RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (Full Version)

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MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (10/27/2010 15:17:18)

Any progress on the chapter?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (10/27/2010 15:20:02)

Actually yes, yes. I finally came up with something that was blocking me. And since I'm changing majors, I may have a wee bit more free time this semester.

Also, plesae check out the Fanfic I'm making of the AE games and the Reapers, just for giggles :D

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (11/1/2010 9:09:32)

We shall see how long this chapter will be delayed.

*Edit* It's been 7 months. Will this even be continued?

MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/16/2010 6:15:40)

Give the moogle time :3
But also rush him a bit :D

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/16/2010 11:24:36)



I'm working on the next book project and I WILL continue the story. Now that I'm out of class, I can focus on writing :D

MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (12/28/2010 10:39:57)

:D Awesome

Snake XZ -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/2/2011 0:10:23)

Yay! We're almost to the point where we can meet the Reaper of Life and get more Reaver maulings!

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/2/2011 8:49:29)

That took you around 910 months to continue :P. Got a baby or something?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/4/2011 15:25:20)

Yeah, I'm terrible aren't I?

I'm working on it now, should be done by the end of the week baring any unforseen mishaps.

MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/9/2011 11:05:44)

Great :D

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/10/2011 7:10:32)

Good boy. How's the baby that Jenna had?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/10/2011 10:57:43)

She didn't have a baby. It was your cat that had the real baby o:

*Jenna obliterates BadHulk endlessly*

Bad news, my computer crashed and I'm starting the chapter over from scratch. Should be up by the end of THIS week >___>

MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/11/2011 21:39:32)

The computers! They're rising up against us! They've already suicide-bombed one of the internet's writer's stories!
XD Tough luck, though.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/13/2011 15:38:25)

Ok, I got up a new Chapter. Yes it's mostly filler but y'all can get over it. :P

I'll work on the next chapter... but when it'll be up is a different matter. :D

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/13/2011 16:21:23)

You're wrong there Pie my mate.

I don't own a cat. Pwned.

-Pie gets obliterated by a loophole of infinite Pwnage-

Checking out filler chapter nao.

Okay, I red it. Also, at the start somewhere, you describe Loki as a female sitting with Jenna? >.>

I assume you meant Nina and Jenna?

Also I totally forgot who the hell Nina is >.>

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/13/2011 16:53:10)

*Moogle pwns BH because BH is BH and is therefore pwned indefinately AND infinitely*

So was the new chapter amusing to y'all?

Snake XZ -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/14/2011 3:50:29)

Amusing? Meh. Yep, most amusing chapter ever know to the world! Necro's new powers? Can we PLEASE delegate SOMETHING important... ish... to Reaver? I mean, when does HE get awesomely broken stuff?!

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/16/2011 16:22:20)

Wow. I totally forgot about Nina >.> I haz idea for dah moogle: Make a short bio of all chars(There ain't that much ^^) in the first post of the comment thread?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/16/2011 16:33:22)

Actually I was going to make an entire encyclopedia on everything o:

Fine, I shall give Reaver the ability to summon heavy things to drop on people, which will more than half the time drop on him. Deal? :D

Snake XZ -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/16/2011 18:33:03)

Sounds awesome, since he's the comedic relief!

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (1/17/2011 1:22:25)

Lol. A whole encyclopedia is a bit overdoing my idea, I love it.

MegaPoster404 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (2/9/2011 21:54:24)


Actually I was going to make an entire encyclopedia on everything o:


BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (2/26/2011 8:31:40)

So >.> Hows the new establishment from your story coming along?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (2/26/2011 13:46:12)

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, slowly?

Give me bit? XD

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: Chronicles of Tipa Comments II (2/28/2011 2:32:37)

Pie, you're the slowest AEF writer next to me.

*Edit* Forgot a letter. Anyway, how is the story comming along and can you give us any heads up anyway?

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