RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (Full Version)

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Venus Djinn -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/25/2010 11:59:12)

I use the Knife and Spork, mostly because with the Blademaster it's still possible to kill Kurosawas in three turns and everything else takes no more than four.
Also because the enemies take less time to kill but don't give massively less credits.

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/25/2010 12:05:40)

I like to use PvP because of the HUGE variety of enemies. You know, like over 10,000,000 different enemies to fight.

Psycho Warrior -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/25/2010 12:19:22)

i farm bug war II

you usually get more credits than soluna battles

lord of cookies -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/25/2010 12:32:00)

u need a very powerful mech to do bug war

Psycho Warrior -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/25/2010 12:39:57)

not really. just stunning/DoT equipment, which is availible at the the inn, right before you go to bug war[:D]

Knoodlesguy -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/26/2010 7:58:13)

well, my choice of farming style is assault mech, get the enemies to lv.45, have an X boost and a good mech, typically a monthly rare like the mohawk or the lucky blademaster

Drakyloid -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/26/2010 22:49:09)

I don't really like using the Random Battle option in PvP. Too many customized SCMM's that take too long to beat. >.>

I tend to like farming in the ShS War on Westion. Somewhat wide variety of enemies, and good rewards (levels 35-45 in there). Not to mention the Valor Badges (not sure if that was removed yet).

UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (4/29/2010 12:09:09)

Drakyloin: You still get Valor from the Westion Final War, seeing as you need 100 to access the reward mecha.

To me, the best place is Don Tei's General store. 4 quick, easy battles against Shadowscythe using the BC mech with Shadow Proton. For those without the BC, use the Shadowed Lion (once that bug gets fixed) or a high-powered mech. Again, use Shadow Proton series.

Soldato J -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (5/9/2010 20:05:36)

Not sure if this is unfair or not, but the first few (non-staff) opponents, starting with #9, in Assault Mecha have naught but a FA machine gun. If you have something that can knock that out, such as the rare SCMM Grim Reaper and Blademaster series, you can reduce their damage potential to nil. Thus, free and easy victories even on Extreme. I hope that this is legal...

SonicTbear -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (5/28/2010 16:38:24)

I farm the Dragonoid on Westion. I still can't beat him on Impossible. And I used to farm the K&S Final Challenge. That was untill I threw away my Corrupted Drakel Power Armor. :P It was lvl 17. And I beat the whole challenge with just a lvl 17 mech!

If you want to know how I do it, read this. :P
My Activation Sequence:

  • BD
  • HD
  • FA
  • BA
  • FS
  • BS
  • If facing Samurai and he activates Iron Stance, just skip. :P

Psycho Warrior -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/10/2010 11:25:43)



duel 7855906. its an abandoned noob account.


set it to scale. because then you have a chance to duel people of higher levels. right now i am dueling a lv44. credit/xp payout is pretty good[:D]

Were Imp5130 -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 0:13:23)


Same here! 130 hp is easy for my Nova Socker

mechquestlord -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 2:06:06)

i farm the extreme challenges. good payout.

Kuld -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 2:40:03)

Farming the Extreme Challenge is nothing but a waste of time. You probably earn less in an hour of farming the Extreme Challenge than 20 minutes of Normal-difficulty Assault Mecha. The rewards aren't higher than usual in the Extreme Challenge, so it's better to go for the 2-3 turn kills you can pull off in Assault Mecha instead.

mechquestlord -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 3:21:49)

westions a pushover. each and every enemy. the last enemy is the hardest though. anyways i (and tons of other people) are sc. and ng. and have the "overpowered items" like dg and nephyrisis ba and rixty and blah de blah blah blah... also i wonder if the card arm should count as op...

Kuld -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 4:02:57)

How easy they are to defeat is irrelevant. They have too much HP to be effective farming material.

Glais -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 4:06:54)

I just stick with K&S 10, works very well for me, mostly because you can see the small chunk of EXP during the Mission.
I don't know, mentally that helps with farming for me somehow :/

AoW -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (6/11/2010 10:27:07)

i just farm by trying new builds on the battle button it gets alot of credits without feeling like your farming

SoulWing -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/7/2010 5:35:00)

@AoW: I do that heaps. After I bought the Master Blaster, I had about 100 credits or so, and after just battle buttoning, I suddenly got 77k o.o

LeoMart -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/7/2010 6:36:10)

Lol 100 credits?! That's nice! [:D]. I've got 2 million.[8D]

Brownie -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/7/2010 11:08:05)

Gotta be K&S 10 for me. I use...What did I use again?

Shadowwolf with Nephy death embrace.
If they're still alive - FS or BS.
With 108 Pow/108 Luck.

I OHKO most enemies and all the animtaion is pretty quick if I don't.

Digital X -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/7/2010 12:40:03)

Master Blaster 38, all defaults or head as the Crane Head from Yokai. 3 turn kill on all the enemies apart from the samurai looking one, then it's 2 turns. Main farming place is K&S 10 still.

damien_black13 -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/7/2010 12:51:28)

I usually farm the pvp now. I just find a character to battle, set the setting to scale, equip my mohawk mech, put some music on to jam to, and the rest is history.

SoulWing -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/7/2010 23:06:07)

@AQWPlayer: He is easy to beat, even before they nerfed his front arm to 99-99.

Terosin -> RE: =MQ= Farming Discussion (7/11/2010 15:32:14)

Updated first post:

Do not suggest or discuss specific IDs or overall Mecha Assault. The PvP is currently bugged and anykind of suggestion or usage is considered as bug abuse.
If you still think you have to suggest or discuss it, you'll recieve a warning. No excuses.

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