Alteon Assault (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Alteon Assault (11/25/2009 20:54:01)

Alteon Assault
Quest Location: The Bridge
Quests Given From: Queen Pra'Mithia


Queen Pra'Mithia: The Defilers are attacking!! They must be after the Hand of Creation... we CAN'T let them have it! Will you help us defend the Alteon so we can follow the course it showed us?
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    <<Cutscene: Defilers attacking the Alteon>>

    Admiral Amada: They've broken through our shields! Prepare to repel boarders!

    <<Cutscene: Ships fighting>>

    Admiral Amada: <Your Character Name here>! Glad you were able to make it to the Bridge!
    You: I'm here to do whatever I can to send these Defilers packing!
    Temura: The Defilers are all over the place-- Our fighter ships are engaging them outside but they still managed to board the Alteon.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: We're not sure what they want, but they definitely have a purpose. I think they may be after the Hand of Creation.
    Admiral Amada: We need your help in different areas. Select a mission to begin, and complete them all to defeat the Defilers!

    Select a mission! You must complete each one in order to drive the Defilers off of the Alteon.
  • Clear the Hangar Deck!
  • Blast Defiler ships with Alteon guns!
  • Clear the WG Tower!
  • Remove enemy ships from hull!

    Hangar Deck

    You: The entrance to the Hangar is blocked by Defiler Sentries! This can't be good...



    Full heal after the second and third battles

    General Leet: Good work, WarpForcer! The enemy was trying to establish a beachhead here but you helped push them back. I think we can hold it from here...
    You: You're welcome, General!

    Select a mission! You must complete each one in order to drive the Defilers off of the Alteon.
  • Clear the Hangar Deck!
  • Blast Defiler ships with Alteon guns!
  • Clear the WG Tower!
  • Remove enemy ships from hull!

    Blast Defiler ships

    *Click to shoot*

    Admiral Amada: Nice shooting, <Your Character Name>! You cleared the way for us to launch more fighters!

    Select a mission! You must complete each one in order to drive the Defilers off of the Alteon.
  • Clear the Hangar Deck!
  • Blast Defiler ships with Alteon guns!
  • Clear the WG Tower!
  • Remove enemy ships from hull!

    Clear the WG Tower

    1 BATTLE

    You: I need to get to Lkeas' floor! (Use elevator button)
    Lkeas: <Your Character Name>, help me!


    Lkeas: I'm glad you showed up, <Your Character Name>. The Defilers were trying to get me to reveal information about Lore's defenses.

    Select a mission! You must complete each one in order to drive the Defilers off of the Alteon.
  • Clear the Hangar Deck!
  • Blast Defiler ships with Alteon guns!
  • Clear the WG Tower!
  • Remove enemy ships from hull!

    Remove enemy ships from hull!

    You: I though the Defilers already took Engineering, but I don't see any of them guarding-- Oh. I spoke too soon...


    Gravlax: Thanks for retaking the Engineering Deck, <Your Character Name>! Now I can regain control of our hull defenses and blow those Defilers off of us!
    You: Ooh! Ooh! Can I push the button?!
    Gravlax: Bibbus fibble! Contain your excitement just a little! Sure, sure, you can push the button!

  • Blow the Defilers off of the Alteon's hull!

    <<Cutscene: Defilers get blasted!>>

    Admiral Amada: You have done well, <Your Character Name>-- Nearly all Defilers and ships have been repelled, and our shields are back online.
    You: ...... Nearly?
    Temura: They managed to take the Hangar Deck... again. General Leet hasn't been heard from, and we assume.... he may be... gone.
    You: No way! Not General Leet! I'm going to get the Hangar Deck back, and no robot is going to stop me!!

    <<Cutscene Defilers are destroying the Hangar>>

    Defiler: Master Z29k we succedeed in taking the Hangar!
    Z29K: Fools we're to late!
    Z29K: The Lorians have already destroyed our ships. We're stuck here!
    General Leet: Stuck with me!

    You: They call me the Defiler Slayer! And I'm going to spill your oil all over this flight deck!!
    Z29K: You can TRY, fleshling. You will rue the day you challenged the master of the Defilers!!



    1 BATTLE

      Level 0-44: Z29K (30)
      Level 45-64: Z29K (50)
      Level 65-84: Z29K (70)
      Level 85+: Z29K (90)

    General Leet: Good fighting! I was just getting warmed up, myself...

    Mission Debriefing

    Your actions during the siege were the key to our survival! You also managed to defeat Z29K -- one of the Four Autarchs! With him as a captive, we should be able to learn much more about our enemies, particularly about Dark Madder.

    Now, we must set a heading for the Cryptic Veil. Who knows what we may find there?? Considering that the Hand of Creation might be as old as our very galaxy, it could be leading us to something never before seen by any Lorian-- or even any living thing!


    AAA-Cell Warp Energizer
    AA-Cell Energizer
    C-Cell Energizer Z
    B-Cell Warp Energizer
    D-Cell Energizer
    9-Volt Warp Energizer

    Thanks to Nightly

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