Asteroids (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Asteroids (11/20/2009 20:34:50)

Quest Location: Bridge
Quests Given From: Admiral Amada


Amada: An apparent storm of asteroids has been detected heading straight for Lore! We're going to intercept them and save our world!!

  • Back

Admiral Amada: We need YOU to take the forward gunner position, <<player name>>!
Admiral Amada: You reflex tests show that you can do a good job controlling the Alteon's main battery of laser cannons.
Admiral Amada: Meanwhile, our fighter pilots will attack the asteroid storm head-on -- It's the only way to make sure we get the ones smaller than 20 meters across.
Queen Pra'Mithia: Admiral, I just head that your SON will be out there with them. Are you--
Admiral Amada: My son is more than capable of blasting rockets out of the sky, lo -- my Queen.
Queen Pra'Mithia: I'm not sure this is as simple as it seems, Admiral. It is almost as if the asteroids were AIMED at Lore...
Admiral Amada: <<player name>>, are you ready? The time has come!!

  • Gun!

Controls: MOUSE = Move, click to shoot

Shoot the asteroids

If you destroy asteroids enough before your lasers run out:
Admiral Amada: Nice shooting, <<player name>>! You clear the way for us to launch fighters and engage the asteroids in directly!

Admiral Amada: You did your best, <<player name>>! You may have not gotten them all, but you cleared the way for us to launch fighters and engage the asteroids directly!

Queen Pra'Mithia: Admiral, wait -- there is one superasteroid headed our way, much bigger than the others! We have to put the Alteon between it and Lore-- now!
Admiral Amada: You heard the Queen, <<player name>>-- take the helm!

BATTLE: MegAsteroid
«You lose all your inventory and guests during the battle, and become the LSS Alteon»

Admiral Amada: Good piloting, <<player name>>! Now, time to clean up the rest of them!!

<<the scene changes to the outside, where the fighters start to attack the asteroids>>

Admiral Amada:Activate force fields and ready fighters for launch!
Captain Stormfront:Admiral, there is one massive asteroid left and only one fighter remain to intercept it!
Lt. Amada:My lasers are drained-- They'll recharge but not until it's too late!
Lt. Amada:I have no choice-- I'm going to put my fighter between the asteroid-- and Lore!
Admiral Amada:Lieutenant -- Get out of there, now!!
Lt. Amada:I have to do this, Father-- they need me!!


Thank you for your heroic efforts today, fellow WarpForcer. The crew of the LSS Alteon was able to prevent total disaster on Lore by destroying all of the asteroids before they could enter the planet's atmosphere.

Many... sacrifices were made today, and I promise to find out just what power was behind controlling those asteroids and aiming them at Lore. This was a direct assault at our homeworld, which can only mean one thing: Someone out there fear us.

  • Play Again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

  • Thanks to General Greivous

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