Issue 47 - Beardly Blue Mage Meeting (Personater) (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 47 - Beardly Blue Mage Meeting (Personater) (10/5/2009 14:33:08)

Beardly Blue Mage Meeting
by Personater

Being the curious character that I am, I decided to seize an opportunity to poke aro...look at and observe Warlic to learn more about his own being through what he does. Of course, I couldn't let him know what I was doing, no, that would be bad - if he knew I was going to observe him for this top secret assignment, I'd doubtless be ripped to shreds by countless magical copyright lawsuits regarding top-secret information on Warlic. So one plan went through my mind - act as a casual person and ask casual questions and then, when he least expects it, take notes in my super secret writer's notepad!

I immediately set out towards the town of Battleon to begin this nefarious interview. As I approached the town, nobody, not even Twilly, was lucky enough to see through my cunning plan. I slowly walked towards Warlic's shop* and entered it. To my very own surprise, the blue mage was not there! I started to worry - what do I do, how do I find information? Suddenly, a thought struck me - the walls, the bookshelves, the very books on them would probably allow me to know more of what this mysterious mage was musing in his daily quest to save the world from evil!

Many of the books were old and tattered. Some of the books had glowing runes on their sides - I figured I would keep away from those - who knows what I might unleash if a book itself was magical! My attention turned to the titles of some of the books:

"Hm...Legends of Lore, Advance Magical Studies, U No Boom - The Guide to Keep the Universe Working, all seem interesting, but really, they don't seem that special. Perhaps another shelf. What's this? A Beardly Guide to t..., what does it say? The rest of the title is all faded out! This is something I gotta read!"

"A wizard's beard is a source of endless wonder and mystery. This fantastic fibrous feature can not only augment mental capacity by simply stroking it, but also hold memories that were only a hair away from impending forgetfulness! A beard is the pinnacle of any magic user's features - not only do you look wiser and more awesome by having a longer beard, but you also bec..."

"You also bec...what, why is the rest faded out? For that matter, why is the rest of the book faded out?! Grarrh, this is quite annoying, any time I feel I found something awesome if seems to just disappear! How unfortunate could I get?"

I focus my attention on another book: "Understanding the Secrets to the Universe"

"In order to understand the secrets of the universe through the books here, you must, and I repeat, MUST be able to write dissertations on advanced magical concepts, create ultra-powerful spells, or in other words, be Warlic. If you are not Warlic and are reading these books, you will find that the text fades away because you were not meant to understand such profound information."

"Great, I got dissed by a book! How much more unlucky can I ge-"**

All of a sudden, I heard a loud CRASH! Naturally, I was worried that I broke some dangerous vial of a virulent disease and quickly looked around. Fortunately, nothing of the sort had happened. I slowly and quietly started walking around, hoping to find what made the noise - only to nearly run into the one man who I was looking for - Warlic! In his kitchen! I quickly hid behind a bookcase, but realized I was unable to observe what was going on. I quietly removed three books from a shelf and was able to see through to what the mysterious mage was doing! I was shocked by what I saw!

A large floating blob of chocolate chip cookie dough was being assaulted by heat from a giant flame, the blob of dough turned round and frisbee-like, into a tantalizing treat that I could barely contain myself from eating! Warlic calmly put the cookie on his dinner table; and then scratched his beard for a second. "This won't do." He mumbled. He quickly turned to where I was hiding, and I quickly ducked below the layer of books I removed so he wouldn't see me! After waiting fifteen seconds, I looked back up, only to see him having disappeared!

I heard a noise behind me and realized what happened. "You could at least have closed the door when you entered. I normally do not see people around here this time."

I put my head down and turned around. Warlic was standing behind me.

"Well, you ARE here now, so you might as well stay. Perhaps we can have a nice discussion and relax for a bit.

I stood in silence, annoyed and saddened at being caught. However, I followed Warlic back into his kitchen. He opened a mysterious cabinet, one which spewed cold air into the room! He pulled out two objects; one appeared to be a slice of cake, and the other was a bowl of ice cream!

"Warlic, may I inquire why you have these three items of food out? Is this some really complicated and confusing ritual or..." I began to ask.

"I love the chocolaty chip goodness of a freshly baked cookies... The smooth cold touch of ice cream drenched in whipped cream and chocolate syrup melting on my tongue... Or perhaps the ultimate dessert is cheesecake with its thick creamy goodness. I'll take all three, however. It is too hard to choose just one! And contrary to what you may believe, the best dessert should be neither complicated nor lengthy to prepare. No. It should be in my mouth as soon as possible."

How simple and yet brilliant - I have got to start hanging around here more often! Warlic's insights were basic, but most brilliant! Reaching into another cabinet, brought out a cylinder with the words "Mega-Yum" on it. He turned it upside down and pushed a button on the side, causing a light foam to explode from it.

"Is it the dessert that I want? Or is the dessert simply a vessel for the consumption of whipped cream? Yes. No matter what fine dessert I happen to be engaging my sense of taste with, it seems that whipped cream is never in ample enough supply!"

A ring from the door caught us off guard. "It has been nice speaking to you. However, I have a customer right now, and as your arrival was unannounced, I must cut this conversation short. Perhaps next time you will plan and ask rather than sneaking around!"

As I retreated from the Mage's shop to the secret location of the Ezine Headquarters, I smiled, realizing things could have gone worse, but they fortunately did not!


*because walking slowly means you're not suspicious.
**Obviously a bit more than I was. You know of the "It could be raining" phenomenon?

Brownies to munch on:

6 medium eggs, beaten.
3 cups of sugar.
2 1/4 cups of flour.
1 cup of melted margarine.
6 tablespoons of cocoa.
2 teaspoons of vanilla.
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt.
1 teaspoon of baking powder.
1 large packet of walnuts, broken.
Preparation Instructions:

Combine the melted margarine, cocoa, and the sugar.

Add the six beaten eggs.

Mix together the flour, salt and baking powder and add to other mixture.

Add the vanilla and broken walnuts.

Bake in a greased and floured 18*12 inch jelly roll pan at 375°F (190°C) for 20 minutes.

Special thanks to Warlic for the interview ^_^

Zyrain -> RE: Issue 47 - Beardly Blue Mage Meeting (Personater) (10/11/2009 4:59:07)

Great Interview Mr. Perso!

Lol... I made the Brownies. :)


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