RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (Full Version)

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monkeyman4241995 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 0:23:38)

I'm back!

Like my new color?
Meh, blue is better :P

Who would win in a three way duel, Rolith, Cysero, or Warlic?
Cysero FTW!

Oh noez! The weasles are attacking!
Oh noes!

Or are they ferrets?
Or otters? O.o

Whats the difference between ferrets and weasles?
The different names for each :P

Oh no! The Ferret/Weasel is eating my left sock!
Its eating mine too!

Cysero will not be happy.
No he won't!

Congratulations, IL! You are the Banana King!
Since when? O.o

Lets celebrate! ~Pulls out Banana Cream Pie~

I also brought Cookies! And Cake!!!
Yays! :3

~Gives IL a cookie~
~Me takes the cookie~

btw, the cake was a lie!!!

Ok, I think I pestered you enough for this page. Seeya l8r!!!
Seya later!

hydra095 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 0:31:35)


Congrats on the new Rank
Thanks for that!

What is your favourite movie?
Inglorious _________

Can you snap your fingers?
Nope, I don't know how people do that >.>

Your favourite NPC in game?
Cysero :P

What is your favourite animal?

Can you dance? I have tried and trust me I can't dance to save my life[:(]
No, I;ve tried but I can't ;_;

lol anyway have fun in your new job/rank/position/thing

lol I wil :P

captian awsome -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 1:10:50)

Hello my Master
Hello my minion...

1 Why are all the AK's in Cages?
Cause we would runaway [X(]

2Which is greater pie or cookie
Hmm... Cookies!

here have a answer to #2

3 How many logs can a lickatung lick if a lickatung licked logs?
O.o 3???

4. you like being a ak?
Yes, very much!

5 If all the things you could have in the world what would you have
Money :o

6 If you were stuck on a island and you could only bring one thing what would it be
A helicopter so I can fly out of there :P

/puts you on island with that one thing good luck
/comes flying back it okay if your my master
I think its great!

8 led zepplin or AC/DC

alright Ill be back soon my lord
I'll see you soon my minion...

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 2:09:52)

Hello. Congrats on AK-ship.
Hello, and Thanks!

What is your opinion on Voltaire?
He's a great artist!

Opinion on Artix?
He's not a lie...

Opinion on cake?
Its a lie :o

Sorry, I forgot that the cake was a lie. How about pie?
Its also a lie :o

Do you find these questions a bit random?
Sort of...


Bye, now!
Bye now!

BassGS -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 3:19:32)

Hey =)GZ for making it AK
Hey =D Thanks!

Now for the questions >=]

1. You are stuck in a room full of cockroaches. The cockroaches are intent on climbing on you. There are no windows, and nothing that will aid you to escape or fend off the oncoming swarm of terror. What do you do?
Step on them all :P

2. You are now a doom knight =) (Yayz), what's the first thing you do as master of all things DOOM?
Kill the "cake is a lie" lie :P

3. Curry or Steak?

4. Mangoes or Peaches?

5. You are turned into a dumpling. A pork dumpling. Panfried and sold as a gyoza for $1 each. What are you thoughts?
>:O Only one $1? Its should be $20!


Gratz again for making it AK~

- BassGS

SoulWing -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 4:42:15)

Greetings your AK-ness...

Gratz on the AK.


Nah, kidding.
Aww :'(

No wait, look behind you!

I'm not kidding!
Aww again...

Got you again.
I know right?

Favourite phone?
My LG Dare :P

Favourite number?
13 :o

Favourite movie?
Tis a secret...

Favourite book?

Favourite chip brand?
Lays =/

That's all! Have fun being AK. See you around!
Saye around!

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 11:24:42)

Hey ILmaster13 :)
Hey Cguy :)

Grats on the AK'ship, you deserved it. ;)

How are you anyway?
*Forced to read from a little paper* I... am... no-OUCH! I mean... feeling... great!

Well, that's about me done already. :D
Already? =/

Enjoy the AK'ing, bye.
I will, bye!

Ebil Twilly -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 14:28:26)

I is back
Oh noes :O

*/me take out pie and smash in face* soz

Howes de AkINg?
Its going good!

Got VIK yet?
I'm one of those veeeeeeeeeeery lucky people to get it on the first drop :D



I got it :o

When did you get helpyful???
Around June 10 or something....

Wanna go punt Twilly later?
Sure, just let me get Zorbak first for ruining by birthday :O

Ok Chao

C u -> paige


P.S. I brought you anoder kookee *looks at kookee with hungree looook*
Uh uh, That's MY cookie!

Drake Amatsu -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 14:41:46)

OMG ILmaster13 got ArcKnighted!
OMG I was surprised too!

How did you do it? How did the mighty Archknights decide to pick you?
I gave them cookies and pies everyday :3

Did you pay them?
With cookies and pies :P

Mehehe just playing with you buddy. I knew you could always do it.
Thanks for the confidence! (I think that's the word for it =/ )

You get a cookie for everytime you did something right.

-gives him infinite cookies-
OMG infinite cookies!

If you could, could you tell Tomix his #1 apprentice says hi?
Maybe if I see him in AQW :P

Congratz ILmaster. You did good. You're doing great. You will be the best.

See you on the forums!

See you around too!

yogod -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 17:41:33)


Do you Like Cheese
What kind of cheese? :P


I think you are going to be a very good Archknight
Thanks for the compliment!

Archknight Rules?
To obediently get shackled and thrown into my cell... =/

I wish I could be a DeathArchknight

nem0boy111 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 18:04:00)


Why'd u log out?
When? >.>

Did you log out?
Maybe <.<

Grade school vs. High School vs. COLLEGE
Grade school because its easier :P

Have u completed every quest in DF so far?
Probably but I don't really know...

North or South?

Do you have the DK armor yet?
No but I wish :P

(If so...) could u make a new pedia article of the DK skills so I can check out it's power before I end up buying it?

(If not...) could u make someone submit 1 and okay it?
I can't really "Make" someone do it, you know. :P

Favorite emoticon?
I don't have one >.>

Favorite Base Class?
Warrior :P

What Quest do you farm the most and why?

Favorite School Class?
Math >.> (Its very easy for me)

Favorite NPC
Ghost or Tomix

Ur opinion: best weapon in game?
The evil weapons!

Favorite non-AE game?
Tankball 2

(without a calculator) 89879613 / 3 ?
29959871 :O (See?)

Just try long division.
I did :P

How many wpm can u type?
15 T.T

Can u catch up faster than I can write?
I doubt it >.>

God speed on this thread, and I hope you got what it takes to have fun with the AE community =)

See u around the forums.
See you around too!

~Dragon Knight~ -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 18:39:52)

Congratulations on Archknightship, ILmaster13!

I always wondered. What does your name mean?
I don't know either >.> Except for the first two letters :P

Did you get the VIK yet? I didn't.
Yes, I got it on my first drop :P

Do you know me? Because I know you...
Maybe... O.o

ANYWAY Are the shackles comfy?

Did they ask you to be ArchKnight or did they command it to happen?
They asked.

Thats all they questions I have for you.

Congratz again and I'll see you around on the forums!
Thanks, I'll see you around to!



Baron -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 3:55:28)

Heya Ilmaster13 & congratulations!
Hey Archmagus Baron and thanks!

About time you made one of these thread :P
I almost forgot about this :P

How did you feel when you got promoted?
I felt great, especially since I had such a bad day before I got promoted :P

Favourite food?
Pizza :o

Favourite drink?

Favourite colour?
Blue FTW!

Here are 50 <enter your favourite cookie flavour here> cookies as a congratulations & good luck gift!
Thankies! :3

That's all for me, congratulations again!
Thanks again!

/me congratulationsgoodbyesnugglepouncesteh Ilmaster13!
/me thanksgoodbyesnugglepouncesteh Archmagus!

BlueRage -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 4:04:52)

Finally after a few weeks you made this...
At least it wasn't for a few months :P

Well ya,congrats!

What's your rep(evil and good)for AQW?

DF of course!

Who promoted you?
Circe :D

Favourite subject?I love Science and Maths alot.
Math >.>

Take some pizza!Eat it?No!Throw it at your face!

Me dips your head in ketchup,chili sauce and cake!
Me dumps you in Korin's secret Ketchup room! :P

That's all,have fun AKing the pedia...Um...Wait,why can some people make posts on the DF encyclopaedia but some could not???
I will! You need to need part of the DragonPedia Masters to post entries.

That's all,have lots and lots and lots of fun(Infinite Power Infinite Infinite times of fun and happiness each)on the DF encyclopaedia!...No,I mean the whole DF forums!Bye!
I will and thanks!

(Walks a few distance away then says,"Yo Watz up?Did someone juz call meh?")

Anything wrong?Then bye!
Nope, Bye!

ChainSword -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 8:48:17)

Hi Ilmy!
Hi Chainy

Donīt call me Chainy[>:]
Aww, why not?

Apology accepted.
Who apologized? O.o


Well, about being ArchKnight of course!![&:]
Of course :P

You know, Iīve always wondered how someone can become helpful and /or debatable.
By helping out in boards/ by joining the debate club

Well, not always, but still...[&o]

Would you like to tell me?
Yeah, I will

Well, how?
You can check this thread for those questions

Your welcome :)

Could I post 4th smiley just this once, even though thatīs against the rules?
I don't think so :P

Cīmon, just this once?

Pretty please?
No :P

With cookies and fish-ice-fire-cream?
Hmm... maybe...

Hmph. Youīre no fun at all.
I was about to say yes :P but not anymore...

Have you already decided how are you gonna lock pages?
No, not really.

Have you ever held a rope in your hand?

Oh my!!
What happened?

How much wood would Chuck Norris chuck, if Chuck Norris would chuck wood?
If Chuck Norris would chuck wood he would wood chuck all woods that he can chuck. :P

Well, thatīs all for me!!

Well, not really, but I got nothing that important...


Myra -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 13:10:40)

Hi ILmaster13!
Hi MR! :D

Can I just say Congrats?
Maybe... :o

Okay, okay, I admit that was not a real question. Let's try again.
Try what again?

So, here is one: What is IL and how did you become a master of it?
Google it :P I became master of it by brainwashing the person in charge. :P

Have fun or else!
I will have fun! :D

Bye! :D
Bye :D

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 13:14:51)

Ohaider you ice cude :P
Grats and welcome!
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?? :o
The pies I have :o
How do I open the gate to Moria?
By pushing the gate open :P
Favorite way to travel??
That's it! Good luck!

Jeff Jarrett -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 15:42:11)

Hello! [:D]

Do you want a bag of DOOM cookies?
Is it a good kind of DOOM or what?

Congratulations my dear boy, HAHAHAHAHAAAAA, HAAAA

You verses me, who would win *Eyebrow raises*
You already know who... :P

Guess how old I am.

Ok *Swings guitar towards your head* *DUN DUN DUN*[sm=xb9yx3.gif]
Ok *Ducks* :o

Jhardy -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 17:50:28)

Hello i am Jhardy,capitol J with the rest in lower onto the torture questions.
1:do you like anime?i hate it.
I like anime, just not most of it for some reason =/
2:who promoted you?
Circe :D
3:what music do you listen to?
To rock music
4:favorite artist?
3 Days Grace.
5:favorite video game series.
Meh, I don't really have one :P
last question.
6:favorite AE game.
DF of course! FOOL your soul is MINE well thank you for your time,and congradgulations.

UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/8/2009 20:46:20)

*waves* Hi there! I'm not sure how to pronounce your name is just IL or is it supposed to be "ill"?
Hi there! Meh, whatever works. >.>

*Hopes the above doesn't count as a question* Ok then, questions....where did I put them...oh yes, here they are...

Infinity divided by Pi does not equal Pi divided by Infinity?
Probably not >.>

The World Ends with You? (Note: World does not end with you (or "u"), it is a game)
lol wut? >.>

Rocking out, or out with the rocks? >.>
Arent they the same things <.<

Chilling out, or out chilling? (wait, that's almost the same time o_o)
I chose chilling out!

If you were stuck between a rock, a hard place or a bottomless pit, you would do...?
I'd summon some of Rolith's togs to help me :P

Favorite weapon?
Bos Primigenius

Favorite weapon of all time?
The new birthday weps :P

Favorite name? (concerns anything)
Kenesha (or something like that) because the name makes me laugh every time I see it for some reason >.>

Well, I am off then...keep on was it that you do again, exactly?
Modding the Pedia :P

(Oh right, congratulations on the AK-ship (I almost-not-really forgot))

Karika -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/9/2009 14:07:40)

I'm back!
Oh noes! *hides*


You're doing a great job in the Pedia, keep up the good work!


Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/9/2009 21:52:15)

Hello ILmaster13!
Hello Tokijin!

Congratulations on your AKshipnissisisisising [:D]
Thanks! :D

Hmm favorite color besides the one your editing my post with? [8D]
This one =P

Favorite board game? My personal favorite is Monopoly.
That's my favorite! >:O But we can share. :D

Kamehameha! or Rasen-Shuriken?
Rasen-Shuriken FTW!

Done? I know to soon right?
Maybe... >.>

Well thanks for answering my questions!
Your welcome!

Happy Aking

Saxxeh -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/10/2009 1:08:49)

Congrats! Make sure the pedia stays in tip-top shape,as I use it alot ;D
Thanks! Don't worry I will. ;D

One question,
Favorite rare you own?
Sword of Wishes (50)

DeanXyourXhell -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/10/2009 1:12:04)


D00M 0R D3$T1NY?

cysero or warlic

zorbak or xan

Cake! O.o

pizza or cupcake

and lastly..thank you :3
Your welcome! :3

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/10/2009 11:39:41)

Hi Ilmaster13. Congrats on the job and all the best tidying up DF Pedia. :D
Hi Saojun! Thanks! :D

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