Khaeldron General Store (Full Version)

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Azami -> Khaeldron General Store (9/7/2009 19:51:51)

Khaeldron General Store

Location: Khaeldron
Directions: Khaeldron -> Left

Missions Available:
  • Defend

    Shops Available:
  • NG Weapons
  • Weapons

  • Don Tei

    Don Tei: Welcome to my General Store, where my food meets your stomach if you money meets my wallet. May I help you?

    Don Tei: It's been a rough time getting this place stared. Those shadowscythe keep harassing me.
    Don Tei: They scare my customers and my deliveries. It's hard to make a profit.
    Don Tei: I shouldn't even be here today but if I'm no, I can't make a living!
    Don Tei: If I can't make a living, then I can't take my ballet lessons! You may laugh now but it's a very manly form of art.

    Don Tei: Do you really want to help me? I would really appreciate it.

    Don Tei: These gangs of Shadowscythe are stretching me very thin. They always come in fives.
    Don Tei: If you could just help me with a few of them, it would be a huge help.
    Don Tei: I think if you take out 4 of the gangs, we'll be able to have the new Nova Gem weapons delivered.
    Don Tei: It would be worth your while.

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