KaiserGreymon -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 6 - We help! (7/9/2012 13:30:10)
Thank you for your help Pyro, I was actually unable to see filters for an hour or so and kept closing and reopening tabs and changing workspace layout, but the filters tab refused to appear. I was certain that the image was a MovieClip symbol and that I had selected it, but multiple attempts yielded no results. The properties tab also showed a very limited amount of information. Eventually I closed the entire project, opened a new one and the filters tab magically appeared on its own! Do you know what caused this? It puzzles me to no end, and I can't seem to reproduce it. Also, a new question. How is Nulgath producing the mirror image in this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaogzm2OjbI As you can see, everything he draws on the right is simultaneously being reproduced on the left. How can I do this? I scoured the comments, found these two relevant ones: quote:
I have just discovered!!! First, make a basic line for half of your sword, for example (something REALLY simple. One line is good enough XD). Then, select this line and transform it into a Symbol (press F8). Done this, the symbol will be at the library, so you can delete it from the work area. Select the Deco Tool, choose the drawing effect to Symmetry Brush and click Edit. Select that Symbol and click the work area. The symbol, with a mirrored copy will appear. quote:
Chance to the Selection Tool, get the big symbol and press Ctrl+B to break it into two symbol, the original one and the mirrored one. Now, still with the Selection Tool, double-click the original symbol. The screen will change into a "symbol edit area", where you can edit the original half, while the mirrored copied the original one! :D That's.. the easiest way to get there I could figure out. XD But neither work for me. For the first method, the Deco tool causes my line to become a spectrum-like swirl that can be consolidated into two parallel lines. However, editing either of the lines does not enact a similar effect on the other one. It's not the same function Nulgath is using. For the second method, ctrl+B does absolutely nothing altogether. It's as if I hadn't pressed anything, no mirror image is produced, nada, zilch. I made sure that my images were both movieclips in both instances. What am I doing wrong?