Shear Madness - AQ & WF Crossover War! (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Shear Madness - AQ & WF Crossover War! (11/16/2009 7:33:38)

Shear Madness - AQ & WF Crossover War!

Location: Travel Map » Sail East » Sail Southeast » Shearhide

«Scene: Ruins of K'eld Alorin - Vandar»

«A Darkness dragon enters»

Rath: I am here now-- I have come to see you as you asked. I have come for-- the solution to my problem!

«Ryuusei Cartwright enters»

Ryuusei: What a magnificent beast you are, Rath. Welcome to the ruins of K'eld Alorin - Vandar.
Rath: I AM NO BEAST, Cartwright! And why did you have me travel so far, across the Great Sea from Darkovia?? To sightsee at the remains of a Drakel city??
Ryuusei: Haha, not at all, Rath. I wanted you to understand what you will be up against-- OUT THERE.
Rath: ...OUT THERE?? Space-- is where I belong! It is-- the final frontier! No dragon has ever attempted to conquer it!!
Ryuusei: Ahem, well, actually... there were Space Dragons once. There may still be... But they are different from Lorian dragons, that much is certain.
Rath: No LORIAN dragons have tried to conquer the galaxy, then. So I will be the first... I will be the DRAGON EMPEROR!
Ryuusei: Sorry, that title is already taken by someone.
Rath: Dragon... King?
Ryuusei: Also taken.
Rath: ...Lord? .....Master?
Ryuusei: Taken. Taken. How about you just be-- yourself?
Rath: Just-- Rath? Not bad...
Ryuusei: Let us get your transformation over with. You may decide on a different name then.
Rath: What will your device do to me?
Ryuusei: It will PERFECT you for the environment beyond Lore. As you know-- and why you came to me-- in space MAGIC is not nearly as plentiful, nor as powerful in most cases, as it is on Lore.
Ryuusei: The Astramorph Device will alter your biology in such a way as to turn your innate magic power as a Lorian Dragon into additional physical strength and endurance.
Ryuusei: All of your draconic powers will be focused into a physical presence that will make you just as dominant among space creatures as Great Dragons are dominant among Lorian creatures!
Rath: That's music to my ears! Okay, let's get on with it. Where is this Astramorph Device?

«Ryuusei takes out a small blue ball and places it on his palm.»

Rath: ???

«The scene zooms in to Ryuusei»

Rath: !!! That looks like a child's toy, not an ultimate technological marvel!
Ryuusei: Whatever it may look like, you are paying for the ultimate technological marvel, and I assure you that you will get what you pay for. Now-- are you ready??

«The scene zooms back out»

Rath: I am!!

«Ryuusei holds up the orb and it lights up. Several beams strike Rath, who then transforms into a completely new looking being.»

Ryuusei: So, Rath, what do you think of your new form?
???: I-- I think-- I shall call myself--
Shearhide: SHEARHIDE!
Ryuusei: Quite a fitting name for a conqueror like yourself! You will easily gather armies of the Network among the stars above, as well as armies of dragons here on Lore.
Shearhide: ... Hmm. I sense that... my intelligence is lessened...
Ryuusei: It goes with the territory. You sacrificed your magical talent, and some of your intelligence went with it. But your strength and endurance are now superior to nearly all others!!
Shearhide: YESSSS, you are right... I can feel it-- my power-- is great!! Lore... and the stars above... will be MINE!!!!
  • WAR!

    Shear Madness
    The dragon named Rath was not satisfied with being trapped on Lore, and searched for a way to retain his accustomed power while in space! Ryuusei Cartwright used the Astramorphic Device to change Rath into Shearhide-- a dragon whose magical power has been transmuted into more physical power! Now, Shearhide attacks Lore with an army of dragons and assaults the galaxy with Network aliens!
  • To Battle!
  • Special Mission! - You must be a Guardian to take this special mission!
  • Leave War
  • Join this same war fighting Network aliens in WarpForce! - New window pops out leading you to WarpForce

    Guardians can refill their Health Potions by clicking on the potion bag if they have less than 4 Health Potions on hand.

    Lavistria of the Elves will help you in battle!
    You must be a Guardian for Lavistria to help you in battle!
    Artix Krieger the Paladin will help you in battle!
    Brontus of the Orcs will help you in battle!
    You must be a Guardian for Brontus to help you in battle!
    Captain Temura Ge'Thrak will help you in battle!
    To Battle!

    1 BATTLE
    Optional Full Heal

    After 2,000,000 of Shearhide's minions were defeated...

    1 BATTLE
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal

    «Scene: Ruins of K'eld Alorin - Vandar»

    «You»: SHEARHIDE!! Show yourself!! You've hurt enough people on Lore and in space already... It's time to end this!

    «Shearhide enters»

    Shearhide: Foolish Lorian-- If you think you can take me down, you'd better think again! My armies may have been defeated, but they are far weaker than I!!!
    Shearhide: My name will forever be remembered-- Shearhide will be known as conqueror of Lore AND the stars above!!
    «You»: That's funny. When I hear the name 'Shearhide' I think about SHEEP. I think you're nothing but a SHEEP, Shearhide... a sheep with big sharp spines. Hm...
    «You»: Maybe you're tougher than a sheep. But it won't be MY hide that gets sheared today!!
  • Fight!

  • Fight Shearhide! (Boss battle!)«Ryuusei enters»

    Ryuusei: I see you have defeated Shearhide!! You are incredibly impressive on the battlefield. Really, you are. Quite the hero you have become.
    «You»: You're Ryuusei Cartwright--? You were the avatar of the Devourer when he attacked Lore! YOU made Absolix! And YOU made Shearhide?!? I should--
    Ryuusei: --should what? I didn't MAKE Shearhide-- I merely helped change him into what he wished to be. It's quite an amazing thing, really-- this Astramorphic Device.
    «You»: A what?
    Ryuusei: This--

    «Ryuusei takes out the Astramorphic Device and places it on his palm.»

    «You»: It looks like a little Happy Fun Ball. Like a toy!
    Ryuusei: It is no toy. It is actually a containment device. Its contents are released with a thought.
    «You»: And what is it that is inside the device?
    Ryuusei: It contains an element from the center of a distant sun called Mysterium. An alien called THE FINDER gave it to me. I couldn't resist trying it out on someone--
    Ryuusei: --and when a desperate dragon named Rath seeked me out for help, I knew I had my subject.
    Ryuusei: Since you have defeated him, I think this Astramorphic Device should go to YOU.... Don't worry, I can make more. Hehehe... hehehehehe!
    Shearhide AQ High

  • Prototype Astramorph
  • Gamma Astramorph Z
  • Alpha Astramorph
  • Beta Guardian Astramorph
  • Astramorph
  • Exceptional Astramorph
  • Master Guardian Astramorph
  • Omega Astramorph

  • Play again!
  • Leave
    Special Mission!

    An elite force of Shearhide's dragon warriors gather around the ruins to protect Shearhide! It is up to YOU, Guardian, to defeat these Dragons in the ruins of K'eld Alorin! Good luck!
  • Go!

    1 BATTLE
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal
    1 BATTLE

    1 BATTLE
    Level 0-17: Small Treasure Chest (15)
    Level 18-34: Treasure Chest (30)
    Level 35-49: Big Treasure Chest (45)
    Level 50-64: Huge Treasure Chest (60)
    Level 65-79: Treasure Hoard (75)
    Level 80+: Huge Treasure Hoard (90)
    Monster encounters in the War and Special Mission

    Level 0-14
    Baby Earth Dragon (6)
    Baby Energy Dragon (6)
    Baby Fire Dragon (5)
    Baby Ice Dragon (6)
    Baby Light Dragon (6)
    Baby Water Dragon (6)
    Baby Wind Dragon (6)
    Blue Wyvern Hatchling (7)
    Kor-Dem (8)
    Malzar (8)
    Tytoa (8)
    Wyvern Hatchling (4)

    Level 15-24
    Female Void Dragon (10)
    Kor-Dem (8)
    Malzar (8)
    Plasma Dragon Worker (19)
    Tytoa (28)
    Void Dragon (10)
    Young Darkness Dragon (18)
    Young Darkness Dragon (10)
    Young Earth Dragon (19)
    Young Energy Dragon (10)
    Young Energy Dragon (19)
    Young Fire Dragon (18)
    Young Ice Dragon (19)
    Young Light Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (10)
    Young Water Dragon (19)
    Young Wind Dragon (19)
    Young Wyvern (17)

    Level 25-49
    Blue Wyvern (41)
    Earth Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Female Void Dragon (40)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Kor-Dem (28)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Malzar (28)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Red Dragon (38)
    Tytoa (48)
    Void Dragon (35)
    Water Dragon (39)
    Wind Dragon (39)
    Wyvern (34)
    Young Blue Wyvern (22)
    Young Ice Dragon (19)
    Young Light Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (19)

    Level 50-69
    Blue Wyvern (41)
    Bronze Dragon (50)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Female Void Dragon (65)
    Great Blue Wyvern (68)
    Great Wyvern (61)
    Ice Dragon (50)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Kor-Dem (48)
    Light Dragon (70)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Malzar (48)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Tytoa (48)
    Void Dragon (55)
    War Dragon (70)
    Water Dragon (55)
    Water Dragon (39)

    Level 70-89
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    Earth Dragon (71)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (71)
    Great Blue Wyvern (68)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (71)
    Kor-Dem (68)
    Light Dragon (70)
    Light Dragon (71)
    Malzar (68)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    Tytoa (68)
    Void Dragon (75)
    War Dragon (70)
    Water Dragon (71)
    Wind Dragon (71)

    Level 90+
    Ancient Blue Wyvern (89)
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    Earth Dragon (91)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Energy Dragon (91)
    Female Void Dragon Wyrm (90)
    Flame Dragon (90)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (91)
    Kor-Dem (88)
    Light Dragon (91)
    Malzar (88)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    Tytoa (88)
    Void Dragon (75)
    Water Dragon (91)
    Wind Dragon (91)

    Entry thanks to whackybeanz. Monster lists credits to In Media Res. Unrarity & Guardianship thanks to algimantas2.

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