RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (Full Version)

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Wilfre -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:00:30)

Im back.
So am I, busy week. x.x

Hai user!
Hey Lordofshadow!

so, i just sent you a pack of sculpey for you to make a knife with!
Sweet, if only I was good with my hands.

But i just realized that you dont have an oven, so Sculpey wouldnt help with your shackles. So i just sent you a tomix doll! it should get there so you can have some company while you wait for boud's flamethrower.
:O *snuggles teh doll*

so, Cysero, Rolith,Ghost, Artix, or tomix?
They're all awesome. :P

The theory of relativity is wrong. if it is right, then infinity is, if the below statement is true,The speed of light is the apocalypse of time.The apocalypse of time also means that the theory of relativity is irrelavant. if that is true, what is life? (hint: the answer can be found in AQ,and AQW)
I've no clue for an answer.

Does this hurt your eyes?
Nope, because when I edit it, the font is all black. :P

what about this?
Same reason as the above

Dagger, Axe or staff?
Dagger or staff.

You are in a room with me, Keevan, Dizzy, Pmk, Theo, and Angel of grief. the room is being filled with water. who do you save?
Everyone but Pmk. :P

Crossaints or bagels?

Bai!!! ill see you in game later. heh heh heh. [sm=evilking.gif]
See you later.

Velmur -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:08:05)

I'm back User! I warned you on AQW and here's my last set of questions![sm=icon_twisted.gif]
Phew, less questions for me then.

What is your favorite animal?

Do you ever say random things when you're bored?
Quite often, yes.

What's your favorite emote? mines[sm=skull.gif]

Am I bothering you?

It's alot of work responding to all these posts huh? I'll stop torturing you with questions.
Yep, its a lot seeing as this thread was only open for 2 days.

Cya around the forums User! (I may edit in response to anything you say)

See you later!

Boud -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:10:01)

Omg! It's a page 7! :D

How many rules have pmk and I broken together?

:OMG! It's a tflo! ...Did you look? :o

Maybe I should just post twice on the same page like pmk..

Is pmk huggable?

Is User boring?

I find this MtAK the most fun I have ever posted in.

Are you aware that I will post at least once on every page? :D
Not if your post is deleted... Hehe. :P ~Icy
I'd do that, but it would be mean. Instead, I won't answer the questions. :P ~User

Oh noez! Dun't do that. ;-;

How many threads have you locked.

If my parents just died in a horrible car wreck.. would you give me a hug? D:

Pmk, Coyote, Tflo, Icy and I are hanging off a cliff. You can save all but one. What do you do? :c Ooh! I think I know User's answer for this :P *Doesn't say so he can be safe* ~IL

Are you my fwiend? :3

There are 24 cute kitty cats hanging off a cliff. Pmk is also hanging off the cliff. Here's the catch, Pmk has chocolate cookies. A whole bag full of cookies.

User will come to my parties? >:D

Keevan and Dizzy are debating. Who do you agree with? O_o (I would flee.)

>:O Pmk wants a siggy, so I hear. Will User oblige? :D

I are lonely.. Can I haz hugzorz?

I made you a cookie. But I was hungry.. So I eated it.

When you first met me, what was your first impression?

User Friendly was a great title GET IT BACK! >:o

Hehe, I beated Pmk here. ^_^ He should know better than to think I'd miss a page! >:D

Beware of page 8, User.. There are Bouds and Pmks there. Lot's of them. >:D

@Pmk: I bet. xD We could have a whole conversation before he get's to us. We should do that. >:D

pmk138 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:12:47)

PAGE 7!!! ahahhahaha
Sweet, another post I don't have to answer since you posted much more than twice I'm sure. >_> ~User

1. if i hug u wat first pops into ur head?

2. wen u find a random person at ur house wat do u do?

3. if i ever meet that rinheart guy in game guess wat i'd do to him xD

4. so i wonder if user will beat one of his thread hi-jackers to this question or not.

5. ur kind of lucky. tflo's MtAk hi-jackers were a lot faster and did a lot more to it.

6. boud missed a page? dammit boud! i thought i was gunna beat u here :(.

7. wat post is this for me?

9. how much gold can a user farm if a user can farm gold?

10. how much gold u have in AQ and wat lvl r u now?

11. AHAHAHAHA. ur so poor for ur level xD

12. yes i know im poorer and only a lvl under u...

13. u see i skipped question 8?

14. HAHA! i bet i made u go check if i did or not

8. nope i didnt miss it at all. it was just hiding down here lol

15. u missed number 8 again i bet...

16. wat is up with all the people asking about me in their questions? O.o

p.s. exactly. u pwomised so do eet! >:O

p.p.s. hug for ur thoughts?

@boud: i get the feeling user will lock this just to make us stop xD

Carly9467 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:38:44)

Hi UsER,

Or CoOkIES...........
Or Fudge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

All of the above please. :P

Trick -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:54:09)

At least someone can count out 2 posts :P


By the way, guess what?
What? :o


i iz still stealin ur cookiez :K

omgomgomgomg o.o....

What is the most awesome DS game? *coughTHEWORLDENDSWITHYOUcough*
Even if you didn't put that *cough end cough* message, I woulda said the same thing.
The World Ends With You is awesome.

If you and Coyote and TLH and Tflo and Icy gets into a fight, does Circe win?
Yes, Circe wins. o.o

This is my 21st question. :O

That's all!

See you later!

god8996555 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 20:58:03)

congratz on the form topic.

are you new?
I've been around forums for a while, but recently AK-ed. So yes.

ok now for aqworlds stuff.
Okay then.

3. for next realease, i need more bag space avlible to buy so can that be released?
Depends, it isn't my decision.

4. also can there be a thing that you can lock your account so even if someone finds your password they still cant get on becuase the player locked his/her account. my account resetly got hacked >.< i was able to get it back (thank god) so please do somthing like that. :D
That is a brilliant idea, but I can't do anything about that.

Skylinemancer -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:00:19)

Told you im back rofl hehe
So true.

ummm do you like funny avvy's or serious avvy's?
Depends on what mood I'm in. I like both though. :P

in your cellar did you have cookies?
No T_T

Did you already have a gift?

I hope im gonna be the first one to give you one :D
Heh. :P

Well betetr get going to make you one ;)
See you around. :P

Bye /wave

Deathscytex -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:06:25)


Quote from Beowolves post.


Do you like stalkers? *Gets evil grin*
Nope, not at all. And that evil grin suggests that something bad will happen. Especially since its
an 'evil grin'

You dont likes me?
You're a stalker?! O.O *hides in the anti-stalker bunker*


I meant my user in AQW is Sylvanas Windstalker. :p
Pfft, I so knew that... <.< >.> ~User

Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:06:53)

Hey User! :D
Hey Alaina! :D

Can I still brush your hair? idk, can you? :P ~Icy
Sure. o.o

Are you having any fun as AK so far?
So far, yes.

How much more have you been stalked?
A lot actually. Nothing I haven't been through before though.

I know you're busy, so this is all I'm putting. Congrats! :D <3
Thankies for not posting repeatedly with mindless questions like some people!

(Pmk138 and boud)

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:20:07)

z0mg! User?! Why didn't joo tell meh joo was a AK?
Uh, I couldn't find you anywhere in game?

I has mah eye on joo now! >:D
Eek, those are eyes of a stalker.

Favorite RPG?
Final Fantasy series

Favorite MMORPG?
No clue. :P

Best Friend on AQW? (It's me of course! :D)
Sure... lets go with that.

Are joo gonna lemme in your cage?
Nope, no way.

Why did joo steal mah color?
Pfft, 'your' color?

Who's next to your cage?
I don't dark in here.

Since when did Personater become a mod??? I saw him yesterday and I was in awe. "-_-
All I remember was that it was on a tuesday a few weeks ago :P

Do joo wanna cookie?
Yesh please.

Did joo steal mah right sock?

Its not my Birthday? o.o

Are we going to form a party at Mogloween this year? :3
Depends, if I'm not busy. :P

Well buh bye!
Later! /waves


Charik -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:21:15)

Hai Im Back!!
Hi hi.

Wat Is uppp
Not much.

Im gunna make a full recovery =D
Grats! :D


Get oof my porch!
This is my lawn! Your porch is nowhere near here! :O

Dang, woahhhhhhh ze end is coming!
Yeh srsly.

Whitch mod looks the funniest
Not sure about that one.


Charik mails User a key ice cream twig boom lazer cookies and geopetal to break out


How Much Wood Could A WooD Chuck Chuck If A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood
A lot of wood.


Darth Vader =D


Zack Fair died haha (clouds master)

Pfft, Zack was his friend. I've played Crisis Core so I know that. :P

How many numbers can you count too

WOAH i can count to..........tree!
Tree is a number?



You done with Geopetal
What're you talking about? o.o

I shall post more questions laterz!
Doubt it. :P


Rinheart -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:22:44)

Ok this is a multiple choice question. Are you up for the challange?
Of course.

What will Pmk do to me if he 'meets" me ingame? A) Fail B) Fail C) Cry and D) Fail.
I pick option E) All of the above

Can I has a color? :3

If I can, suprise me with one.
I got no idea on a color for you. :P

And am I supposed to actually answer the "What is a User?" question?

Since I'm annoying you, your aloud to take one shot, to degrade me in any way that you please.
Not right now, I'd rather do that in-game.

You should go on an online date with Corwin, he might be getting lonely :(
That will 'never' happen. That is just creepy. o.o

So, I has bacon and you has fried twinkies. Then we started to hit each other, who would win?
Fried twinkies.

Random thread Hijackings = major win.
11 hijackings on the first post x.x


Outlawed -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 21:30:35)

User person!Again!
You again! XP

I'm back!After like.../me counts fingers....uhhhh dis much,/me shows a 5 fingers
1...3...7... :o

dot dot dot

My brain is fuzz...
Meh 2

1.You too?

2.Caramellkorin now?

Useer,I'm going into your mind Useer,there's brains and earwax and brain juice...and uhh.....stuff?
My mind is an empty black hole.

3.Any phobias?
I have aibohphobia


Phobias phobias how I would love to abuse you!



6.Am I getting a little random?
Indeed you are.

dot dot dot



9.Did you know lakes are getting dirtier every year?
Yep, I know that.

So is every other water source.

10.Understand binary code now?
Not at all, all I see are numbers. No way I can drag words out of those. XP

If you do you must have been a very fast learner or your using a nerdy,nerdy,nerd to help you.

Remember if you decipher my binary code to you I will give you a cookie.

And yes I know nerds are half-nerd myself.

11.Any favorite anime,manga,or online comics now?
Nah, too busy to do any of that.

12.d0 1 haz t0 sp33k n0rma1y ar0nd u
It is preferred, yes.

Bai User person!
Bye Outlawed Hero!

Hero Friendly

13.Like my badly spun pun outta your User Friendly?
Yep, its just 'that' good.

14.Oh,oh!B4 I go...btw this is ripped off of pmk's last post...3 words to describe me,a person you barely know?
Outlawed, Hero, Person. XD

The Warrior Master -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 22:21:51)

Its teh User!
Ya posted more than twice, so I'm not gonna answer this post. XP ~User

Sorry that I missed a couple of pages

Im going along and breaking the rules just like Boud and PMK! >:D

You cant stop me User!

Not even with your AK like powahs!

Omg! I want to sing a song for User!

*Starts Singing*

User is my Buddeh!

I like him because he's mah Buddeh just like Boudy Boud and PMK!

Come on User! Let me hug you!

Please User! Please let me hug you!

/me hugs User!

*Ends Singing*

So... How did you like my song?

I know it didnt rhyme... But thats what makes it unique! >:D

User! I need to hug you!

/me hugs User

Oh Noez! I broke User!

Oh Well... I can always rebuild him from spare body parts like Frankenstein

Hmm... User, I have a question.

How much wood could a User chuck if a User could chuck wood?

May I have some Ice Cweam?

Why not? D:<

Come on... please....

User! Your my Buddeh!

Im going to hug you with my Sumo Suit when I get in game if you dont give me that cracker!

I wuv you User! <3

You, Dimension R(No you are not strict. Umm.... I wuv you Demension R! <3 Let me give you a hug to make up!) and TLH on a team vs Griffen, Coyote, and V_J on a team. Who would win?

Well, thats it for now! I will be back! >:D

Umm... I went to put my signature ~Warrior under my post but I forgot how to spell Warrior.... Is that bad?

I finally got my Forum Account User Name changed. So now I am The Warrior Master! >:D


Scottrick95 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 22:31:21)

O.O 7 pages, Wow Mostly of just PMK being jelous XD
I know right? Some people need to read the first post. >_>

11. What does pmk stand for?
Definitely not Phat Moglin King.

12. PMK + AK = we all iz doomed
Ya, srsly.

13. /tell pmk138 for AP? No wayz (its just a joke guys, its not for real)
/tell pmk138 OMGOMG *insert random message here*

14. This post will be all about PMK right?
Doubt it. :P

15. WRONG, Did you hezitate to accept AK ship?
Sort of, since I could have been too busy for AK and all that.

16. User should have a custom sword!
I know! /stern

17. Is my sig cool?
Yes it is.

18. 2 more questions?!?!?!
omg o.o

19. Awww only one more?

20. Awwwwww.... Last question??
And there it goes.

Byez user!!....
Cya Scott.


Pmk, Coyote, Tflo, Icy and I are hanging off a cliff. You can save all but one. What do you do?

Hmm.... I gotta have time to think about that /sarcasm

kohawken -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 22:48:09)

sorry for asking this cuase i don't know a thing about it but...

i can haz blue heart sabre?
Noooo, its all minez.

how about recon?

well too bad cause i have recon
Lucky you. :P

and can i set up this tent on your lawn?
No way!

All these crazy kids are still on my lawn! >:O

and do you think that quotation marks should be like a capital 'postrophe?
Dunno, could be.

and well maybe... just maybe i might haz moar qestonz fur yeh
See you later.

Sir Warlac -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 22:59:36)

Whats Up User?
Nothing much.

Hehe, Stole your color
That isn't my color. Har har.

Who are you!? 0_o
Some person you don't know? :o

Can I haz Ice Cweam?
Sorry, I ate it all. XP

What would you say if i inverted you?
I'd say failed!

Oh well...*inverts user*
Still not working.

Has anyone ever pushed you off a cliff?
Only daily.

*pushes User off a cliff*
*Drags Sir Warlac down with him*

You cant see me...hehe

Well, Cya

~Mage Caster

pmk138 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 23:02:39)

AHAHAHA! im back for my second post this page
Woot! One more post to ignore! :D

1. tell scott im bored not jealous.

2. y do u not want to friend me?

3. ok me or a random noob? (non hacking this time)

4. count how many questions i've asked in all and tell me if im over the limit or not pl0x

5. count the numbers of the questions i've asked and tell me just cause i wanna know

6. versy's love for toki approaches a vertical ___________?

7. count boud's posts and tell me if i have more than him now pl0x

8. not hiding this time

9. :O

10. O:

11. zomg modders? or is it zomg AKers?

12. LIEZ! ur a liar! a big fat filthy stinking liar! (idk really tho :P)

13. friend me or boud?

14. wat was the worst fail scammer u ever saw?

15. who has tried to scam u the most times?

16. LIAR!

17. I never did nothin!

18. Dont u dare go there!

19. if u can hug me y cant i hug u?

20. /me snugglehugglesneakattack2!

back later with morez >:D

Saint Kilda -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 23:25:29)

Describe yourself in 30 words or more.
Man, this is a challenge. I think I'll skip this one because I'm lazy. :P

In 30 words or more, tell me what would happen if you had a piece of fabric of the universe?
The universe is tangible?

Elaborate on Cows and Alleyways.
Cows are white and black? Alleyways are scary? :D?

Elaborate on your plans of getting revenge on me (in 30 words or more)
For this, I will have to think, in less than 30 words of course.

What is a gnome? (give a full length description; as detailed as you can)

You should as gnome that question, he'd answer it better than I could.

Fallen Crest -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/12/2009 23:56:10)

Cause you didnt answer my questions on the first page... I get another one. :D

Click this: Clicky!
Lol, thats awesome. Hiya FFC!

Click this: Clicky!
I'm not sure why, just because. I'll go with that answer. :P

Click this (it's teh last one): Clicky!
Not that link again! DX



Wxo -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/13/2009 0:00:33)

Hey Wxo.

is MY sig kool??
Its a nice sig.

dont u think mine is better than scottrick95s??
It definitely is. XP

i saw u ealier 2 day un yulgar...
Orlynao? o-o

im bored....and im running outta questions...
Less questions for me then.

how did u find out about aqw?
My brother.

wat made u choose "user"?
Just for lols, didn't think it'd go through either.

i wonder can i make a thread like this??
No way.


can i have 21 questionsa insteadof 20??

did i lose count of my questions?
Yeah, since you didn't number them probably.

RONG!! i im numebr ...uh....well played..until next time...
See you later.

SorenWolves -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/13/2009 0:09:58)


Hiya, ****!
Hey Deo! Wait...I mean... Hiya ***!


I hope you dont haz to click teh siggy. D: I like to think Im the kewlest stalkz, eber. ^_^
Lol, whatever you say. :P

I gotz none questions! I just wants to say congratulations on your thread, and hiya! :)
Thanks for stopping by! :D

/me gives **** a kewkiz :D

User should have User armorz. Just so its out there, and in the open.
What would a User armorz look like?

>.>? :D

v I put teh siggyz, in-case ya didnt know whoz I waz :/ Idk if teh AKz can just like...know. O.o
Buts, I knows who you ares. :O

Question! Can you?
Can I what? o.o

Caboose2696 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/13/2009 0:16:11)

Ok I iz BACK!!!! (from the future!)
LIES! If you are, tell me what is my future? o.o

So.... I counted my questions and I only had 14! (I think) So I haz 6 more (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN)
Oh teh noes.

So here comes the questions
Oh great. ;-;

AH SNAP I forgot me questions. ;_;
Yay! :D

Wait! I remember now.
Boo! D:

So I haz a cool picture for you!!!! CLICK! or ELSE
I hate that link now. ;-;

Lol, I think you fell for it. (I think xD)
No way, when I edit posts I can see the link. :P

OMG I dont think these are questions.

I still haz 6 more!!! >=D
Torture! DX

So time fer the real questions.
Stop stalling! >:O

Have you ever been Al Capwned?

Have you been Caboose'd?

Hmmmm, I've pestered you long enough, and I still haz four more questions!!!!! (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN)
YES you has!! DX

Errrr, make that 3.
One less then.

Have you ever seen teh Galanoth server nowadays? (P.S Look at my sig.
I don't think that is an actual server.

wpack10 -> RE: =MtAK= Whats a User? (9/13/2009 0:17:04)

I r back again. And we won the game.
Welcome back.

Okay since you are fake user i must explain stuffs to you.
Okay then.

Skyress got the boot last night and you laughed at her.
Pfft. Thats not true. I POINTED and laughed. Totally different.

Gandalf not Jesus, My character is.
You told me that before.

Yoda is epic, though that has nothing to do with my last post.

Whose secret identity did i learn last night?
Not mine?

Why Celebi? Not to sound mean but isnt that a bit of a girly pokemon? Id choose Squirtle.
Because its cute.

Can i plzzzzzzzzzzzzz have the link to the IRC? I talk to all you AKs anyways.

Did you understand one word the guy above me said? Cuz i didnt.
Sorta. Kinda.

I laid some kids out today it was fun.

KK Imma come find and stalk you in game nowz.

Oh and my hockey team is wolfpack, hence my User Name.
I'll keep that in mind.

Yeah i just used the word hence
I noticed. :P

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