=MtAK= Whats a User? (Full Version)

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User -> =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:05:44)

Hiyas! And don't ask about the topic title, I just decided to put that there since someone actually asked me that in-game before. XD

Ask anything at all, and I will answer!
Just as long as it isn't too personal :P

I'm going to limit to 10 questions per post, 2 posts per person.
Or, 20 questions in one post.

Remember, all Universal Rules apply.

Have fun! n_n

Random Hijack! :D ~Dimension
*Randomly hijacks the hijack* :o ~ILmaster
Randomerest Hijack!! :P ~Icy
Crazy kids! Get off my lawn! D: ~User
Moo! I'm only here because I was told to be. D: Don't taze me lock my threads, bro! - Cow Face
OMG, I'm stealing your thread! ~Shadow
MWA HA HA HA! I'm in your pooooost... ~Wyrm
:o I can be in here too :D ~Perso
Boo.... I mean hi. :o ~V_J
all ur threads are belonging to me. =P ~TLH~
<-< >-> .... <3! ~Griff
*throws a tomato* rawr! ..LT

Braska -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:05:56)

Heya, User!
Hey Braska! :P

So, congrats on the Akship.
Thanks a lot! :D

Are you planning on changing that avatar? xD
Maybe. Whenever I'm less lazy.

Dude, you realize you are getting more anboy fays now? xD
I never realized that o_o

Have you seen Code Geass yet? If so, how did you like it? :O
I've seen some of it, I need to finish R2.

Do you like cake?
Is it...chocolate cake? :o

If you said yes to the above, you should know you like lies.

Well, thats all I have. Congrats again, and you deserve it.
Thanks Braska, see you around in-game and in forums!

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:06:09)

Re-make of post...
Oh teh noes! After I answered too :o

Yo U-S-E-R
Yo D-R-A....you know what, nvm that. Hey DragonSlayerNinja!

First off Congratulation.
Much appreciated.

I have a question.
If there is a dog in mississippi but the mississippi forgot the p in the mississippi how would you then spell miisiisiipii without the i but then alien dragons ate your vacum cleaner and the dust bites back. This would then lead to 2x+45=nigeria. Do you comply to the Following?
I'm so confused T_T

If you do not then answer A. if you do comply Answer B.
...Is there an option C?

If you answered A then left dog chesse swirly?
Makes sense.

If you answered B then Twig.
Perfectly logical.

Twig is the indded answer so should you get a cookie?
Yes Pl0x


Do you know who i am in AQW?
I get the feeling you'll tell me though. n_n

Im Lord_Morgoth ... nothing similar to DSN.
I was right :o

Yes! *noms*


pmk138 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:06:25)

hiya. i think i knoez u.
Like, srsly? idk who u r.

1. omg omg omg plz plz plz friend me plz!!!!! :D
omg omg omg omg omg no? :D

2. am i cool?
You're so uncool, you're not even hot. =P ~Coyote
I am what someone would call: "cool" :P ~Icy
Lol'd at the above comments^^

3. do u like hugs?
Nope o_o

4. do i like hugs?
Yes o_o

5. would u prefer oozer or resu?

6. on a scale of 10 to cool how cool am i?
-3 :D

7. favorite AE game?

8. twinkies or pancakes?
Pancakes. Twinkies remind me too much of Zank.

9. is it true you get stalked almost everywhere?
Of course not!

10. i asked a question i know the anwser to :P

be back with more later :D
Later! n_n

Way to go Braska! Beat pmk to the first post!

Angel of Grief -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:07:00)

*claims post for future (five minutes) questions*
*Claims post as his nao*
1. wow...grats on AK..you were "friendly" for so long. :D
Thanks AoG! n_n

2. teeheeheeeheeheheheeheheheheheehhehehe*kersplodes*
Take deep breaths...calm down... o_o

3. hey, ur doing this thread wrong! D:<

wow i stink at these things...thats all i got for now.
Byes :o


drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:07:38)

Useh ! :D
Dimension! :D

Welcome n_n

Can I hijack ? :3
Yesh? :P ~Icy
You're still on meh lawn?! :O

Please ?

Pleeeeasseeee? :3
...Okay maybe.

What was the first thing you said when you have been AKed ? xD
Well, I was afk in-game. Saw a certain person chopping my neck off and told me to look at forum pms.
Got the pm and was all *in shock/awe/(another word here)*

Congrats and good luck :P
Thanks! n_n

Where you go? o_o

Boud -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:08:30)

Boud! :D

How are your shackles that you haven't mentioned to me yet? -.-
Oh, they're pretty loose actually. Just don't tell anyone :o

So, why are you AFK in-game! It's annoying.
Uh...I wasn't afk. Just the lag was so bad the <afk> never went away.

Who AKed you?
Elly did!

Did you see this coming? O_o
Not at all o_o

You should beware of the Warriormaster12.. he is coming. >:D
*Runs off to the anti-Warriormaster12 shelter*

Look out for Coyotes that jack threads. They are out there too.
No we they aren't. >.> ~Coyote
*cough*Liez >.>*cough*

Pester you on page 2! :D

See you then!

Baron -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:08:36)

Hiya User & congratulations on the well deserved AK-ship!
Hiya Archmagus Baron! Thanks! :D

Favourite food?
Anything but Fried Twinkies.

Favourite drink?
I don't know o_o I like a lot of stuff.

Here is 50 <enter favourite flavour of cookies here> cookies as a congratulations gift (Don't steal it other AKs)!
Yay! *noms them all*

Who promoted you?
Elnaith did :o

What did you do when you got promoted (& how did you feel)?
I did nothing. I just kinda...sat there wondering if it actually happened. XD

Favourite colour?
Blue, and any shade of it :o

Have fun & I'm sure you will do your job well!
I'll be sure to have fun!

That's all for me, good luck!
Thank you! See ya around.

/me goodbyecongratulationssnugglepouncesa User!
/me does...whatever you did back o_o

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:08:39)


I'll be back

Do you plan on staying on long enough for our parteh?
I'd stay longer if it wasn't for the lag, and if there weren't questions to be answered.

That's all I feel like asking :D
Yay! Less questions for me! n_n

Genk82 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:09:44)

:D Usah!
Genk! :D

Did school start for you yet?
Started almost 3 weeks ago in fact.

If yes, how is it so far? (Mine's as hellish as you are stalked >.>)
Pretty good, load of work to be done though. DX

/me pokes Usah.
/me got poked :o

/goto user <.<
/stalkeroff (if only that was a command o_o)

Well, cya!

See you around! :D

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:09:45)

OMG an AK! <-- SRSLY!?!?!? Where? :o ~Icy
OMG! an ex-AK!

What are your thoughts on Fried Twinkies?
To leave none for you :P *eats all the twinkies in the world* ~ILmaster
Wowz, ILmaster read my mind o_o

Do you like eating them?
Never had them evah.

Fried Twinkies are a way of life... join the Fried Twinkie side!
I think I'll join the dark side, they have cookies.

Do you like anime, if so, which anime do you like?
I like anime, just haven't gotten around to watching lately. Not sure which I like to be honest.

Caramelldansen! :D!!!
The painful flashbacks are coming... x.x

Fried Twinkies!
Yay? o_o

OMG a blue Heart Saber.. and it doesn't even have hearts!
Don't get me started on that! D: I actually got reported for that... Its a star sword!

Oh.. and no, Coyote, you can't edit any of mah questions! D:<
HAH. I edited in a comma. TAKE THAT. ~Coyote
Oooo. Goes to show you can't mess with Coyote. o_o

fatherofthemoons -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:10:35)

Ew... User...
Ew... Keevan...

Congratulations again mate, you really do deserve it.
Thank you, Keevan.


lolCats or Mudkipz?
Mudkipz o.o

Tifa or Aerith/Aeris?
I need to replay FF7 to make that decision x.x

Can I have a cookie for being pure awesomesauce?
Of course not! I hardly have any cookies! *noms*

I miss the "User Friendly" name it made me laugh.
It was great :P

If you have three monkies and I have two monkies and we insane enough to put them in a barrel what horror have we unleashed upon the land
I don't even know the answer to that o.o

Alright I'm out of nonsense.
Oh darn.

Best of luck mate, I hope the shackles are comfy. See you In-Game. =D
Thank you Keevan. The shackles are comfy, seeing as they're a bit loose. See you around!

Trog -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:11:05)

Nice... Gratz User.
Thankies Trog.

1. What is a User? (Rofl I DO want you to answer this.)
I knew someone was going to ask this at least once.

I'm an Unknown Suspicious Entity that is Running! o_o

2. Do you like dumb or serious questions?
Either or, I'll answer them anyhow :P

Well lets give a variety, since I can't see the answer to the above till you answer it.

4. Why did I keep misspelling answer in all of the above sentences and re-typing it?
Becuz u kant tiype?

6. So. How many years have you've played AE for?
2-3 years

7. You find it very fun?
Yeah, community is great also n_n

8. How many questions have I asked?
Dunno, too lazy to count. And yes I am aware the questions are numbered.
I'm still too lazy :P

Well I have nothing on my mind right now... So I'll let you off.

Anyways. Cya 'round!
Cya later~!

Oh and Pmk138 you score maybe a four if your lucky. :P
Lol ^^

Protego -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:11:40)

Favorite anime?
Haven't watched enough anime to give a concrete answer ;-;

Favorite flavor of bacon?

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:12:21)

Hies User!
Hey ILmaster!

WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS colors? :o
omgomgomgomgomg *hyperventilates*

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru?
i dunno o_o

Wy is me askng quezions?
Because you're curious? o_o

I wish I could understand that T_T

Why didnt you use this as you edit color? :P
No clue, maybe because it isn't blue.

Her ice yore cakey! *Hands the user a cake*
Yay! Thanks for the cake!

KNow tat u have it, do you mind paying for it over there?
:O I thought this was a gift!

Thats all for now. See you later.
Thanks for stopping by. See you around. :D

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:12:42)

Hi. Congratulations. Bye.
Hello. Thanks. See you later.

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:13:00)

ohaider User! :D
Hey there Icy!
Welcome and Congrats!
Thanks! And thanks again for providing the color tags and such. ^.^
So...NAO Teh Qu34T10ns!. >:D
Oh noes, help me thread hijackers o_o
Fried Strawberries or Blenderized Shrimp? :o
Blenderized Strawberries and Fried Shimp. *nods*
Favorite way to travel?
I tell you, FIRE power is the best ! ~Dimension
I may have to disagree with you there. Ice FTW! ~Icy
I agree with the Icy person :o
'tis all. Good luck! :)
Okay. Thanks!

Fallen Crest -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:16:15)

He's an Archie now? Never knew. :P

Hiya's User! These are the easiest questions ever!
Let's get started.
Hey Forum Fallen Crest. I somewhat doubt these will be the easiest questions ever.


1. You are a User of?
Moderation tools :o


2. Clouds been in ___ number of Final Fantasy's, what's that number?
Uh..lets see. There is 7, Crisis Core, Dissidia, Dirge of Cerberus...I think.


3. Waffles < Pancakes; Is that correct?
If you say so.


4. I turn polar bears white
and I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
and girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
and normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
and make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Solve it, and explain why.
I dun wanna solve it! D:


5. Did you know, you can block the <Edit> by putting this at the end of your post? [ color=eeeee]
Yeah, I knew that. ILmaster used that in his post :P


6. Answer this:
1. We are given the PDE �2=xx + yy = 0. We must find solutions of the form = xf(), where x/y. We also impose the condition that x − y = 0 along the line x = y. What are the possible values for and what are the corresponding functions f() that solve this PDE?
So many numbers.... x.x


7. 2+2=?
Um...oh no. Uh...red?


8. Whats the meaning of life?
Philosophical questions kill meh brain cells. DX


9. Is this correct: Clicky!
Explain why.

YOU FORGOT THIS ONE MR.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. This is an example of?: Clicky!
Explain why.

YOU FORGOT THIS ONE MR.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11. Acronyms for USER:


12. Is this Non-linear?: Clicky!
Yes? No? o.o


13. What comes after A? (In Korean?)


14. What comes after B? (In British?)
Not sure


15. What comes after C? (In Spanish?)


16. What comes after D? (In Russian?)
Idk the Russian alphabet! DX


17. What comes after E? (In Irish?)
Do I get a shout out for this?


18. What comes after F? (In Polish?)


19. What comes after G? (In American?)
H? o.o


20. Click this please: Clicky!
D: I regret clicking it.

Yep, You Fail.

Gotta answer them! Correctly would be lovely. kthx!


Ask anything at all, and I will answer!
Just as long as it isn't too personal :P

Well, I never said I had to answer them correctly! :P


Thank's! And Biez! [:D]



1afteranother -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:18:15)

We found a wild User!
Not the masterball! D:

Gratz on AK
Thanks! ^-^

Highjackers AGAIN?
Where? >.> ~Dimension
^Up there :P ~ILmaster
I dun see them o.o

/me cuts up Coyote and Icy
/me clicks a certain 'Delete' button =P ~Coyote
Don't mess with Coyote, he is too foxy o.o

Do you like being an AK?
For now, yes :D

Are you cold in the cell?
Yeah. The shackles are a little loose at least.

Thats all for now folks.
See you around.


Jhardy -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:18:18)

Hello user,i am Jhardy,well atleast until November 27th,i think.now onto the torture questions.
I could have sworn I saw the word torture somewhere in there. o.o uhhh,uhh,i don't know what your talking about.
1:Do you like anime?i HATE it.
I like it, depends what kind of anime though. :P
2:If you were going to a con,what would you dress as?I would be a random person walking in the streets from a spider-man movie.
I'd be running around in a giant moglin costume giving hugs to random people.
3:Favorite AE game.
4:Favorite video game series?
Final Fantasy
6:favorite video game?
Any shooter for the 360 basically, waiting for ODST and Modern Warfare 2
7:what music do you listen to?
Any genre, basically. As long as it isn't too horrendous.
8:Favorite artist?
Don't have a favorite.
9:Favorite NPC from ANY AE game?
FOOL,you do not realize while you were answering these questions,I was devouring your soul,turning you into my mindless minion well thank you for your time,and congradgulations,high five?
o.o *high fives*

Mega cool50 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:18:20)

Hi there. (/wave)
Heya! /wave

I knew you were gonna be an AK.

Pie or Cake?
Pie. The cake is a lie D:

Best AE game? (Do not say all)
AQW or DF.


Scottrick95 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:20:00)

user + AK = supa stalked now
Liez! I see no proof! :o

Grats on AKship!
Thanks Scott! ^-^

1. What isnt a user?
Haven't heard that question yet, I've no clue.

2. Is pmk Cool?
/e lies
Yes he is.

3. Fav Final fantasy character? (idc if you dont play, just pick one XD)
Auron ftw, and yes I know my avvy is of cloud :P

4. Who is your fav AK besides you?
Any answer besides "Coyote", "Versy", or "Versilaryan" will lead to an increased risk of heart attack. It's true! /me nodnods ~Coyote
Not Coyote. ^-^

5. How do you get a blue heart sabre?
Don't ask. DX

6. Is pmk cool?!?!
/e points at question #2

7. Fav AE game?
AQW or DF....but mostly DF :P

8. Do you got anti stalker spray?
No...I bought a can of anti-stalker spray.
Turns out, its just bug spray. DX

9. Lets play 2 truths one lie, you know the rules, Here they are.... My fav color is green, pmk is cool, and D.U.M. Loves moglins (couldnt think of a 3rd one)
I definitely have no clue what the lie could be. /sarcasm

10. Oh noez 10th question!!! Fav AE release?
Frostvale for AQW

Well, Ill be back!
See you around!

Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:20:22)

You're an AK now!?!?!? Wow... can't believe it took so long.
Yus, I'm an AK nao.

Anyways! Time to meltify your brain with mah evil brainmaeltyness!
Oh no o_o

Are you secretly Artix?
No way.

So anyways, I was ju-

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do i
A full commitments what Im thinking of
You wouldnt get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how Im feeling
Gotta make you understand

* never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Weve know each other for so long
Your hearts been aching
But youre too shy to say it
Inside we both know whats been going on
We know the game and were gonna play it

And if you ask me how Im feeling
Dont tell me youre too blind to see

(* repeat)

Give you up. give you up
Give you up, give you up
Never gonna give
Never gonna give, give you up
Never gonna give
Never gonna give, five you up

I just wanna tell you how Im feeling
Gotta make you understand


-st wondering if you have ever been to Dragoncon.
I haven't. I'd love to go though.

If the cake is a lie, does that mean the Undead cake is the truth?

I think it is the truth, but why would you want an undead cake? It would eat you back.
Its why I never had any before.

Okay, easy time over.

But I like easy time...

The ultimate form of power in the universe and existence as we know it is represented by the number 42 with a protective algorithim based on the number 27, solve said algorithim.
I don't wanna do math on a Friday DX

You are on a train leaving for Colorado. It is going 250 miles per hour. Meanwhile, in Florida there are puppies in need of a home. And in Nevada there is a mysterious box filled with unknown goodies. Plus in Kentucky there is a hole with creepy sounds coming out of it. And in West Virginia there is a UFO abducting dirt. AND in New York there is a group of people whos job is to capture and contain ghosts. Why is it important to not bite a tootsie-roll pop?
You could bite your tongue! :O

What do you get when you tell a TV to show an image of its own screen at that exact moment?
Uh...um...yes? o_o

This is it, prepare for totality.

*prepares for impact*

What is the answer to the question you are reading right now?

Why is the answer to the above question so important?

It isn't important. :o


You win! You prize is a- /me get kidnapped before I can gives you a prize

Death -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:22:37)

How long have you been a AK?
For a day now. XD

The Warrior Master -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/11/2009 18:29:03)

User! You know whats coming dont you? Random User Stalking Time! >:D
Can't stalk me if I'm not online! :P

So, do you like it when Boud and I stalk you?
No ^-^

I think you do! >:D
I think I don't :o

Iz can give User a hug?

Technically, thats only 3 questions! So I can still ask 7 more! (Wow. Im surprised I counted that high.)
Oh no, 7 more. x.x

User! I need to ask this! How's it going?
Pretty good. :P

:O I think User is feeling lonely! I think he needs a hug!
I think he needs to run now.

/me hugs User
/me falls in a coma

I think more User stalking is in order. Maybe I will do it after the release. >:D
I think I'll hide in dragonfire again.

I still have 6 more questions!

I iz in your computer stealing your ArchKnightship!
Nuh uh!!

User! Can you give me a cookie?
Nope. I'm greedy. They're all mine! >:D

User is my Friend!

User is my Buddeh!

Well, Im going to save my 15 questions until the next time we meet. (Pssst! Thats going to be on the next page!)
See you then. /waves


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