Ticklish Zorbo (Full Version)

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Twilight Sky 023 -> Ticklish Zorbo (12/12/2009 2:37:18)


Ticklish Zorbo

Level: 1-45
Price: 10,000 Credits
Sellback: 1,000 Credits
Location: Ticklish Zorbo Weapons Shop

Equip Slot: Front Shoulder
Damage Type: Explosive
Damage: 4- 8 (Scales)
Hits: 5
Energy: 2 (Scales)
Cooldown: 4
Bonuses: None
Special Effects: 100% chance for "Warmth of Love - Defense Increased and Healing 25% Damage Lost", increases Defense by 100-(25*[# of Turns Since Effect Activated-1]) after the round the effect activates, and heals HP equal to 25% of your opponent's average damage range at the end of each turn ("Love Heals [PlayerName])", lasts 4 turns.

Combos: N/A

Description: This season's hottest holiday item! A powerful shoulder pet that heals and protects you! Level Scalable up to level 40!
Image: Ticklish Zorbo, Attacking!

*Thanks to Alamo for image!*

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