Warp Frigid Beam Sword (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Warp Frigid Beam Sword (11/26/2009 15:53:14)

See all in one: Chilled Beam Sword(L1), Frosted Beam Sword(L8), Icy Beam Sword(L14), Warp Frigid Beam Sword(L16G),
Arctic Beam Sword Z(L20Z) Polar Beam Sword(L30), Glacial Beam Sword Z(L40Z)


Warp Frigid Beam Sword
Location: Hangar Deck -> Stormfront -> Hangar Arsenal -> Basic Weapons
Level: 16
Price: 45 Gold
Sellback: 22 Gold

PLvl: 24
Type: Melee
Element: Ice
Damage: 5-18
BTH: +3%

You can click on the Beam Sword to switch it between Sword Form and Dagger fForm.

  • Sword Form: All normal Player attacks and Specials deal 110% damage. After each hit, you lose HP equal to 9.1% of the damage dealt.

  • Dagger Form: The Special deals half damage, and you heal HP equal to the damage dealt (only if it deals >0 damage)

    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 120% Base and Random plus 68% LS each
    BtH: +10% each
    Stats: No
    Rate: 20%

    This ultra-high tech sword is from the legendary world of Omnus-- a world in which its original biological
    inhabitants long ago transcended their physical form and gained immortality as machines!(Guardian Only)


    Thanks to AVA. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.

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