it a pie that we did get?
The wobbly table by the window was set
And how long the pie would last, that we did bet.

7. What do you like more: sneevils or frogzards?
Sneevils for target practise, Frogzards for...electric current supervisors!

8. (@|\| ¥0|_| |234|) +#1$?

9. Have you ever thought of joining the dark sid--er... I mean RP boards?
If you only knew how many times...

10. If normal kittehs play with catnip, do doom kittehs play with... doomnip?
We play with everything, even with the odd onts who arrive in this thread by some grave mistake or by the wrong turn at Albuquerque...
(You really should've turned left...)

11. Who would win: Tom or Scooby?
The fight would end in a die.

12. What colour is your fur? Are you pure black?
My fur is black like the wide ocean on stormy November nights.

13. What is your hunting strategy?
*DoomKitteh refuses to rat out secret information*

14. What is your favourite drink?
Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea.

15. Which country do you want to live in most?
Not sure, really, but probably Switzerland. Then again, Switzerland isn't by the sea... A definite minus. Maybe Iceland...

*leans over and whispers* Don't look, but Seahawk is watching.
<.< You scare me, Ont. >.>

Good luck with your AKship, and see you later! (not on this thread, though. I'm not that evil...)
There is a limit to your evil? =P

Thank you so much once again! I'll see you too!

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 15:08:05)

Ohhh you like Amy Tan? We had to read a part of one of the things she's written called "Rules of the Game" it's good...for something we were forced to read at school xP
Hiyas, Smalls!

Yes, indeed I do. I haven't read the Rules of The Game but I've read a bunch of books...actually, I've read all the five novels... My favourites are The Joy Luck Club and Saving Fish from Drowning.

Do you like the violin?
Yes, if someone else --someone with skill--plays it.

Do you like The Killers?
I'm not at all enthusiastic about them.

Do you like Smalls?
Purrrrhaps =P

Do you like Ike [/political joke xP]
Which Ike? =P

Ummm...I'm almost out of questions so yeah, see ya on IRC and 'gratz! :D

Thank you so much for coming to say hi and I see you too!

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 15:31:10)



Nothing more.
Buh-bai!! \(^.^)/

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 22:28:01)

Eira! =P ~Coyote

Congratulations! :D
Thankies!! /me DoomoruKitteruSnugglepurrrrrs

What color are the shackles?
The darkness has dissipated all the colours, leaving only shades of gray and black....

Who is your cell-partner/neighbor (depending on the circumstances)? :o
I hear the angelic voice of Green_Girl nearby. =)

Who's your favorite Viking? ;D
Are there more than one? =P

Well, congratulations, and I'm glad you're on the team! :D


Thanks for the gratz and even more numerous thanks for visiting!

Gianna Glow -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/6/2009 23:06:24)

Fabula! Congratulations!!
Green_Girl! Thank you!

I told you torture was a 2-way streak!
You indeed did... o.0

Mwahahahaha! I get to raid your cell (well, kinda... more like turn to my side since you're right there!) and torture you with a couple of questions!
*iz scared* (However, remember that I can always return to your thread. =P)
- And ditto back! :P ~ GG


Are you sure?
I am.

Is that your final answer?
It is.

Ok, one more chance... Absolutely sure you're ready?

Ok, Here it is!

What is your favorite monster to fight in DF?
Lol, actually my favourite opponent isn't exactly a monster.... -> Find out here.

What monster do you never want to fight?
I really dislike fighting the mushrooms.

What is your opinion on the color green?
A calming colour. I don't like green clothes on me, to be honest.

What is your opinion of the fairy race?
They are difficult to catch. Once, I needed to catch one as I had to proove their existence to the Mountain King on the behalf of the Snow Queen so that the two would stop fighting... (cookie-time if you know the name of the game I'm referring to =P)

Well, I guess thats all for now!
That was fast!

Anyways, congradulatons again!
Thanksies! I'll be seeing you around the cell, I guess. =P

Falerin -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/7/2009 0:41:31)

As I am ofted quoted as saying:

Beware the sides of starch for they are fattening and go straight to your hips.

What epic parody phrase are you known for?
Hmm, I'm not sure if I have an epic phrase. I do have one proverb that I made up to parodize the obvious nature of many local proverbs. I think it could be translated into English as:

Those who eat their pudding shall lose their pudding.

What is your biggest weakness?
Probably my tendency to treasure almost every insult I get so that they can freely beat my self-confidence into pulp whenever they please.

What type of music do you like the least? Why?
There are two options for this. The other is a national variant of Schlager and the other is hip hop/rap especially whatever the subcategory is where songs by 50Cent fall in to.

My dislike of Schlagers has most likely been learnt at home as my mother never hid her low tolerance against them. She used to sing in a choir, so she regards classical music and jazz/blues high and other genres pretty low. Although I quickly deviated from such a tight genre-box, I'm still agreeing with her that the lyrics of most Schlagers here tend to be pretty unimaginative and the music too repetitive.

My problem with that certain sub-category of rap comes quite frankly from dull and offensive*) lyrics and from the way women are presented in the music videos that usually accompany such songs. Although, if the rap has a exceptionally good beat I might turn the video off and enjoy the audio only. =P

*) Imo, offensiveness based on arrogance, cursing and violence is pretty cheap aggression and shocks me more with the lack of originality than with anything else...=P

What is your favorite work or works in the genre of music you like least?
For the national subtype of Schlagers there aren't many if any, but out of the German Schlagers, I absurdly enough like Theo, wir fahr'n' nach Lodz by Vicky Leandros (Theo, we shall go/drive to Lodz in English). It's an old song, but I actually heard that for the first time only last year.

Out of hip hop/rap I like the softer, less-offensive pieces and pieces that mix other styles into the music to make it more varied. Outkast is probably the best at this, imo, for example, the Outkast/Big Boi-song The Way You Move ain't bad at all.

What genre of literature do you like least? Why?
War books. I don't outright dislike them, I just don't usually enjoy reading about war. Especially not the books that are high on action, are pro-war or whose only point is to state that war causes casualities. Furthermore, many war books are set against the wars of 20th century, WW1, WW2 and the Vietnam war. These stole a huge portion of history classes in school and it is just possible that I've had my fill of them. The endings of those wars are pretty well known as well...

However, I can read and enjoy books about the effects of war, books that do not focus on the fighting and flying body parts.

What is your favorite work in the genre of literature you like least?
Arturo Perez-Reverte's Painter of Battles The writer is a former war-reporter.

xehanort -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/7/2009 12:53:07)

Hiya, Xehanort!

...They got you as well?
Oh my.
Is me being an AK that scary? =P

Are you hearing the call of Punthulu?

2) Do you know what a Nimmy is?
0.O No idea.

3) How many Spike's do you know?
Only Spike just one.

4) Sea-Salt Icecream?

5) Chuck Norris VS Mister T.
Bruce Lee appears and wins it all!

6) Say hello to my little friend! *Throws a Neo Shadow Heartless at you*
/me says hallo to your little friend

7) What's your opinion on the Network? *Starts writing in a notebook called 1001 ways to brutally murder a Network agent*
I fightz them.

And that's all for today *Dissapears into the darkness*
Thankies for visiting! See you! Ba-bais!

MonsterEnergy -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/7/2009 13:20:52)


What's so funny? =P roflcopter

I believe that equation in over 9000! =P


Why am I still using caps?
What caps? <.< I munch them.

Good luck!
Thank you! *banks the good luck*

ilikepizza123 -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/7/2009 21:59:12)


How is you?
I iz feelin' purrrrrfect!

I is good.
Glad to hear!

Do you liek pizzas?
It depends on the toppings!
I love mozzarella!

I liek pizzas!

/me gives (um.. I forgot who you are, sorry)a pizza.
/me devours teh pizza

Me has ran outs of questionz.


Byes! And thanks for visiting!

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/9/2009 2:15:54)

ohaider!!! :D
/me thankieSnugglez Icy for putting my tags ready for me.
Ohai thar! 8D

Grats and welcome to the AKs!! :)
Thank you! Thank you!

Now - do you know the answer to life the universe and everything?
42, but what was the question?

Favorite type of chocolate?
Dark, darker than the night =P If it has to be milky, then Milka or Lindtl, please, with milk from the cows that tread the Alps (Alpenmilch)

Blenderized watermelon or fried strawberries??
o.0're making me hungry, Icy!!!

*Sigh* this question: How do I open the gate to Moria?
Don't use the cupboard, the cupboard beside the pool of water leads to Narnia. Very bad place. Instead, put on a big, grey, and very pointy hat and say, "Mellon"

If nothing happens due to the huge rockslide that is covering the door, please wait for the cleanup team. You can contact the cleanup team "Tentacled Doom" by throwing little rocks to the very icky-looking water. *evil purrrrrrr*

'Tis all! Good luck!
Really? You sure about that? Oh. OK, then. Thanks for visiting! *takes the good luck and sits on it* =P

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/14/2009 16:58:58)

Whoa man. It's been coming for a while. It almost seems like there are more new AKs than active threads in Comments and Criticism... (Actually, I wouldn't know very well.)
Man? Man? Man? =P Sorry, couldn't resist...

Thank you so very much, Anon Y. Mous!

Favorite sport?

Rock Band or Guitar Hero?
<.< No idea...I know what the latter is but..really I don't play those games

Apples to oranges?
Whales to dolphins

Do it or die?
Depends on the 'it'... There are some things I rather do than die and also the other way around. Luckily, this is often just a very very very extremely hypothetical question.

Too bad, so sad...

Me too.

The Hives, The Strokes, The White Stripes, or The Vines?
Rammstein. =P No, I think out of those four, possibly The White Stripes

Thanc yu veri lauts!
Thank you so much for visiting! /me thankiepurrrrrs!

Lux -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/18/2009 21:27:13)

I'm back with weapons!
o.0 What do you need the weapons for?

1. Hang on....your DF character has "Lux" in her name?!?!?!? Royalties pl0x
As it happens, Lux is a common Latin noun so I don't think you have the copyfrights to it. =P
/me not-so-secretly prepares Lux Alba for a fight

2. What is your opinion of the ACORN scandal the phrase "May the worse day of you future be as happy as the best day of your past"?
That sounds kinda depressingly optimistic to me... =P

3. What's more epic/leet/uber- cookies or cake?

epic: cake
leet: cookies if they are on the dark side
uber: none, that's not a word, über is =P

4. Want some of each? /gives
Aww, so sweet of you!! /me purrrrrDOOMsThanks Lux

5. Phr33 st00f? (Yes, I'm being funny)
51)(7y ()I\I3

Okay. Enough torture. Have a great day =D.
Thank you so much for visiting, Lux! Have a great day to you too! =)

Poetic Melody -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/18/2009 21:38:12)

Hi, Poetic Melody!

Thank you!

No Avvy Change?
Not as of yet.

I haz camouflage skillz.

Lay's Original, or Lay's Classic, or neither?
No idea? o.0

Can you believe it's not butter?
I can not believe it's not butler!

How often are you on AQW, assuming this is you?
I'm on AQW quite often. Maybe even too often...

Pen and Paper, or Pencil and Eraser?
Pen and paper, most definitely.

How often do you get Writer's block?
Often, but most of them are not real writer's blocks. They are more like episodes of busyness that happen simultaneously with some issue I'm having with a story. I then think I'm having a block because the issue would need more than an hour to solve and I don't have the time to dedicate.

Am I out of questions?
Are you? I don't know. You could be posting questions elsewhere as I type this...

You're wrong!
I'm not a noodle.

Oh wait, you were right....
I wasn't but now I am. =P

Bye and thanks for visiting!

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/18/2009 23:22:02)

Ohai thar!

1) Why'd Greeny close MtAK Twead?

Arrr! Ye be askin' Fabula instead o' me? Oi, Ye be wonderin' why me self locked me thread? Wellll, me self would usually be pointin' yer self to me last post, but me be nice and me self will be answering it again! Me self believed yer selves would rather hear from me self on yer scurvy threads than answerin' questions all de time! (Me self be sorry to hijack dis question, Fabula!) Arrrgh! Yer better be enjoying this here Talk Like a Pirate weekend! - GG
This question has been fully answered by GG. =P

2) How you doing?
I'm fine, thank you. I hope you are doing fine, too.

3) How's them shackles coming along?
It's too dark to see...

4) Good, I was getting worried. :P
<.< Why would you? What is there to worry? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing...*mumbles incoherently*

5) Don't lock, pwease. Bye then...

Buh-bai and thanks for visiting!

Not locking now, but I am locking this thread tomorrow... It's been fun but going much over two weeks would be pushing it, imho. =P

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: =MtAK= The Weird Purrrr in the Background (9/20/2009 16:36:57)

Thanks to everyone for your questions, welcomes, and congratulations! It was fun to answer some real odd and some slightly more normal questions as well. =P

As I feel it is time to lock this, I'll obey my instincts and do exactly so. Like GG, I'll leave this thread here for a short while before moving it to the archives. See you in all the other threads!

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