Virulent Cybud (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Virulent Cybud (11/25/2009 0:28:31)

See all in one: Poisonous Cybud Z(L10Z), Cybud(L22), Poisonous Cybud(L44),
Toxic Cybud Z(L54Z), Toxic Guardian Cybud(L66G), Virulent Cybud(L88)

Virulent Cybud
Location : Sick Bay -> Dr. Mendas -> SHOP
Level: 88
Price: 34,100 Gold
Sellback: 17,050 Gold

PLvl: 88
Damage: 12-34
Element: Earth
Type: Ranged
BtH: +11%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage: 709% Base and Random plus 487%
BtH: +38%
Stats: No
Rate: 20%
Effect: If the hit connects, the enemy is inflicted with Level 88 Poison. The Poison lasts for 10 Rounds.

Level: 88 vs MonsterLvl
Major: 200 vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

  • When the Special occurs, it has a 4% chance to do nothing (no damage, no poison).
    The remaining 96% of the time, it performs the listed Special.
  • If the monster has "undead", "golem", "robot", "mecha", or "incorporeal" as a category, then the monster is immune to the poison.

    This poisonous creature has been genetically and technologically upgraded to function as a short -range rifle,
    firing its mouth at your foes. Don't worry, it doesn't feel a thing! Designed by the intergalactic biologist
    and gunsmith Stan.


    Thanks to AVA and Kaelin. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res.

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