Ballistic Bounty (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Ballistic Bounty (11/27/2009 21:47:53)

Ballistic Bounty
Quest Location: Satiren
Quests Given From: Trinni

Trinni: This is bad-- REALLY bad! My long-range sensors have picked up the sifnal of one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. Eirth! You need to get her away from here-- do whatever it takes!

  • Ballistic Bounty!
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<<Scene: You go in outer space to find the bounty hunter's ship>>

<<You>>: Trinni, do you copy? I'm using the secure frequency you gave me...
Trinni (on radio): I read you, [yourname]. Good luck out there, and be careful! Erith is the type of bounty hunter that's feared by OTHER bounty hunters!
<<You>>: Thanks for the confidence boost! Don't worry, I can handle myself. I think I see the ship now...
<<You>>: Scanners show a heavily armored ship with some serious weaponry... I'm WAY outclassed ship-to-ship!
<<You>>: But I need to do SOMETHING to take this bounty hunter's attention away from Saterin!!


  • Attack the Bounty Hunter's ship directly!

<<You>>: Bounty Hunter Erith!! Prepare to be destr--

<<Scene: Your ship gets blown into pieces. A button pops up saying, Try Again!>>

  • Offer the Bounty Hunter gold to get on board!

<<You>>: Greetings! I am in a non-warp-capable vessel and need a ride back to my fleet. Can you help me? I can pay in gold!
Erith: ............... Permission granted for docking. We will discuss PIRCE face-to-face.

<<Boards the Bounty Hunter Erith's ship>>

<<You>>: !!!
Erith: You look suprised. Never saw a female bounty hunter before?? I'm Erith--Erith Kesai.
Erith: Why don't you shove your eyeballs back into their sockets and tell me what you're doing out in the middle of nowhere.
<<You>>: My name is [yourname], and I was out on a routine system patrol looking for warp crystals.
Erith: Any luck?
<<You>>: No, not a bit. This system is empty. Nothing of value here.
Erith: How about the water world? No signs of postapocalyptic civlization eking out a meager exsitence by scavenging the oceans for every last drop of oil?
<<You>>: ......... No.
Erith: Good. I've already had enough of that scenario. My time alone on a homemade catamaran with a gill-man left me forever wary of drinking anything on boats.
<<You>>: Well--you've really been around.
Erith: What do you expect!? I SAID I'm a bounty hunter. In fact, I'm THE BEST bounty hunter in the 5 galaxies.
<<You>>: My, but you have a healthy ego!
Erith: No, I actually AM the best. I won the 499th Annual Fugitive Recovery Award. Have myself a littler golden statue of a person holding a blaster rifle to prove it.
Erith: Let's get down to business. You need a warpspeed ride back to your fleet. I don't usually rent out my ship, but you seem like you can pay me well enough to make it worth my while.
Erith: How does 10,000 gold pieces sound?
<<You>>: Well, that's a pretty high pr--
Erith: Sorry, [yourname]-- What I MEANT to say was: That will be 10,000 gold pieces. Or you can try to hitchhike your way back.
<<You>>: How... kind of you. Sure. 10,000 it is. I need to collect it from my ship, but can I use your restroom first?
Erith: Sure you can. But be quick about it.

<<Scene: You venture out, and start to explore the ship>>

<<You>>: Hm, that looks like one of the engine rooms. One timed explosive coming up...

<<Scene: You head back to where Erith is>>

Erith: There you are! I was beginning to wonder if you had an accident with the grav-flush or something. Where's my money?
<<You>>: OH yeah! I forgot! Let me just run to my ship and grab it for you--

<<Scene: BOOM! BAM! an explosion erupted and interuppted the conversation>>

<<You>>: --I have no idea! We must be under attack!
Erith: I just did a full-system traffic scan! There's no one within 20 million miles!
Erith: Wait here while I recon the ship. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING.

<<Scene: Erith leaves>>

<<You>>: I need to get out of here!!

<<Enters another part of the ship>>

<<You>>: Now which way was it to the docking bay... Uh oh! Someone's coming! Won't be good to running into Erith like this!


Full Heal

<<You>>: Virins!! Where did THEY come from!?!

<<Scene: Enters another part of the ship, encountering more virins>>

<<You>>: You have to be kidding me!! MORE of them! What's going on here??

<<Scene: Erith shows up, blasting away the virins>>

Erith: So, [yourname], it looks like SOMEONE set a timed explosive devide just outside the door to my prison cell.
Erith: I was in the process of delivering a renegade group of Virin back to Jarik K'zaa for "trial" when I decided to swing by this sector in a continued long-term search I've been part of.
Erith: And while I'm on this fugitive search. BY RANDOM CHANCE I meet YOU... and you get on my ship...
Erith: ...and try to TAKE OUT the Virin before they could be interrogated by Z'kaa!!
<<You>>: ..........
<<You>>: Makes sense. Looks like you got me. Yes, I came here to make sure the Network didn't learn anything from your prisoners. But I don't have a problem with you...
<<You>>: .... and your VERY BIG GUN. So if you don't mind, I think I'll just hop back in my fighter ship and take off--
Erith: You cost me 400,000 GOLD. I think me and my VERY BIG GUN want a few WORDS with you before you go...



<<You>>: One more timed explosive charge left... I think now's a good time to put it in the RIGHT spot before Erith recovers!

<<Cutscene: Takes off, and returns back to Saterin>>

Erith: [yourname]!!! This isn't over yet!!!

Rewards: Bounty Hunters

VBG Mark Warp-I
VBG Mark V-Z
VBG Mark V
VBG Mark Warp-VI


You risked your life to help me! For that, I am enternally grateful. It will take Erith weeks to get her ship repaired because of how highly customized it is. Plus, you didn't leave any clue as to your TRUE reason for slowing her down.

She will come back sometime, I'm, sure-- She is thorough and will want to make sure she inspects every inch of this system herself.

Maybe you can make use of her VERY BIG GUN on some of your other missions!

  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardain Tower!
  • Exit
    Thanks to Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI

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