Newest Project: Write-athon (Full Version)

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Arthur The Brave One -> Newest Project: Write-athon (1/7/2010 17:08:40)

Well, I got inspired by NaNoWriMo, and decided to take 31 days to write a novel. Stupid idea? Very. Fun as hell? F*ck yeah. Great for my writing skills? I sure as hell hope and think so.
The first chapter is up now. The story does not have a title yet, and only complete chapters will be posted. So, updates might sometimes take three to four. Also note that I'm not promising any absolutes here, so if the situation requires it this little project will be put on hiatus. This is just a simple project for fun that I decided to do seeing as a lot of my usual sporting activities have for some time vanished from my weekly schedule due to snow and winter-breaks and stuff like that.

This story contains (or well, is probably going to contain) some lame attempts at gore and a bit of strong language. If you are easily offended, have a soul pure as snow, or can't stand reading something that is absolutely crud and unedited (that's right, I'm only going to edit it afterwards - meaning the edits will pretty much be the rewrites). Comments and criticism is still highly appreciated and valued, even though I will only apply it /after/ I've finished the whole thing.

My minimum words per day is 500, because this isn't a time I should be putting too much strain on my schoolwork. However, I'll probably never write that little, and seeing as there is no maximum, there is no saying with how many words I might end up in the end.

Seeing as there are some influences from the Magic: The Gathering universe, I feel I should say that there will be no money made with this project: if it ever gets published, I will just, y'know, replace those references to things that won't get me sued. And stuff. And mind you, it's not going to get published. Ever. It's gonna be crap, so it'd be way to much work to get that kinda work get accepted by a publisher. Bleh, I'm digressing.

Chapter 1: Nightly Strolling

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