[GIMP]How to make liquid metal/gold (Full Version)

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Zendry -> [GIMP]How to make liquid metal/gold (9/14/2009 20:20:41)

I surfed the web for hours (before I found out how easy it was to do it) looking for a tutorial to make liguid gold.
The end result will look something like this:

1.First open GIMP. Open a any size empty doc.

2. Use the bucket fill tool and fill it with black.

3. filter>render>clouds>difference clouds
3.1 Detail 14 - X and Y size: 4
3.2 Click ok

4. Filters>distorts>IWrap

5. Use in IWrap , use move to make it look like you want it to.

6. Finaly , colors>colorize . Then for gold, (you can play around and get whatever color you want)
Heu: 46
Saturation: 100
Lightness: -5

Ok, your done. This has been a Tutorial by Zendry
Please comment and if you have any questions , fell free to ask and I will answer.

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