megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/13/2010 3:13:11)
I'm back! Woot! quote:
how do u bacome an archnight Ok, here's what you do: From Venezuela, travel south for three days by car. On the morning of the fourth day, stop, build an altar to Archie the ArchDragon, and sacrifice ten pinto beans to him. After a month, construct a deep space rocket on the alter and take off. After leaving the atmosphere, set a course for the asteroid belt. On your way there, you must farm the Gears Games for Runehawk without ceasing; even one break will ruin your chances. Once you reach the asteroid belt, you may stop and find Gleethor the Undefined. He will give you a pistachio, which you must plant in the largest asteroid within 100 miles of Gleethor. Secure that asteroid to your ship and return to Earth. Upon re-entry, you must land the asteroid gently, but with great force, in the middle of Artix's back yard. Do not land the ship; that will automatically disqualify you. Instead, speed over to the nearest Taco Bell and order two burritos for someone coming in at three o'clock. Pay for them in advance, and then leave. Make you way east, then, into the Atlantic ocean, where you must find the ruins of Antlantia (Not Atlantis, it's still fine) and build another altar to Archie the Archdragon. Finally, grow a beard in three days by pure force of will. Only when you have done the above, may you write your application in charcoal and send it via the wind to us. We will review it and inform you of our verdict by lightning bolt. I did all that perfectly. Did you get the application and if so, can I haz AKness Nowz?[:D] You clearly did not: last line is quite clear on this matter. We will review it and inform you of our verdict by lightning bolt. I'm just messing with you. I am not really asking to be an AK. Just thoughrt I would make that clear. I know. :P So, did you see The End Of Time part two? YES. spoiler:
The Time Lords are evil in it. Never saw that coming. And I felt so sorry for The Doctor at the end, with the whole "I Don't want to go" thing. Nearly made me shed a tear. I found it quite emotional... Though slightly too fast-paced, and without enough time spent in the climactic scene. David Tennent was a briient Doctor and I am sorry to see him go. I agree. He was great, and I wish he'd stayed on longer. And I must go too. Goodbye for now. (Enters TARDIS and leaves to travel in time) Cue old dishwasher noises...