Omni -> WarpGuardian Gunner (12/12/2009 18:04:17)
WarpGuardian Gunner(N/A), WarpGuardian Striker(N/A) [image][/image] WarpGuardian Gunner Element: Neutral In all these formulas, ALvl is equal to [Your Level - 5], to a minimum of 0. Its defenses/resistances scale based on your Level. ELEMENTAL MODIFIER All become 100 + round(-0.000000028*ALvl^4 + 0.0000025045*ALvl^3 + 0.0013903825*ALvl^2 - 0.3954730*ALvl - 1.217186). Level Res Level Res
0 99 51-54 82
1-3 98 55-58 81
4-5 97 59-63 80
6-8 96 64-68 79
9-11 95 69-73 78
12-14 94 74-78 77
15-16 93 79-83 76
17-19 92 84-89 75
20-22 91 90-95 74
23-25 90 96-102 73
26-29 89 103-108 72
30-32 88 109-115 71
33-35 87 116-122 70
36-39 86 123-129 69
40-42 85 130-135 68
43-46 84 136-141 67
47-50 83 142-145 66 COMBAT DEFENCE Gunner is good at Ranged and nice at everything else. # Good: [(0.5*ALvl - 0.5) / 3] + 25 + [PLvl / 30] # Nice: [(0.5*ALvl - 0.5) / 3] + 25 - [PLvl / 60] Numbers in [] are rounded normally. It's more-or-less 25 + (Level-6)/6. For the "gun" attack, the Base and Random damage is (83.035 + 3.8286*ALvl + 0.0066*ALv^2)% if you are Level 0-90. If you are Level 91+, it is (235.22 + 2.6922*ALvl)% For the "physical"/"melee" attack, the Base and Random damage is (100 + 3*ALvl)% For both, the Stat% is (100 + 4.4*ALvl)% There are seven attacks - "Double hit weapon strike"/"Gun attack", "Ion Cannon", "Triple hit weapon strike"/"Gun attack", "Gauntlet Blast", "Single hit weapon strike"/"Gun attack", "Ram Attack", and "Power Punch". "Gun Attack" - as gun. "Double hit weapon strike" - two "physical"/"melee" hits. Each hit deals *0.5 Base/Rand/Stat damage (since there are two hits). "Ion Cannon" - two Ranged Energy "gun" hits, regardless of whether or not you weild a gun. Each hit deals *1/2 damage (since there are two hits). However, you don't use your weapon - you use, # Base: (2 + 0.25*ALvl + 0.0025*ALvl^2) / (1 + 0.03*ALvl) , rounded normally # Rand: (6.5 + 0.625*ALvl + 0.0025*ALvl^2) / (1 + 0.03*ALvl) , rounded normally # BTH: ALvl / 8 , rounded down Cost: 0.05*(38.1 + 2.3375*ALvl + 0.01125*ALvl^2) MP, rounded normally. "Triple hit weapon strike" - three "physical"/"melee" hits. Each hit deals *1/3 Base/Rand/Stat damage (since there are three hits). "Gauntlet blast!" - SP Cost: 0.75 * (38.1 + 2.3375*MLvl + 0.01125*MLvl^2), rounded normally. Hits: 3 Type: Ranged Element: «As Gauntlet» Damage: **Base: (4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each **Rand: (13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.005*PLvl^2)*(85/75)/3, rounded normally, each **Stat: (200 + 8.8*PLvl)*(85/75)/3 %, rounded normally, each BTH: [PLvl/4] - 10 plus Stats each "Single hit weapon strike" "Ram Attack" - one "physical"/"melee" hit. It deals *85/80 damage, but takes -5 BTH. "Power Punch" - one "physical"/"melee" hit. It gains +5 BTH but deals *85/90 damage [image][/image] Thanks to OmniGuardian. Image and correction thanks to AVA. Numbers thanks to Aelthai