=MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (Full Version)

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Omni -> =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 17:12:32)

Hello there, glad you have taken the time to read this first post containing the rules to my MtAK! I do suppose granted the nature of this board, that I will allow for a slight twist, you can do more than ask Questions, you can Speculate the answers to your questions! I will confirm or deny, and then answer the question. Putting your speculation in ( )'s after the question will work just fine.

Now of course, the dreaded rules.

1:At least 3 Questions per post. Well I tried.
2:A maximum of 10 questions per post.
3:One post per page
4:Questions may be somewhat personal but not extremely. Yes you can ask if I have pets, no I won't give you my address or social security number.
5:Spam will be devoured/uncreated/omninomnomed or worse on sight.

Bonus Rule: Apply
[The color I edit in] directly below your question and then leave a blank line before the next question.

Do you like cheese? (I think you do)

Do you like hamsters?

~Speculate/Question On!

This board ain't big enough for the both of us. Oh wait, yes it is! Welcome! /me hijacks. ~Nex

sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 17:35:37)


I really can't put tags cuz this is on my Wii T.T
Not a problem.

So.. onward to the torture questions!

If you saw a cookie with sprinkles (like the one I have in my hand) What would you do with it?
Find a way to eat it.

Why were Archknight eaten by Money Monsters?
No idea.

Err....ever been sledding?
Yes, it's a blast.

That's all (for now)!

Oh yeah, congratz! (again?!?!)


kirbymaster2 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 17:38:15)

Ooooh! Another MtAK! This is Is this going to be fun? (I'm guessing it will)
Good call.

So, does this mean you're too lazy to put your own color tags? (Yes, yes it does :P)
Meh. [;)]

Anyway, remember me? (Nope)
Can't say I do. Granted there is always the future.

Let's go with some classics. Which do you like better, cake, pie or cookies? (For no reason at all, I'm guessing pie)
Hmmm, yes pie is the correct answer. Chocolate Peanut Butter is my favorite.

Any favorite color? (Your edit brown-ish red?)

Did you notice my speculation was actually a question instead? (Yes, but you didn't care)
Yep, it was close enough.

Having an excuse for placing ( )'s everywhere if fun. Wouldn't you agree? (Yes, else you wouldn't have made it this way)

Did someone steal my first post yet? (Probably...)
Yeah. xD

Anyway, have fun AKing the newly-named AEGD. (I'll leave the shackles/cell questions to other people. Sharing is good and all that...)
Thanks for stopping by!

Jokester -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 17:41:06)


Gratz on new board!
Thanks! Shiny isn't it?

Srsly Spcultve?

Nope. I Omninomnom

Cake or Pie?

'Tis all. Byez!

Lkeas -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 17:41:52)

Welcome to AEGD Omni! Glad to have you around :)

Why are you called OmniGuardian anyway? Do you guard EVERYTHING?
Indeed. Everything. It can be quite a task.

What about bad guys? Would you guard Ryuusei if he was in trouble?
Depends on the situation. Sometimes guarding one thing can lead to the unguarding of others.If he was undeserving of the situation I would though.

Would you guard my chocolate brownies for me while I go get something?
Of course!

*walks away for about an hour while the smell of fresh baked gooey brownies assaults Omni's nose*
/me hopes she went to go get me some.

Evo -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 18:03:14)

Well hello there Omni!
Hey Evo!

Congrats on the new board! Looks like we will be working together :-)
Indeed. Good times shall be had.

Just have two questions for you so it looks like I will be breaking one of your rules >.>

Star Wars Fan?
Fan? Yes. Addict? No.

Rare item fan?

That's it kthxbai


Wxo -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 18:35:00)


(trys to hold back a congratz)

(doesnt suceed)


dont delete/lock my posts!!!lol
Don't break/destroy the rules and I won't have to. ;)

see you on the forums!
Indeed you will.

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 18:58:28)


Look like WF isn't enough for u.
When Falerin gives you lemons......

S or T?
How about S&T!

Magic or Science?
I prefer magic.

Oh well, nice to u are here... see u around:")
You shall!

Ebil Twilly -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 19:02:29)

Ebil Twilly!

Congratz!(Thank you very much!)

One word question?



Ebil or Evil? (0.0)
Evbil, what Ebil should have been.


P.S. I got you a muffin :P. (my favorite)
Correct! Chocolate is the best flavor.

moneybags -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 19:03:35)

Heey my cellmate (well, I *think* you're my cellmate :S)

Indeed. This has only changed the location of the cell.

Movin on to conquer another board, eh?

Conquer/AK Same thing right?

Well, congratz, g'luck, and g'bye! :D:D:D

Thanks $B!

Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 19:22:03)

Hey Omni. :D

If you were given a nickname would it be Andy,or Gary?
Hmmmmm, Gary.

I like whip cream,how about you?
Yep. Cool Whip is my favorite.

What would happen if you fell down a waterfall?
I would likely die.

What would happen if you were held captive in a forest?
I would create a daring escape plan and then likely die.

Well thats all for now.
Okie dokie.

Pie! :D
No, I'm Omni. Pie is another AK here though.

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 19:48:29)

OMG you are that one person! :o
Is that a good thing?

How I become AK pl0x?!
Not my choice.

Have you ever eaten a Deep Fried Twinkie?

Did you like it?
It was great.

Are you a fan of the Soul Calibur series?

Are you an Anime Otaku? :P
I suppose not, considering I don't know what it means.

Well.. I suppose that is all.
Okie dokie.

Have a nice day.
You too.

Oh and your format is too much work. :P
Hence it being bonus.[:D]

SmashBrawlerX2 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 19:57:40)

Why no more 'WarpGuardian of WF'?
It shall return, an error occurred in the process of adding me as an AK to this board.

What's you're favorite battlesuit in WF?
Star Ninja!

Excited For Assassin's release?
I can't describe how excited I am without looking foolish.

What are these chains archknight's have i keep hearing about?
/me wiggles his shackles. They are to ensure we don't escape of course.

Do you play console games? If you do, did you find yourself playing them less as you got into AE's world?
Yes, and Yes. I'm still ignoring that DMC4 sitting in my 360.

Have you ever heard of 8 bit theatre, or its made up word -- Omni-loathe?
8BT cracks me up. Fighter and BlackMage are the best.

Alyssa01 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 20:55:48)

Hi Omni.

Do you like vanila ice cream?
Indeed I do.

Would you jump down a cliff for some gold,or a CEREA
Depends, how high is this cliff, is there water at the bottom, do I have some sort of life saving device, how much gold, what is a CEREA?.

How was your day?
Pretty good.

Well,that's all i got to say so cyoo. :D

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 20:58:57)

Hey tflo!

Seems like a month ago, I was commenting in your WarpForce MtAK...ahh...good times.
It was about 2 :p

Your favorite Premier League Team?
The uhmmm.....yeah.

Why did you decide to step up for this forum?
I have always been an avid fan of S&T and considering this thread is S&T and so much more, I figured I'd be crazy to pass it up.

Favorite sport?
Football Ameriano!

In paragraph form, please describe to me the reaction you got when you were first asked to become an ArchKnight.
I was completely overwhelmed. I had no idea that such a thing would ever happen to me, so it really did take me by surprise. I looked in my PM Box only after the Loremaster specifically told me too, and somehow I had missed the original request by a day. If it had not been for the Loremaster I would have never become an AK, and I would have missed out on some many great opportunities to help the community. It made my week, and most certainly enthralled me throughout the entire day.

That's all from me. Walk on!
Later T.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/24/2009 21:15:33)


who are you
OmniGuardian, Guardian of Omnispace.

I'll keep that in mind.

didn't i see you in the aqw beta


EVIL or good
My alignment is towards Good, granted some of my RP persona's are rather evil.

Great game, sadly he's awful except in the first one.

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 3:44:05)

hey omini guardian

is me again
woah congratz on u title again

see that u have recieve another title again
Maybe I'll get helpful eventually [;)]

6 question
1.if u need to find rare do u find evo the rare hunter
In the event I need his assistance I would, I have a decent collection myself.

2.which game pet is the best that u ever have
I would have to go with Nerfkitten.

3.do u hate shadowscythe why there are not that discussing right
or who do u like the most evil,good or chaos
Evil isn't liked very much by me, and seeing how Chaos is a faux evil..... meh.

4.are u a new protector to king aleton in aqw
because u protect the lore
if chaos want to attack good
will u rise u game live to save him hehe
If given the oppurtunity of course, granted if I am everyone will be.

5.which sword u like better if goto nly two choice
golden starsword or seculphure undead blade
Probably Sepulchure's undead blade.

6.u are a ak of which place
I am an AK of WF, WF Pedia, and AEGD!

woah i am going to head on to train
good rep
see ya


anthonyboggs -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 8:44:30)



how dose it feel to have power?
With great power comes greater responsibility!

what is the coolest thing to this power?
Helping AE of course as well as providing a great discussion/speculation environment for everyone..

hope you have fun being ak


Iaon -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 10:19:20)

Hey Omni!

Congratulation on becoming an AK on the AEGD!!


Is the AKship an actual ship?
Not yet.... [;)] Working on it.[:)]

Have fun AKing.
I shall.



Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 11:10:12)

:O Promotion!


AEGD or S&T?
AEGD. It's S&T but with more people and different possible topics.

WF GD or WF Q&A or WF Pedia?
I would have to say WF GD.

Meaning of Life?
To be alive?

Meaning of Death?
To not be alive or undead.


Falerin is The God of Evil
LordTomato is My survival food.
Moneybags is My money source.
Mysterious Strangeface is My poker face.
Genoclysm is My amazing mentor.
Ultrapowerpie is My moogle friend.
Rhowena is Cool.
Nex Del Vida is Infinity Divided by 0
Lkeas is An amazing Archivist!
Kaelin is Not Godzillia.
Evo. is Rare Crazy

Meaning of each letter in your Name. ;3


Favourite AE Game Staff?
Too many to pick.

Favourite Punishment?

Favorite Animal?
Dragon! Dog in real life.

What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
Wait till he sobers up and then question him.

Well, I'm all out of Questions.

Have fun AKing AEGD aswell as WF!



BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 11:16:55)

Oooh... Another MtAK.

You remember me? :D
Kind of.

Lemmy guess, Falerin promoted you here?
Kind of sort of. Not sure discussing it would be allowed.

Did you know the Cake is a lie?
U beg to differ.

Did you know not to steal Falerins Earl Grey Tea? I tried it once.
I may not be perfect but I'm certainly not looking for a fate worse than death.

The above setence was never mentioned by a guy named "BadHulk".

too late to backtrack now ~Fal

Have fun!

Verlyrus -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 11:26:22)

Ohai. I see that you have this new MtAK.




Our cell!

In celebration of my new AKship.


No idea.

Have fun!

xehanort -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 13:08:12)

1) Do you know what the Nimmys are? (Hint: It's a living creature)
Kind of.

2) If one of the above mentioned creatures tried to eat you, what would you do?
Warp away, and then speculate on what it was.

3) Do you know what the attack 'Infinity Blast' does?
Blasts forever.

4) Or 'Void Kamikaze' for that matter?
The thing Bel did to Ryu?

5) Punthulu rises, now what?
I defeat it!

6) You are given a piece of paper that says 'Hastur' three times and ordered to read it out loud, what do you do?
Depends on who ordered me. Probably do what it said just for fun.

That's all for me.

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 14:26:58)

Hiyas OmniGuardian!!

Haven't you been an AK for a while? [&:]
or haven't you created any MtAK thread before?
I've been an AK for a few months.

Well anyway, I dunno if I should say Congratulations or Good luck, so I'll say Both!!

There you go :P [:D]
I'm grateful.

Have fun and be careful!
I'll try!

PS: color trap is activated [;)]
Edit: Do'h... I forgot my blue color and ruined the color trap D:
I have learned how to bypass it! <-- No you haven't the "edit text" is still pink [;)]. I got you :P


max13 -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/25/2009 21:12:21)

Hiyaz! Congratz on your AKness
AK's and Mods are very different. I am an AK not a Mod.

How them shackles?
These new ones are bigger than the last ones.

What color are they?
Blue and Gold!

Like all of our crazy/scary moderators do you like Pokemon?
The games are fine, anything else...... meh.

If i ran around your house in a tutu what would you do?
Call the cops while putting you into a submissive position.

Who is your cellmate?
I have multiple, All the AK's from in here, and all the WFGD/Pedia AK's!

Do you like cheese? ([:D])

OMG OMG LOOK LOOK Now it's gone...

Would you rather bungee jump off the empire state building or steal Lady Az's coffee? ( The first one is less dangerous)
Stealing coffee from a crazy raccoon wouldn't be that hard, especially because this one doesn't have rabies.

Okay well thats it for now. Have a great Thanksgiving!

You too!

EDIT : Sorry about they typo in your Congratz, I fixed it Max~

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