RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (Full Version)

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Vampire and Human -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (5/22/2010 19:36:29)

Select what you want to have the Glow effect, press F8, convert to Movie-clip, then press F9, look at the panel on the bottom of the screen and select the tab labeled "Filters" and make a glow by clicking the plus sign.

soul sythe11 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (6/27/2010 16:26:43)

OK, I really need help on this one. I'm having trouble simulating edges. In my Zectaros plate sketch, It seemed Like I simulated corners for the structure of the metal well. When I tried converting this to flash....I think I could have gotten a better result. I just need some advice from someone who knows shading's ins and outs. This is what I have now from a zoomed out magnification: Zoomed out This is what I have from a zoomed in magnification: zoomed in Please tell me what exactly what I am doing wrong. Even offer tips on how to do better overall shading. I just really need help.

Zoltan -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (9/18/2010 1:08:06)

Aww, I ddnt even make it onto the list of (Previously-)Active Flash Users heh. Well good to see that Blue's old as hell Help thread is still being cited even though back then when we were playing around it was b4 Adobe Owned the rites and AS3.0 All the stuff that is links in there from me won't work since my website that I hosted it on no longer exists. And I was sad to see the Collapse of the Multimedia section. Although this still looks like a place for people to become budding interactive content designers.

Flash On!

The Final Hollow -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (11/25/2010 2:27:20)

Ok, I have Macromedia Flash 8, and I'm trying to open a .fla file. It says Unexpected File Type, and will not open. What can I do?

Riate -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (11/25/2010 6:49:57)

Hi, I have a problem with flash, I mistakenly changed some preferences and nw I can't use the fill tool, dous anyone know how to reset preferences.

SKYWEE955 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (3/12/2011 20:01:51)

is adobe flash professional CS4 free? if it is or not pls give link ty!

[Aegis] -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (3/12/2011 22:46:36)

The full version of Flash CS4 is not free. But you can download a free 30 day trial here.

EDIT: My apologies. That is a link to the CS5 free trial. I can't seem to find the CS4 free trial anymore, but CS5 should be fine.

Spriha -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (4/13/2011 21:56:00)

I want to make a multiplayer game but the thing is i can only make one player games im good at that but not sure how to make a multiplayer one :D.
Is there any way some one can make me a basic multiplayer game (Nothing fansy just the basics the skeleton with simple graphics)so i can study the codes and learn how to make a game mutliplayer?Thanks.
If you could pm me it or post it here before the 20th
Thanks :D
(Pm me if you post it here so i can check in)
(Almost forgot any type of flash is ok i have them all on different computers)

Mr Possible -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (8/23/2011 8:18:40)

what is te difference between flash and photoshop

since i am thinkin off puttin my drawing into either photoshop but i havent used flash before hence i dont what to waste my 30 days free trial

PyroPuppy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (8/23/2011 9:03:10)

Wow, long time since somebody used this thread.
Anyway, hello Mr Possible!
The main difference between PS and Flash, in my opinion, is the things you can do with the program, and the graphic system.
As you know, PS uses pixels to generate a picture. a collection of many pixels in different colors make pictures as we know them. Flash on the other hand, uses something called " Vector Graphics".
Explaining that in simple words, lines in Flash aren't made of small squares, but from information, which includes: Starting points, Thickness, and color.
If you clicked on the click above, you can see that the huge advantage of vector graphics over pixel graphics (I'm not sure that this is the formal name) is that after zooming in, there is no pixelation.
Last, Flash also have also more fantasic features, such as sophisticated code system, which is as good as a lot of other coding systems, and of course, amzing animating tools.
If you don't want to waste your time with flash, I highly suggest for you to read this tutorial, which is one of the best tutorials that teach the basics of shading.

[Aegis] -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (8/23/2011 9:24:43)

Along with what Pyro Puppy said (he gave lots of good info), it really depends on what style you're going for. Though it's true that Flash does not use pixels, but rather, information, this limits it to the amount of detail that it can make. For example, this could never be done in Flash because it is extremely difficult to get a blending of colors. It's hard to escape from that "cartoony" feel that Flash art usually has without putting a large amount of work into Flash. So, simply stating, Flash and PS will produce 2 styles of art. It just depends on which kind you want.

Mr Possible -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (8/23/2011 9:33:49)

well guys thanks for the help hopefully i should finish a weapon and armour i have been workin on sketch for the last 3 months

and btw can some one give me a a cool name of a armour so i can create it on the sound of the name

DarkFireKiller -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (12/9/2011 18:59:22)

Umm guys I just made a weapon in flash (Mac) and I can'y upload it to Twitpic. Can someone tell me how to?

[Aegis] -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (12/10/2011 15:43:30)

Flash automatically saves as an .swf. If you want to upload it to twitpic, you'll need it to be in a supported format. (such as .png, .gif, or .jpg) To save your image as one of these formats go to File>Export>Export Image. Then save it where you want. You can then upload that image. If you prefer to upload it as an .swf, you'll need to choose another site to host it for you, such as

Hope that helps. ^^

DarkFireKiller -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (12/13/2011 19:29:47)

Thanks. I don't exactly know how to use Flash to make AQW suggestions, so can someone teach me? ...Using a template/pencil+paper drawing and from scratch.

First thing... Sorry you have to download it.

KaiserGreymon -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (3/20/2012 4:49:05)

I have a two new problems while attempting to use flash.

Ok, first problem. When I import a picture from elsewhere into flash, it immediately anti-aliases it and turns it into a bitmap. Doesn't matter if the original image was .png, it is still forcibly turned into a pixellated mess.

Before importing:
After importing:

It happens whether I simply copy+paste or I use file > import to stage. Why does this happen? How do I fix it?

Second problem, with regards to the bone tool. I can't use the bone tool on the image directly after pasting it, but I found I can when I go through this step:
After clicking on the highlighted option, I go on to put the armatures in place.
Now I try to move them...
And this pomegranate happens.

Zoomed out version of the problem:

.... Does anyone know why the fickle mind of flash decides to do things like this? Thanks for any help in advance. I am currently using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (I bought the student version), if this info helps anything.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (3/20/2012 5:30:25)

First bug: Sadly, I have no idea what happened, but read my explanation for the second bug for a solution:
Second bug: The bone tool can be used with plain vector graphics or a collection of symbols. In the first case, it manipulates the shape according to the bones. In the second, it attaches different symbols to represent connections between them, much like parts and bones in the human body.
In your case, you have a shape. That shape is rectangle, filled with a bitmap fill.
Your bone are manipulating the rectangle exactly like bones should, the problem is the fill. Bitmap fills are applied according to the image that is in the library window, exactly like it appears there. They are not transformed in anyway. Therefore, the rectangle moved, but the fill stayed like it is. It happens because Flash is not based on pixel graphics, but on vector graphics, and this is the way flash handles pixel graphics it is not used to.
I don't know how to manipulate the fill, but I have a much easier solution. Instead of taking something from a different program, and importing, and it pixelated and a lot of other errors, simply create the art in Flash. It is not hard, and you will be able to take advantage of Flash's symbol system which will make your process much simpler.
I hope I helped!
If you need information on Symbols in Flash and how do they work, or working with Flash tools, feel free to contact me.

KaiserGreymon -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (3/20/2012 6:34:49)

Well, I tried starting out with flash but I haven't been able to get the glow effect working.

I followed this guy's steps:


Select what you want to have the Glow effect, press F8, convert to Movie-clip, then press F9, look at the panel on the bottom of the screen and select the tab labeled "Filters" and make a glow by clicking the plus sign.

I cannot find the filter tab. I get all the way until I hit F9, and then I'm stumped.

I don't see anything named filters. ;__;

Also, despite this, I would still very much like to have a solution to the first problem I mentioned in my earlier post- if anyone knows one of course.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (3/20/2012 8:43:11)

That guy is very mistaken.
F9 is used by default to open the Actions window.
Ignore this step.
Instead, select the MovieClip you just created. The filters panel will appear in the bottom of the properties window, which is the one in the right of your screen.
Don't look for a plus sign, click on the one that is in the bottom left corner of the Filter.

Also, for the first problem. As I mentioned, it isn't solvable, that is how flash works. The easiest substitute is to create the graphics straight in Flash.

Soulweaver Zard -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (4/8/2012 19:24:56)

I've been using paint for a while, and I need something more better and easier to make better quality work. Any thoughts or suggestions and, uh, turioals for them?

KaiserGreymon -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (7/9/2012 13:30:10)

Thank you for your help Pyro, I was actually unable to see filters for an hour or so and kept closing and reopening tabs and changing workspace layout, but the filters tab refused to appear. I was certain that the image was a MovieClip symbol and that I had selected it, but multiple attempts yielded no results. The properties tab also showed a very limited amount of information.

Eventually I closed the entire project, opened a new one and the filters tab magically appeared on its own! Do you know what caused this? It puzzles me to no end, and I can't seem to reproduce it.

Also, a new question. How is Nulgath producing the mirror image in this video?

As you can see, everything he draws on the right is simultaneously being reproduced on the left. How can I do this? I scoured the comments, found these two relevant ones:


I have just discovered!!! First, make a basic line for half of your sword, for example (something REALLY simple. One line is good enough XD). Then, select this line and transform it into a Symbol (press F8). Done this, the symbol will be at the library, so you can delete it from the work area. Select the Deco Tool, choose the drawing effect to Symmetry Brush and click Edit. Select that Symbol and click the work area. The symbol, with a mirrored copy will appear.


Chance to the Selection Tool, get the big symbol and press Ctrl+B to break it into two symbol, the original one and the mirrored one. Now, still with the Selection Tool, double-click the original symbol. The screen will change into a "symbol edit area", where you can edit the original half, while the mirrored copied the original one! :D
That's.. the easiest way to get there I could figure out. XD

But neither work for me. For the first method, the Deco tool causes my line to become a spectrum-like swirl that can be consolidated into two parallel lines. However, editing either of the lines does not enact a similar effect on the other one. It's not the same function Nulgath is using.

For the second method, ctrl+B does absolutely nothing altogether. It's as if I hadn't pressed anything, no mirror image is produced, nada, zilch. I made sure that my images were both movieclips in both instances. What am I doing wrong?

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