Shearhide: SHEAR MADNESS (Full Version)

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Omni -> Shearhide: SHEAR MADNESS (11/15/2009 14:36:24)


Quest Location: WG Tower > an Elevator(click the button above) > Lkeas > Shearhide > Skip cutscene > To Battle! or Special Mission

«Scene: Ruins of K'eld Alorin - Vandar»

«A Darkness dragon enters»

Rath: I am here now-- I have come to see you as you asked. I have come for-- the solution to my problem!

«Ryuusei Cartwright enters»

Ryuusei: What a magnificent beast you are, Rath. Welcome to the ruins of K'eld Alorin - Vandar.
Rath: I AM NO BEAST, Cartwright! And why did you have me travel so far, across the Great Sea from Darkovia?? To sightsee at the remains of a Drakel city??
Ryuusei: Haha, not at all, Rath. I wanted you to understand what you will be up against-- OUT THERE.
Rath: ...OUT THERE?? Space-- is where I belong! It is-- the final frontier! No dragon has ever attempted to conquer it!!
Ryuusei: Ahem, well, actually... there were Space Dragons once. There may still be... But they are different from Lorian dragons, that much is certain.
Rath: No LORIAN dragons have tried to conquer the galaxy, then. So I will be the first... I will be the DRAGON EMPEROR!
Ryuusei: Sorry, that title is already taken by someone.
Rath: Dragon... King?
Ryuusei: Also taken.
Rath: ...Lord? .....Master?
Ryuusei: Taken. Taken. How about you just be-- yourself?
Rath: Just-- Rath? Not bad...
Ryuusei: Let us get your transformation over with. You may decide on a different name then.
Rath: What will your device do to me?
Ryuusei: It will PERFECT you for the environment beyond Lore. As you know-- and why you came to me-- in space MAGIC is not nearly as plentiful, nor as powerful in most cases, as it is on Lore.
Ryuusei: The Astramorph Device will alter your biology in such a way as to turn your innate magic power as a Lorian Dragon into additional physical strength and endurance.
Ryuusei: All of your draconic powers will be focused into a physical presence that will make you just as dominant among space creatures as Great Dragons are dominant among Lorian creatures!
Rath: That's music to my ears! Okay, let's get on with it. Where is this Astramorph Device?

«Ryuusei takes out a small blue ball and places it on his palm.»

Rath: ???

«The scene zooms in to Ryuusei»

Rath: !!! That looks like a child's toy, not an ultimate technological marvel!
Ryuusei: Whatever it may look like, you are paying for the ultimate technological marvel, and I assure you that you will get what you pay for. Now-- are you ready??

«The scene zooms back out»

Rath: I am!!

«Ryuusei holds up the orb and it lights up. Several beams strike Rath, who then transforms into a completely new looking being.»

Ryuusei: So, Rath, what do you think of your new form?
???: I-- I think-- I shall call myself--
Shearhide: SHEARHIDE!
Ryuusei: Quite a fitting name for a conqueror like yourself! You will easily gather armies of the Network among the stars above, as well as armies of dragons here on Lore.
Shearhide: ... Hmm. I sense that... my intelligence is lessened...
Ryuusei: It goes with the territory. You sacrificed your magical talent, and some of your intelligence went with it. But your strength and endurance are now superior to nearly all others!!
Shearhide: YESSSS, you are right... I can feel it-- my power-- is great!! Lore... and the stars above... will be MINE!!!!
  • WAR!

    War Camp

    Shear Madness
    The dragon named Rath was not satisfied with being trapped on Lore, and searched for a way to retain his accustomed power while in space! Ryuusei Cartwright used the Astramorphic Device to change Rath into Shearhide-- a dragon whose magical power has been transmuted into more physical power! Now, Shearhide attacks Lore with an army of dragons and assaults the galaxy with Network aliens!
  • To Battle!
  • Special Mission! - You must be a WarpGuardian to take this special mission!
  • Leave War
  • Join this same war against Dragons on Lore in AdventureQuest!! - New window pops out leading you to AdventureQuest

    WarpGuardians can refill their Health Potions by clicking on the potion bag if they have less than 4 Health Potions on hand.

    Celestra the Huntress will help you in battle!
    General Leet will help you in battle!
    You must be a WarpGuardian for General Leet to help you in battle!
    Hans the WarpGuardian will help you in battle!
    Captain Daian will help you in battle!
    You must be a WarpGuardian for Captain Daian to help you in battle!
    To Battle!

      1 BATTLE
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES

    After 100% of Shearhide's minions were defeated...

      1 BATTLE
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal

    «Scene: Outer space, overlooking Lore. The Scene zooms in on the ruins of K'eld Alorin, and then zooms in further.»

    «You»: SHEARHIDE!! Show yourself!! You've hurt enough people on Lore and in space already... it's time to end this!

    «Shearhide enters.»

    Shearhide: Foolish WarpForcer-- If you think you can take me down, you'd better think again! My armies may have been defeated, but they are far weaker than I!!!
    Shearhide: My name will forever be remembered-- Shearhide will be known as conqueror of Lore AND the stars above!!
    «You»: That's funny. When I hear the name 'Shearhide' I think about SHEEP. I think you're nothing but a SHEEP, Shearhide... a sheep with big sharp spines. Hm...
    «You»: Maybe you're tougher than a sheep. But it won't be MY hide that gets sheared today!!
  • Fight Shearhide! (Boss battle!)

    Ryuusei: I see you have defeated Shearhide!! You are incredibly impressive on the battlefield. Really, you are. Quite the hero you have become.
    «You»: You're Ryuusei Cartwright--? You were the avatar of the Devourer when he attacked Lore! YOU made Absolix! And YOU made Shearhide!?! I should--
    Ryuusei: -- should what? I didn't MAKE Shearhide-- I merely changed him into what he wished to be. It's quite an amazing thing, really-- this Astramorphic Device.
    «You»: A what?
    Ryuusei: This--

    «He holds up an Astramorph.»

    «You»: It looks like a Happy Fun Ball. Like a toy!
    Ryuusei: It is no toy. It is actually a containment device. Its contents are released with a thought.
    «You»: And what is inside the device?
    Ryuusei: It contains an element from a distant sun called Mysterium. An alien called THE FINDER gave it to me. I couldn't resist trying it out on someone--
    Ryuusei: And when a desperate dragon named Rath sought me out for help, I knew I had my subject.
    Ryuusei: Since you have defeated him, I think this Astramorphic Device should go to YOU... Don't worry, I can make more. Hehehe... hehehehehe!
  • Play again!
  • Leave

    Prototype Space Astramorph
    Gamma Space Astramorph Z
    Alpha Space Astramorph
    Beta Space Astramorph
    Guardian Space Astramorph
    Exceptional Guardian Space Astramorph
    Master Guardian Space Astramorph
    Omega Guardian Space Astramorph
    Monster List:

    Level 0-11
    Big Gray (10)
    [link=]Defiler Sentry (2) [/link]
    Exo Clawtrooper (5)
    Exo Krillscout (0)
    Fusian (4)
    Jerroto (2)
    Kor-Dem (7)
    Malzar (10)
    [link=]Nechron Virin (2) [/link]
    Protus Symbiote (5)
    Skkree (6)
    Tytoa (3)
    Virin Behemoth (2)
    [link=]Virin Spider (3) [/link]

    Level 12-24
    Big Gray (30)
    Defiler Sentry (16)
    Exo Clawtrooper (15)
    Exo Krillscout (10)
    Fusian (10)
    Jerroto (10)
    Kor-Dem (27)
    Malzar (23)
    [link=]Nechron Virin (16)[/link]
    Protus Symbiote (15)
    Skkree (30)
    Tytoa (10)
    Virin Behemoth (12)
    Virin Spider (13)

    Level 25-43
    Big Gray (30)
    Defiler Sentry (36)
    Exo Clawtrooper (35)
    Exo Krillscout (25)
    Fusian (37)
    Jerroto (30)
    Kor-Dem (47)
    Nechron Virin (36)
    Skkree (45)
    Tytoa (32)
    Virin Behemoth (25)
    Virin Spider (26)

    Level 44-63
    Big Gray (50)
    Defiler Sentry (56)
    Exo Clawtrooper (55)
    Exo Krillscout (45)
    Fusian (60)
    Jerroto (60)
    Kor-Dem (60)
    Nechron Virin (56)
    Skkree (65)
    Tytoa (60)
    Virin Behemoth (44)
    Virin Spider (46)

    Level 64-83
    Big Gray (60)
    Big Gray (80)
    Defiler Sentry (76)
    Exo Clawtrooper (75)
    Exo Krillscout (65)
    Fusian (83)
    Jerroto (60)
    Kor-Dem (77)
    Nechron Virin (76)
    Skkree (85)
    Tytoa (78)
    Virin Behemoth (64)
    Virin Spider (66)

    Level 84+
    Big Gray (100)
    Defiler Sentry (96)
    Exo Clawtrooper (90)
    Exo Krillscout (85)
    Fusian (83)
    Jerroto (80)
    Kor-Dem (77)
    [link=]Nechron Virin (96) [/link]
    Skkree (85)
    Tytoa (98)
    Virin Behemoth (84)
    Virin Spider (86)

    Additions thanks to ArchMagus Orodolf

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