Circe -> RE: =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules (12/7/2009 19:34:42)
Posting Behavior The AE forums have a strict PG rating; AE is a family-friendly company and game and forum content must be appropriate for the underage users that frequent both. Do not post anything that may offend or inflame another user. That includes, but is not limited to: Any sexually explicit images or language, Graphic violence, Offensive language that targets another based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, creed, religion or lifestyle. The AE forum staff reserves the right to remove any content that is deemed objectionable in a public community and levy any penalties that may be considered appropriate. Profanity and other foul language is not permitted in any form, including acronyms or self-censoring. It is not permitted in a post, in a title or in a forum account name. Evading the forum filter is also prohibited. AE forum staff reserve the right to remove or rename any instances of foul languages and to apply any consequences deemed necessary. Threatening, harassing, flaming or trolling anyone is not permitted. Any instance of misbehavior directed toward another user will result in any consequences deemed appropriate by forum staff. Inappropriate content that is not permitted on the forums includes (but is not limited to): content that breaks any laws copyright infringement (many MP3s, ROMs, etc.), warez, CD keys, cracks, passwords, serial numbers, etc. gambling and drugs hacking materials and information selling AE Characters (property of Artix Entertainment, LLC.) terrorism (promotion/carrying it through) trojans, viruses, worms, and other such harmful things Trick links Pranking posts Referral/recruitment links Petitions both for offsite purposes and for AE-related goals Advertising of any kind Spam Feedback or complaints that are not constructive or politely offered Game .swfs or any unreleased content Discussing abusable bugs or instructing others in how to exploit known bugs Do not post spoilers without using the spoiler tags YouTube links which contain innapropriate material ( To avoid this, use for the link ) Do not Spam. Spam is anything that is not directly related to the topic at hand, as well as any additions to a post that are deemed superfluous and unnecessary. This includes (but is not limited to): Excessive smilies - no more than three (3) per post Signature overuse - no more than once (1) per page within a thread Idle, offtopic chatter Roleplaying outside of the RP forums Bumping a dead thread Using all caps, oversized font or other excessive formatting such as color, font face, strikeouts, etc. Applying official tags (=AE= =AK= =DF= etc.) to your thread Posting a thread aimed at an individual; use the PM system if you want to have a discussion with one person. Double+ Posting: If you have the last post in a thread and want to add to it, please use the "Edit" button instead of making a further post