RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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dragonmechdude2.0 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/5/2010 15:30:37)

Hia :D

High 5 for Doctor who! (Doctor who five 0:)
*High five!*

Dude, did you see the latest episode with the master? with the new doctor (End of time)

Crazy right?

The end was a bit anticlimactic, i mean where did sontarin come from that was attacking martha and... That other guy (What was his name 0:?)
All of those scenes were the Doctor saying goodbye. I felt it was needed.

Are you the doctor?
No. I may or may not be a Time Lord, though.

Finally, an AK which i can truly relate to *cries*
There there...

have fun being all AK'y(?) :D
Oh yes. :P

Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/5/2010 16:04:42)

Another page, another post, aren't you so, so, so happy to see me again?

Have you made me some cookies yet?

I'd also like some fries with that.
That's really too sad.

Do you have Fanta in stock?
Bless you.

What's your favorite AE game?
DF, with AQW a close second.

And on a subject that has nothing to do with the above, do you like cake?
Of course.

What's your favorite pie?

Favorite pokemon?
I did quite like Suicune.

Are you a fan of Final Fantasy?

If you are, do you like the Advent Children movie? If you aren't, you still need to answer. :P
Never heard of it.

Did you think that the ending of the last Doctor Who special lasted too long?
Nah... I actually kind of wanted the episode to be longer.

I did, he was moaning about nothing for at least 10 minutes. e.e
That's not true! Regeneration is a big deal.

Are you sick of me being here now?

"Say yes, it'll crush him."
"Say no, it'll be a nice thing to do."
"Being mean is the only way."
"No, being a nice person is the only thing that you can do."
"But you could also choose chaos."
"Yes, my friend, choose chaos."
Bless you.

What is 5 multiplied by 17, minus 50, mutiplied by 540, and divided by 60?

So, is it cookies time yet?
It's always cookies time.

Give me cookies, man, or women, or sheman.
... Bless you?

Are good.

Are great.

Bring joy.

And cookies. :P


anailater -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/6/2010 15:35:48)

Im back mwahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaahahah................ha
Oh goodness.

kitty want a cookie
Nah, I'm good.

I knowticed you didnt understand my pokemon guestion i was asking ill say it in a different way

Probably not.

cookies and milk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im sorry for what im about to do
Are you?

/me traps tolan in hi df account and makes him face scelpure but because its a game his almighty cane dosent work

sorry bout that

imajine if you could get youre cane in df..........................
Have. Several times. :P

if you give me a cookie illl free you from those shackels
Nah, thanks. I'm full.

I know yu brobliy didnt give me a cookie but ill free you any way
Aww, darn...

/me uses the almighty can destroying the shackles for ever
*Raises eyebrow.*

/me then traps tolan in a never ending togocide
Oh goodness.


bless you

penut butter jelly time
No, it's quite definitely hammer time.

Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/6/2010 21:01:49)

Check my last post to see how you did. (Near the bottom of page 4)
Cool! Clarified what I meant at the end, you seemed confused. :P

I can't remember what TiVo said that episode of Dr. Who was about, but I do remember the title of the episode was the names of two people... I can't check because somebody else in my house is always monopolizing the TV.
Oh, was it? I'd guess Smith and Jones then... That's actually a good introductory episode. And I'm sorry for your situation. I usually have pretty good access to my TV.

*Makes a voodoo doll of Tolan and pokes it*
*Makes the Pillsbury Dough Boy laugh.*

*Makes a voodoo doll of Tolan's Backup-Almighty Cane and finds that it is indestructible, even as a voodoo doll*>:O
:P Scary, ain't it?

*Sharpens a fruitcake and stabs Tolan in the shoulder with it*
*Spurts blood.*

Okay, on to the questions.

What did you mean by "It is probably a special." in the last one?
I went back and explained there, but basically, I was thinking it might be a special episode outside the normal series, because one just came out, and they've been re-running it. It wouldn't be ideal if you haven't seen anything else, as it assumes you know something about the show already. But if it is Smith and Jones, it's a good starter. And that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has two names.

Aside from Dr. Who, do you like any other SciFi shows? Like Star Trek? (My favorite show is Professor Whom. =P It is seriously... um... Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Nah... I liked Warehouse 13, but I never got the chance to watch all the episodes, especially towards the end.

Has Falerin completely brainwashed you, or is there still wiggle room in your brain? (If he says no, up the voltage) (I know!)
BRAAAAIIIIINS.... Er, I mean, what brainwashing? >> <<

*Grabs Backup Almighty Cane and puts it on a table a few feet away* >:D What now? Your cane is now a few feet away! Muahahahaha!
Yes, and?

Hmm... I Have only asked 4 questions.....

Doom + Me = More Powerful Doom.
Doom + Tolan =
Not possible. Unfortunately, due to the intrinsic nature of Tolan, combining Tolan and Doom causes all Doom to be completely destroyed. Therefor, all Doom flees at the sight of Tolan.

Hmm... I think I will do this and be off. *glues Tolan's feet to his head*
Wow! I didn't know I was that flexible!

And this:

Still more "MANLY!" than Coyote. And Coyote will never be able to edit my post to say otherwise. Hahahaha!
Oo, bad move...

Also isn't mah siggy awesomesau Ghostsauce? (Ghostsauce being the incredibly Ramped up version of Awesomesauce)
It's where Ghost put his music and has a forum.

... Interesting.

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 3:58:40)

Hiyas ;D

Hmmm Been A While Since Of Checked AEGD...
That's a pity. We have fun here.

Nice To See A New Ak. Congratulations On That, Good Work.
Thanks. ^^

Now Down To The Questions.

Hows The Shackles?
They're alright.

Do Ya Like Drums?
I don't want to do no work... I just want to bang on de drums all day...

Can I Hold Your Cane? I Wont Steal It I Promise !
Nope, sorry. You have to earn cane-holding privileges.

Cookie, Tune Or Pie
... How did Tune work it's way in there?

Hope Your Time As An Ak Will Be Awesome ;)

Can You Read This?
If So Secret Question...
How Awesome Am I? I Make Invisible Questions ;D
Quite not. Invisible questions failzorz. :P

Lady Azjurai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 5:12:35)

I have questions, because you're new and not me and I don't know you and should since you're new and I don't know you.
I completely agree.

It's scary >.>
Aw, don't be scared. I don't bite.

You also get a copy/paste question mathingy. Because I'm both lazy and sassy, it's how I roll. Or would roll if I rolled. I'm too lazy to roll <.<
'Scool. :P

I'm gonna write in a REAL color from now on, because that's how we roll in the shire. By which, I mean my chair.

Question One: If you could give me coffee (and you can) what brand of coffee would you give me?
None. I would give you anti-coffee. Coffee is blech.

Question Two: Why that specific brand exactly?
Because coffee is blech. It is not good.

Question Three: How much of this assumedly delicious coffee will you give me anyway?
As much as you want. :)

Question Four: If Baron edits this message, will you waffle-snug him for me?

Question Five: Enjoying the job so far? It's a good job, the answer had best be yes. Or else *holds up a wrathful slipper*
I am, actually. It's pretty cool.

Question Six: Every AK is an animal of some kind, even those that are not. Which animal are you?
Currently going with panther, I think, ala my avatar. That may or may not change.

Question Seven: Are you sure you're not a Tapir? I have this photo you see...
I have no idea what that it. oO

Question Eight: Seriously, how much coffee you giving me? This is important.
None. I'll give you as much anti-coffee as you want, but coffee? Blech.

Question Nine: Did you know by reading this post you've agreed to join the ranks of catgirl maids? Bet you didn't.
i must have missed the fine print.

Question Ten: Did I say congrats yet? Well, congrats anyway.
Thanks! ^^

Question ELEVEN: Didn't see 11 coming did you? Both numbers and words to give the number, because it's that outrageous. Like Gem, who is truly outrageous.
Why yes, I do think bananas were once cousins of the Aztecs.

Question 12: I'm sleepy and feel like taking a nap.

Happy future AKingnesships :)

Saidre -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 6:18:09)

Well I'm back to violate this thread before I get banned for flaming, which I suspect will happen next time AE re-releases a rare item for AQW.
See, you shouldn't do that. I mean, express your displeasure, but don't flame. That's all we ask. It's not like we require you to like it.

Q1 - You are locked in a 6x6 foot solid concrete room, there is a toilet in the corner and a small circulation vent above you. There is also a TV in the room. In exactly 30 minutes the TV will turn itself on and start playing re-runs of your most hated shows, what do you do?
Get comfy. There are worse fates.

Q2 - Will coffee help with a hangover or have I found something that will prove to Lady Azjurai that coffee is bad.
... I don't know how those two relate to each other, but no, it will not. And no, you probably haven't. She likes her coffee.

Q3 - Will you be my friend?

Q4 - Are you tired of these questions yet?
Nah. Took a little break, back into it now. :)

Q5 - How about now?
Nope. :D

Q6 - I'm an idiot right?
You seem fairly intelligent to me. Why would you ask that?

Q7 - You know another AK sent me to distract you while they hijack your thread right?
I suspected as much! Sill elder Aks thinking they can hijack my thread...
Thinking?! What is this nonsense about thinking? Hijacking is an instinct. ~Nex

Q8 - What exactly is the cane?
It's a cane. It's been adapted to use sonic technology, giving it a wide range of uses beyond the norm. It is an effective means of self-defense as well. :)

anailater -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 13:22:45)

Im bored so....................doooooooooooooom!!!
No. No doom for you.

be evil
be evil
be evil

ok ill stop
'K. :P

do you like futerama
Not the little I've seen of it, no.

if yes do yoy like the 4 movies
did you like the ned of the last one
do you think they should have a new series or a new movie or somthing

Striked since I haven't seen it...

my mum dosnt like the ook of the new doctor
That's sad. I think he's quite good.

i think hes good
I continue to refrain until I see him in action.

be evil we have cookies and pie bt not pinapples graaaaarw
Bless you. Here, have a tissue.



/me pushes tolan over and takes the cane zaps tolan nd traps him in the world of pokemon
You children always assume the cane you grab is the Almighty Cane... Tisk tisk. That' simply not true.

Still have that tissue I gave you?

give me a t

give me a o

give me a l

give me an a

give me a n

what have you got

yes you get snake
Clearly your spelling skills are lacking.

What did you do when i freed you from youre shackels?
Put them back on.



im a telephic using my x-rayvision to do somthing...........
And a merry go-round to you too.



yes bye

stop it


wimmy wim wam wazzle[:D]


Where are you i want you to read my insane comments[:)][&:]
You sir, need a hobby.
You know you missed some questions ill put a space be trween the questions ou anserd and the ones you didnt
Oh and about me stealing the fake cae acctualay i stole the real one because when you were ansering the last post i swapped the canes so i would take the fake one and you thinking t was the fake one so.............ha oh and if you want to join my freinds aqworlds clan pm me but you need a helm that gives you a big head

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 13:30:17)






Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 16:28:30)

Ahahaha! I'm back! And I have brought more inane and otherwordly questions with me!

1: And your otherwordly response is?
Unpronounceable by five species of whale.

2: What could be used to finish this equation?
Tolan +
Warm = Happy.
Tolan + Almighty Cane = Tolan with two Almighty Canes somehow.
Oh, there's only one Almighty Cane. I have several look-alikes to prevent the one being swiped, but there's only one Almighty Cane.

3: Is your head still glued to your feet?
Not sure.

4: Have you gone and seen Avatar yet?

4.5: Take your 3-d glasses home with you, put them on, look in the mirror, and look into your own eyes.
Didn't see it in 3-D, sadly.

5: Are you going to make an entry into the Zardian poetry contest?
Thinking about it.

6: (The following is an excerpt from the forums of's forums)


I was sat down, wondering why my tomatoes wouldn't grow.
So, I thought, like any self-respecting pagan would, We need to make a sacrifice.
It has to be someone of importance, or the gods will think we're cheap.

So... Drew. Sacrifice or no sacrifice?

Drew being a forums Moderator.
... Interesting.

7: What do you do when you get bored?
Avoid getting bored.

8: Can you believe I just asked a serious question?

9: I think I am going to go outside and throw pudding at people.
I wouldn't recommend that. Throwing pudding is generally frowned upon in most societies. Sort of like cannibalism. Only less lethal.

10: Here is the rest of your blowtorch. (It is in 3 pieces) Go ahead and work out assembling it while I use the manual to heat my home.

Still more "MANLY!" than Coyote who will never edit my post to say otherwise.
Oh, dangerous man...

Edit: I checked. You were right, it was Smith and Jones. So you either know every single episode of Dr. Who, or you have TiVo too and looked at the title.
I guessed, as that was the only one with two names that I could think of. ^^; I likes me some Doctor Who.

Edit Edit: I saw a commercial for that TV Show on television "Avatar. the Last Airbender" on a movie, but it was with real people! :O It just doesn't seem like a show that should be turned into real actors/phony actors. :/
Yeah, The Last Airbender movie is gonna be for teh realz... I'm holding judgement yet. I want them to release a substantial preview first, at least.

Edit Edit Edit: I watched it... it didn't seem like a good introductory episode... it seemed like the FIRST episode... of the new version. Or is it like in Monk where his first assistant leaves after a few seasons and then he gets a new one?
The latter. He had just lost his previous companion, and Martha is his new one.

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/7/2010 21:36:12)

Yay! More Doctor Who trivia!

When did the show first air on TV?
... A very long time ago.

How many times can a Time Lord regenerate?
Twelve times and live. There's some speculation there's a thirteenth regeneration, but it kills them.

How did the Doctor get his hand cut off? (which eventually grew into another version of him)
In a duel with a rather ugly alien in the skies over London.

What does TARDIS stand for?
Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Or Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style.

Which human character cannot die?
Jack. Though, he actually does.

What is a sonic screwdriver?
A sonic screwdriver. What else could it be?

When did you first fall in love with the show?
When I was introduced to it by a friend.

How many companions has the Tenth Doctor had?
True companions, 3.

In one sentance, explain the premise of Doctor Who.
Alien runs around through time and space having fun.

This should be the last of me. Have a great time being an AK!
Aw... :( Thanks for the fun!

Ganden -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/10/2010 16:57:55)

Just a note that I have slacked off on this, and am now back. Still open for questions, if anyone wants to get in. :)


Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/10/2010 17:06:03)


Still open for questions, if anyone wants to get in. :)

Well in that case... :P

Hi, how are you?
Hey, pretty good!

I don't believe I've seen you before, what's your excuse?
Three reds and a wild bonk.

I saw that you're in Runehawk, I approve whole-heartedly :D
Verily! Onward to glory, my fellow!

Are you an Rper?
Some. I tend to do best in chat RPs; forum RPs spread out too long to keep my attention.

What games (AE) do you play?
DF, MQ, and AQW.

Well have a nice day/year/life!

(I hope I put the right tags in... Your color is hard to match ;P)
Close. :P

Valosity -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/10/2010 18:58:46)

Hi there and congradulations on making AKness! I have only a few questions for you, in the past i've seen new AKs struggling to keep up with 500 posts and 15 questions on each - hope that doesn't happen to ye!
Me too!

Did you mkae your avatar?
Nope, friend of mine drew it and one of the other AKs shrank it to size for me.

Do you think you are good at art even if others don't, or do others think you are good at art too?
I do not have the patience to be an artist.

From what you have heard/done so far of AKness, do you like it? If so, what part? If not, what part?
I do like it. Just being able to hang out with the AKs is fun, and keeping the forums clean is as well.

Last MtAK I repled to was Lady Azjurai - are you as much of a coffe adicte as her? (She seems to love giving Raccons coffe day & Night!)
Goodness no.

Is there any plans you have for the future related to the forums, that you would like to share infront of the whole wide, gleaming, ready to pounce on you at the wrong word world?
TO RULE THEM AL---*Cough.* I mean, no, not really.

Have a good time AKing! Temporarily you may need to be like LA, hopfully you have a good AKing life and a fun one too!
Thanks! Will do my best!


Kahele -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/11/2010 20:44:15)

how do u bacome an archnight
Ok, here's what you do:

From Venezuela, travel south for three days by car. On the morning of the fourth day, stop, build an altar to Archie the ArchDragon, and sacrifice ten pinto beans to him. After a month, construct a deep space rocket on the alter and take off. After leaving the atmosphere, set a course for the asteroid belt. On your way there, you must farm the Gears Games for Runehawk without ceasing; even one break will ruin your chances.

Once you reach the asteroid belt, you may stop and find Gleethor the Undefined. He will give you a pistachio, which you must plant in the largest asteroid within 100 miles of Gleethor. Secure that asteroid to your ship and return to Earth.

Upon re-entry, you must land the asteroid gently, but with great force, in the middle of Artix's back yard. Do not land the ship; that will automatically disqualify you. Instead, speed over to the nearest Taco Bell and order two burritos for someone coming in at three o'clock. Pay for them in advance, and then leave. Make you way east, then, into the Atlantic ocean, where you must find the ruins of Antlantia (Not Atlantis, it's still fine) and build another altar to Archie the Archdragon.

Finally, grow a beard in three days by pure force of will.

Only when you have done the above, may you write your application in charcoal and send it via the wind to us.

We will review it and inform you of our verdict by lightning bolt.


Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/12/2010 21:14:51)

Okay, this post will be mostly serious. Depends on how serious you can be while talking about Dr. Who. That's right, I am making a post to talk about all two episodes of Dr. Who I have seen. (Smith and Jones and The Waters of Mars) I even added the color tags for you. :)
Woot! (And thanks!)

First off, The Doctor... he seems to be very slowly bipolar. First he is all quirky and funny. Then he is like "Ohhh, I shouldn't be here." Then he is all like serious, then he is all like "The laws of Time answer to me!" and then this lady is all like "All that power shouldn't belong to one man." and then he goes "Tough." and then he goes "I am Time Lord Victorious!" then he gets all weird when this dude I couldn't really make out shows up. He had a vacuum hose coming from somewhere behind him and going up to his mouth.

Waters of Mars was one of the end-of-series specials; you really need to see the whole series before that will make complete sense. Also, the guy at the end with the hose? He's an Ood. Ood Sigma, specifically.

But his quirkiness makes me wish there were more episodes. He even looks like his what personality makes you think he should look like.
There's... Three? I think? Three or four seasons. You probably wont catch all of them on TV, though. You'll have to find other means.

Omg dood lol i seen ths thng uv dr hoo an he was on marz lul!!!!1!!!!11!!!one!!!!!
Don't make me smite you with fire. I was just starting to like you.

Care much for Piano Man by Billy Joel? If you hasn't heard it HEER IT NAO!!!!!!!!!!
I do, actually. It's a good song.

Let's see... what else about Doctor Who..... ummm...... only seen two episodes.... do they ever go back into that weird water virus thing from the Mars episode?
They haven't yet. As I said, those take place after the end of the latest series, so even if they're planning to, they haven't had the chance to yet.

How many (Can you recount off the top of your head) times has he encountered a situation he couldn't fix because it was a calamity that HAD to happen? The Mars one doesn't count because he realized there was nobody to stop him so he stopped it from happening sort of because he was kind of crazy towards the end.
The Doctor... That we know about, in the new series, has only visited one, I think, aside from that. He visited Pompeii on Volcano Day, and got caught up in that. I don't think we've seen another one, though I may be forgetting one.

And in the Mars episode, he was talking about being the last Time Lord... did that happen after Smith and Jones or was that before the actual storyline?
He's been the last of the Time Lords since the show's modern reincarnation, so before.

Quote your favorite thing that your favorite Doctor has ever said.
It's like when you're a kid. The first time they tell you that the Earth's turning and you just can't believe it because everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it: the turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. And the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 thousand miles an hour and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world and if we let go... that's who I am. Now forget me, Rose Tyler. Go home.

Okies. Doctor Who stuff is hard for a Who newbie like me. Who five! (Doctor Who High Five)

No problem. :) *Who Five!*

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/12/2010 23:21:22)

Alright, I'm enjoying chatting about Dr. Who FAR too much to not keep posting :P
So fun, isn't it? :P

What are two unusual things about the Ood?
They're a hive mind, and have 3 brains naturally.

What alien race killed off the Time Lords?
Themselves, technically. Since the Doctor did it. It was also partially the Dalek's fault.

How do you kill that particular alien race?
Daleks: Aim for the eye. Time Lords: Kill them 13 times, or after killing them once but before they regenerate.

Name at least one episode in which the Doctor came extremely close to being killed.
... Most of them. :P Comes right to mind? The one with Agitha Christie.

What is the Doctor's home planet?

What technology protects the TARDIS' doors?
Time Lord Technology, of course. :P

Who is the next Doctor?
The Doctor. He is the same man. :P The actor is Matt Smith, though.

Your favorite episode of Doctor Who:
I can't pick a favorite child... Nn. Can't do it right now.

What are the Cybermen?
Emotionless mostly-robot humans, and one of the Doctor's biggest enemies. They call themselves Humans V 2.0

Those should keep you busy for awhile, without being too hard :)
Hah! Ha, I laugh at your pathetic attempt to keep me busy for significant lengths of time!

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/13/2010 3:13:11)

I'm back!


how do u bacome an archnight
Ok, here's what you do:

From Venezuela, travel south for three days by car. On the morning of the fourth day, stop, build an altar to Archie the ArchDragon, and sacrifice ten pinto beans to him. After a month, construct a deep space rocket on the alter and take off. After leaving the atmosphere, set a course for the asteroid belt. On your way there, you must farm the Gears Games for Runehawk without ceasing; even one break will ruin your chances.

Once you reach the asteroid belt, you may stop and find Gleethor the Undefined. He will give you a pistachio, which you must plant in the largest asteroid within 100 miles of Gleethor. Secure that asteroid to your ship and return to Earth.

Upon re-entry, you must land the asteroid gently, but with great force, in the middle of Artix's back yard. Do not land the ship; that will automatically disqualify you. Instead, speed over to the nearest Taco Bell and order two burritos for someone coming in at three o'clock. Pay for them in advance, and then leave. Make you way east, then, into the Atlantic ocean, where you must find the ruins of Antlantia (Not Atlantis, it's still fine) and build another altar to Archie the Archdragon.

Finally, grow a beard in three days by pure force of will.

Only when you have done the above, may you write your application in charcoal and send it via the wind to us.

We will review it and inform you of our verdict by lightning bolt.

I did all that perfectly. Did you get the application and if so, can I haz AKness Nowz?[:D]
You clearly did not: last line is quite clear on this matter. We will review it and inform you of our verdict by lightning bolt.

I'm just messing with you. I am not really asking to be an AK. Just thoughrt I would make that clear.
I know. :P

So, did you see The End Of Time part two?


The Time Lords are evil in it. Never saw that coming. And I felt so sorry for The Doctor at the end, with the whole "I Don't want to go" thing. Nearly made me shed a tear.

I found it quite emotional... Though slightly too fast-paced, and without enough time spent in the climactic scene.

David Tennent was a briient Doctor and I am sorry to see him go.
I agree. He was great, and I wish he'd stayed on longer.

And I must go too. Goodbye for now. (Enters TARDIS and leaves to travel in time)
Cue old dishwasher noises...

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/13/2010 22:14:32)

After your challenge, I have returned with some of the most difficult and obscure questions I could think of!
D: Oh no!

How does the TARDIS run? (no googling this one!)
Very cleverly. With percussive maintenance. What, do you want to take all the fun out of it? It just does.

What is UNIT?
The branch of the military the Doctor served in.

Name two different methods of travelling through space/time besides the TARDIS
Jacks' time-hopper (When it's working) and the angels.

What characters make up Torchwood?
To know that, I would have to watch Torchwood. And I just don't.

How are the Daleks killed in the season finale?
Which one? There's the Dalekanium shielding reverse feedback, then being wiped from existence by Rose, then being sucked back into the void... You really must be specific. :P

What are the Vashta Nerada, and where do they live?
Microscopic flesh-eating insects, and in the shadows. And in the library. :P

Which episode features statues of angels, and what are their names?
There were two? Goodness. I thought it was one. And I have no idea what their names were.

What (in your opinion) is the scariest episode of Doctor Who?
The Empty Child. Are you my mummy?

What is the face of Boe?
Jack plus years innumerable.

And I am once again out of questions >_> These ones probably weren't hard enough though :P
Actually, these were pretty good.

Mechster Chief -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/13/2010 22:26:57)

Greetings Tolan , Glad to have you here

What is your quest?
To bring honor back to the land.

Beef , chicken or pork?

to be or not to be?
What a silly question.

Enough of my random ramblings Cya round
See ya. :)

One last question , Are you a fan of Johnathan Coulton if not please expose yourself to his music under your own freewill. :)
Sounds familiar by name, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

HK 47 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/14/2010 16:50:56)

Bless you.

So, as of now, how many locks have you made? Or would you prefer not to share that information?
None actually. I'm kind of sad. I want to come up with a lock line.

Having fun?
Oh yeah.

God, I am so bad at coming up with questions...
Eh, you're not the worst I've had.

Uh...yeah...Favorite non-AE games?
Eh, kinda vague right not. Ask me later.

That's...all I got for now.
That's all you wrote. :P

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/14/2010 16:54:08)


Remember me?
Mm, vaguely. Maybe.

Yes, I was from the first page.
Ah, that's it.

I came back to stalk you.

Did you see Avatar?(The movie ofc.)

I just did.

It's an amazing storyline, isn't it?
YES. In my opinion. I seem to be one of the few.

You like DF? Why?
Fun, not overly complex, good story.

Cookies bring...

Cookies bring...

Cookies bring...

Cookies bring...

And Cookies bring...
See, now you're just being silly.

Relentless -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/14/2010 16:58:12)

Hi there Tolan! [:D]

I have no quezzies, just good luck.

Bye, buy, by, bai, boy? O.o

outcastxeno -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/14/2010 17:57:00)


What is you name?
My name is Tolan Montoya.

What is your quest?
You killed my father. Prepare to die.

How long will it take a sparrow to carry a coconut from Florida to England?
That depends, what's the weather like?

See, and now you made fool of yourself for assuming my answer. :P

Can you cut down a tree with a mackerel for me?


Your test results are in, your not can't cross the bridge and find the holy grail!
Oh, good. I've already got one.

Look out a man eating bunny!!!

You found the holy grail, how does that make you feel?

Bye, have a good day!!
You too!

EBX -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/15/2010 20:08:14)

1.Hi Tolan

2.Congrats on the ak-ship!

3.Your favorite food?

4./e kicks the almighty cane out of tolan's hand :o
*Summons it back and whaps EBX on the head.*

5./e gives tolan a cookie

6.What is your opinion on a 3 year old becoming a president?
That's physically impossible. The President's minimum age is something like 35.

7.Are you finding my questions interesting?

8.Are you creeped out by them?
Not really.

9.Do you think i am wierd?
Everyone's weird.

10.Thats all for now :o.

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