=MtM= Personater (Full Version)

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Khelios -> =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 13:52:02)

As I had a few requests wanting it on IRC, I guess I'll make one now.


- Follow the Universal Rules.
- I reserve the right to not answer any question.
- Limit one post per page.
- Limit 20 questions per post.
- iChar wants me to write in Haiku when answering questions. If you so want styles of responses being different, please say so, but do not expect every response to be written that way. By default I will not use special styles.

Have fun :P

Editz: Moved here so everyone can post here.

The True Assassin -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 13:54:11)

How are you?
Better than I was yesterday a million times over.
How tight are the shackles?
Not as tight as you'd expect. They exist, and only really are noticeable when...ouch!
Want a cookie?
Yes please :D
I have a plan.
Cool, 'cause I have one too.
Follow me!
Am I leaving on a jet plane?
Oops, forgot you were in you cell!
The cell in the world called life?
Who is next to you?
Yes. Who is next to me.

See ya :)

Cguy -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 13:55:50)

Hehe, Hey Personater. :D
Hey Cguy )

I've spent roughly the last two hours doing my MtAK, so now I've come to inflict that feeling on you. ;D
I had to do a MtAK at one point too, no need to tell me what I already know :P

No, but seriously, congratulations.
Thanks :)

I havn't got any questions, so bye. :)
See ya around :)

Clyde -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 13:56:58)

Perso! o:
Clyde :o

How've you been man?
In a very interesting state of living.

Gimme a haiku about cookies

Once baked and warm, they
taste like heaven on a plate
and make me want more.

Play any games you like recently?
Besides AE games? PSO. Gotta be PSO :P

Which animal do you think suits you best?
I don't know, honestly.

What is your favorite song for a bad mood?
Garden State, Violet Hill

So it is rumored that to become a mod one must search the Sahara desert for Zorbak's toothpick. Is this true?
Once in the Sahara, you will find a subterranean entrance that contains
mysterious and strange crystalline structures. And lots of lizards.
The lizards have bad breath. Watch out for them!After doing that,
you must go further underground into a place where magma flows
out of the ground. Once there, you continue going on towards the center of
a strange drop, with a crater in it. That's all I'll say, and that being only
one portion of what you need to do, I wish you luck :P

If you could have any other name then Personater what would it be?
I won't reveal that :)

Favorite torture to use on your minions?
I'm still testing different methods out.

Alright I'm out of questions.
Already? Aw...I had fun making the answer to that one question :/

Congrats again! *snugs*
Thanks :D

Zyrain -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 13:58:20)

Omigawd! Personater!
Zomgbbq Zyrain :o

Congratulations on becoming Head Moderator. ^_^
Thanks :)

Have a great time trying to stop my Spam. ;)

I'm sure I will.

Are you auditioning for Spamalot?

What's that?

Person Ater?
What's an ater?

Better late then never I suppose, eh? :P
I guess so :P

Well, have fun Modding Mr. Perso!
Thank you :)


Jokester -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 14:05:21)

Why thank you :)
Are you joking? Already? :o

Severin -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 14:11:16)

Hey Perso!
Heya Sev.

So, I read somewhere you're an Elite Soda Drinker.
Yep, 'tis true.

What type of soda is it that you drink?
The best kind!

Do you actually drink it?
Of course.

You sure you don't slurp it?
Yes, I'm positive.

Are you elite at burping also?

I am. Like a friggin' frog!
Frogs croak or ribbit, don't they?

5/10 for style, 3/10 for loudness, 10/10 for it being onomatopoeia. In total, 6/10.

Angel of Grief -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 14:43:06)

Heya :D

You wouldn't give me a hug in B-1.
I know :P

Then a sword came out of your back. :c
Indeed it did.

Then you poofed.
Coulda been Firefox crashing.

As will I.
*watches for smoke cloud to poof*

I still don't see a *poof* :/

Davosaur -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 15:35:05)

Hyello , i have come to cast you into mathematical oblivion! muahahahaha / thick Russian voice
Good day, 'ol chap :D

eef there were 2 clones and each clone created another clone every 2 hours how many clones will there be in 48 hours?
There would be "X" clones.

golden shackles! :o
Sounds like a name for a new Indianna Jones movie :o

would you like soda and cake? :P
Yes please :)

_Morpher_ -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 15:37:22)

Hello there!

Ever heard of this dude called Personater? Rumor has it that he's Head-Mod of the CA forum now. But, I don't believe that. XP
That seems like an amazing story, I'd love to hear more about it :P

Well even though I don't believe he became the Head-Mod of CA if ya ever see Personater tell him I said Congrats! XP
I certainly can do that ;)

Hehe, see ya. :-)
See ya :P

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 15:53:51)

Hello :)

Why 20, why not 21 Q's?
That way you can't completely understand whatever you are trying to find.

What's the meaning of RnR?
I could tell you, but I could keep it secret.

Aren't secrets fun?

Is that so?
*nefariously plans moar secrets*

Favorite Moderator?

Favorite ArchKnight?

What's the meaning of life?
Depends on what you want it to be.

No, 'tis the truth.


Nuh-uh >.>

What's the meaning of death?
You're human.

Why do humans die?
It's one of two assured things in life. That and taxes.

Are you *gulp* human?

What!? No way!?

9 + 9 = ?
It can be 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 99, and an assortment of more numbers depending on the conditions applied to the numbers, what the numbers really are before rounding, if you truncate or round up, etc.

~_~ > -_- > =_= > ___ What comes next? :O


See ya :)

Alpha Atom -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 16:05:16)

Hello :)

You have a PS3 ?
YAY ! Another ps3 user :)

Xbox ?

Getting CoD 6 ?
I wish.

Got it already !?
I really wish.

My friends tell me its great.
So I've heard from mine as well.

I'm getting it at christmas

Go on PC much ?
Yep :P

Pleased with mod ?
Most certainly :)

Meaning of Life ?
Read post above this :P

Meaning of Death ?
Read post above this. :o

Size of universe ?
Constantly expanding; I can't give you an accurate figure.

Bye ?
See ya around :)

Edit : OMG 13 questions, what a coincidence, on Friday 13th I ask Personater 13 questions...
How uncannily spooky.

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 16:32:47)

What is the point in making ends meet, if the middle is always so broken and frayed?
The satisfaction of overcoming an obstacle that means a lot? I need more context :P

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 16:45:14)

Hello :)

Congrats. :D
Thanks :D

What does 2 + 2 equal to?
A. 4
B. Fish
You're missing an "all of the above and then some" statement :P

Thats all I got.
:o Really?

Have fun. ;)
You too :)


Manga Maniac -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 16:49:04)

Hello Personater.
Hello there!

I must say, thanks for approving me as an artist.
Not a problem.

Congratulations on becoming Head Mod.
Thanks :D

Do you like Voltaire?
Very interesting music style I haven't heard too often. Yes.

How about Coldplay?
Of course.

I like When You're Evil and Viva la Vida.

Are you for or against the Speculations and Theories forum change into All AE Games General Discussion?
I'm more or less indifferent on it - I don't mind the change, and I didn't mind the way it was before.

That's all for now. But lastly:

42 IS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!111
Indeed. "9000!!!!!!!!!111" is "NaN" which is 0, so 42>0

TreadLight -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 16:49:04)

Disclaimer: There's a Humanchewer in this thread, somewhere... I can sense it.
Disclaimer: By no means am I subject to answer that statement without copious amounts of snackfoods and semi-formal peanut-butter performance art.

Well, I guess you can see this "secret text" now that you've entered your "editing station". 'Just wanted to say congratulations again; I'm glad you've been given this opportunity. 'Seeya on IRC, maybe even in the world of EpicDuel.


Crump -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 16:52:56)

I remember you from somewhere...did you used to have some kind of clan or something before the clan forum got crushed? (/cry)
Yeah, I did.

btw you shouldn't remember me because I have had a few name changes
No, I see you in the member lists >.>

Sea -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 17:07:24)









well, enough spam...

true or false?

false or true?

talse or frue?
That's up to you.

is that 20?
Probably not.

Who knows.

15 minutes away.

are we there yet?
Still 10 minutes left :o

See ya :D


Mo -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 17:22:58)

There's a man sitting on a hill. While outside it is dark. He falls to sleep. The next time he wakes up, it is neither bright nor dark and he has been moved under a tree. When he goes back to the place he fell asleep, a brick wall now firmly separates him from the path before him. How did this brick wall get there?

Teleportation! Magic!

So have you read the story of Octavian Nothing? You should, quite an interesting read. Anyways, I shall depart from this dreary area as I have a ways to go before I shall finish this dry nigh'.

No, I have not even heard of it I don't believe.

Smalls -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 17:30:05)

I object!

Write a haiku on objections :D
You object on what?
Something silly without proof?
Throw out the case now!

I like cake

I had cookies today :D
Gib cookies nao!

I like The Killers
Me not so much.

I like to sing
I can't sing that well.

Do you like any of those?

I'm bored so I'm doing random questions for you

Are you getting annoyed yet?

Well baiiiii Person :D

See ya :)

razackie -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 17:34:34)

Ohai :D

Congrats on head mod :)
Thanks :)

Life servin' you well?
Better than two days ago.

Marmite- love or hate?
Um, no clue.

Photoshop or Flash?
Flash, I don't know how to use PS that well xD

Answer to the universe?
Whatever you want to make of it.

What's my name again?
Your are raz.

What's your name again?
I am Personater.

Cya around.
See ya :D

Ebil Twilly -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 17:45:39)

Destroyer of worlds :o

Uh... Congratz from a long time ago?
Thanks :D

Soda (<,>,=) Ice Cream?
Depends on the soda and the ice cream.

Pie or cake?
See answer to question below :o

Cake or Pie?
Cake or pie,
pie or cake,
I'll just rhyme,
and let both bake!

Trick Question: If life gives you broccoli, what do you do?
Within your brain. Hey, it's what you said :P

The answer is... coming up... and it is.... within... this sentence..... and it is.... within your brain.


P.S. U = [sm=xb9yx3.gif] because you is posting zis thread in ze gallery where only ze approved artists can posties but I iz giveings yous a cookies becauses you is listeningz to mes bouts movings ze threads. (unscramble that)
Hehe :P

lamaman123456789 -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 18:50:15)


Up for a Collab?
Sure, why not?

How is the Cell?
Padded and filled with many soft comfy things :D

I know, right?

Why do you "Personate" people?
Impersonation is not allowed, that's why.

Watch Naruto?

Watch Bleach?

Make me AK pl0x?

Request in my shop please?

Got an AQW Char?
Of course.

You = n00b?
No, I'm an elite soda drinker >.>

:o zomgzorznowaiz

That's all.
Cool :P

Have teh nice day. ^_^
You also!

Slayer -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 18:59:53)

Heyoooo Personateeeeer.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayer.

Thanks :D

No Q's from me, good luck and congratz again. ;)
If you change your mind, this thread will still be here :P

Vice -> RE: =MtM= Personater (11/13/2009 20:22:30)

Hey Perso!
Hello :)

Weve never met before, how sad :/

You mind if I ask you my questions?

Wait, what does personate mean anyway?
The opposite of impersonate.

Because Impersonate means to pretend to be someone... so does that mean you are NOT pretending to be someone...?
Not pretending to be someone ELSE. I'm still myself :P

Or maybe oyur pretending that your pretending, in which case we've built a paradox :)
:o Paradox busting powers, go!

Did you know that paradox and pie both start with the letter P?

Do you find that funny?

..."Pee"... lol

I heard that if you tie sellotape round your finger real tight it drops off. Is that true?
I have no idea.

Best be careful with your sellotape, wouldnt want it tying round any unspecific ares would we?
Do you mean cellophane?

...Or would you >.>
Say what?

I wouldnt. O.o

Can I have custom title?


Have fun in your cell. I sent you a parcel, did you get it?
Of course I got it :D

If you open it then a man eating squirrel comes out :)
*banishes the soul of the squirrel to do my bidding.*

Anyways see you around Personooblatorius!
Who's that?

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