Cool Techblade (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Cool Techblade (1/25/2010 22:27:11)

Techblade(L5), Techblade Z(L5Z), Cool Techblade(L25)
Guardian Techblade(L45G), Cold Techblade(L65), Frozen Guardian Techblade(L85G)

Cool Techblade
Location: Hangar Deck > Stromfront > Hangar Arsenal
Level: 25
Price: 74 Gold
Sellback: 37 Gold

PLvl: 25
Damage: 6-20
Element: Ice
Type: Melee
BtH: +3%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 361% Base and Random plus 210% LS each
BtH: +11% each
Stats: No
Rate: 20%

Freeze your enemy's blood in its veins with your superior technology!


Thanks to Scakk

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