RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (Full Version)

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Scottrick95 -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 1:32:58)


There's no limit on questions.

Oh your gonna regret that....
I never do.

1. Gratz on modship, I remember when you barely got AK'ed

2. Has it been almost 3 years? Already?
Yup yup.

3. Favorite pokemon? That isn't a fire starter...

4. Can you guess how many questions there are going to be?

5. I think no limit on questions is just asking for what your going to get.
It is, if I'm still bored, then you fail XD

6. The below question is false.
The below isn't a question, so this statement is false.

7. The question above is true.
See above.


9. How many pokemon references are going to be in this post?

10. Do you want some real questions?

11. Favorite (Non pokemon) TV show?
Already answered. But Heroes.

12. When ever I say pokemon I owe you 1 cookie... Deal?
That's one.

13. What is your favorite word?
Already answered. But I'll say a new one: Antidisestablishmentarinism.

14. Favorite color? *cough* green *cough*

15. If firefox (I mean failfox) Crashed right now, Id have to type 15 questions all over again...
That's why I use Opera.

16. What browser do you use?
See above.

17. Favorite type of game?

18. Favorite game system?

19. Without looking, Can you name all 493 pokemon?

20. Look at all of those people... Only 10 questions....
I know, right?

21. 3+3?
10. In base 6.

22. Favorite type of pie?
Key Lime.

23. If a rooster lays an egg on top of a square roof, which way does the egg roll?
Roosters can't lay eggs.

24. Are you ever going to evolve?
Maybe one day.

25. OMG PRESS B!!!
To run? D:

26. 99 rare candies ftw?

27. Why did the charmander cross the road?
I felt like it.

28. Go master ball?

29. Ultra ball?

30. Arceus canz pwnzor you

31. What level are you?
98 now.

32. Worst pokemon game ever?
The one where you have to talk to Pikachu XD

33. Agh cant stop saying pokemon... Im going to have to owe you over 9000 cookies.

34. Confuse ray?

35. What pokemon did you use your first master ball on?
Moltres, I think.

36. Water gun is supah effective?
Not if I doj

37. Do you likez Bunnys?

38. Do you like mudkipz?
Best water starter out there.

39. Do you like a combination of Mudkipz and bunnyz? (Bunkipz, Mudnyz...?)
... No? O.o

40. Do you use deodorant?
Who doesn't?

41. If your stuck on an island for 5 days and you can only bring 3 things, What would you bring?
A radio transmiter, a radio, and a hunting rifle.

42. If I cut your tail off... Does it grow back?
.. no ;_;

43. Fire vs ice, who would win?
Fire. Fire melts ice. Win.

44. Wouldnt ice win cause it would melt then put the fire out? Or a tie...
Nope. :3

45. 999 rare candies = set for life?
More than needed.

46. We iz buddehs?
Sure :P

47. Favorite MMO?
Three way tie: AQW, WoW, and GW.

48. Could a hyperactive hamster power your house?
No. Would take ten.

49. Why?
My computer is always on.

50. Why are fizzy drinks more tasty than the same liquid once it has gone flat?
No idea.

51. Do penguins get lonely?

52. In films, the hero often evades bullets by jumping into a river. How far below the surface would he need to dive?
Depends on the caliber used. 9mm wouldn't get past the first 2 feet of the surface. Anything else would hit you.

53. Do you watch mythbusters?

54. If you did you would know the answer to question 52
I answered it, didn't I? :P

55. Why not?

56. Would you like heartburn pain now? Or later?

57. Wheres waldo?
He posted before you... oh wait, that's Wallo. Nevermind. I don't know.

58. If you had 1 million Dollars, what would be the first thing you bought?
I'd pay off debt, then sign up for college and get everything done.

59. What is the character limit for posts....?
I'm not sure.

60. icharzard?
Not yet.

61. Are you wild? Or do you live in a pokeball?
Lord Barrius is my pokemaster :P

62. How many times did I say pokemon?
I don't know.

63. How many cookiez do I owe you?

Cant think of anymore questions... so you got 63 questions for you to answer

If I havnt already, Gratz for Modship
You said that first, but thanks again!
Wow.... Fast... Ill be back with mah revenge.

Veonyx -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 1:40:34)

Good luck answering that e.e
Already done.

Congrats on modship!


Tokijin -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 1:49:44)


Yup, that's right. And because I know you OOCers LOVE asking a ridiculous amount of questions, there's no limit on questions.

unwise choice when someone has a person with a lot of time on their hands.

So congratulations on Mod Status!
1) First off, What is the square root of 4356?
2)Is their a point in using spoilers even though you can edit and see what its the spoilers?
I usually know anyway, I get to test the games :P
3)Favorite game?
Already asked.
4)Favorite type of music?
5)Top 3 favorite bands?
Answered to an extreme.
6) Que hora es?
2:08am, if I remember Spanish correctly.
7)Its over _____?!!!
8)Does scottrick95 have more questions then I do?
9) 1 of your favorite authors?
I have way too many to name.
10) Favorite poem?
Can't think of one off the top of my head.
11) Favorite animal
12) Who would win in a fight a digimon vs pokemon?
13) So as I like saying to every MTAK or MTM, do u liek mudkipz?
14) Squirtle < Charmander > Pikachu
15) How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie center of a tootsie pop?
3 and one bite.
16) Why aren't my numbers bolded anymore?
You got lazy.
17) Your choice on we browsers? (google chrome, internet explorer, etc)
mwhahaha! switched to center! how do you feel about that?

Meh. I see it normally when I'm editing.
18) Why did I skip a number
Because it was centered.
19) What made you come to AE in the first place?
20) Most played AE game?
21) Do you tire of these questions?
22) Quick!!! red, blue, or yellow fuse!!?
23) Favorite board game?
Toss Up!!
23) Greatest pokemon of all time?
I'm biased.
24) Do liek srsly like ansering this question's wit reely b4D grammEr It 1i3k pwN$ u?
I dislike bad grammar XD
25) Does that count as a question?
26) does this?
27) Why was 6 afraid of 7?
You already said it without giving me a chance to answer D:<
28) Is it because 7,8,9?
29) So last question.....? What should it be?
I dunno.
30) Oh nevermind. do you think I should stop bothering you?
Ok. I'm done! I just wanted to ask this much because I haven't been in a MtM or MtAK to ask many questions.
Thank you for your time! See you around.
No, thank you!

Ampy -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 1:59:41)

Congrat's on modship
When will you be level 100?
Whenever, I have more than enough rare candies.
Will you be evolved by then
Do you like pancakes?
Yes, I like pancakes.
Do bunnehs entertain you?
Did, you base the "i" in your name off of the "iPhone"?
Not at all, actually.
You know, I will kill you with my mudkip correct?
If scott, was frozen would you save him?
Scott? O.o
WOuld you evolve if you were the only being remaining on the planet?
Evolution only happens through generations.
Tired of questions yet?
PLay any sports
Cross Country running FTW
If, so do they involve fire,?
Are you evil?
If, so I can provide cookies?
Huh? O.o
Which, do you prefer, cookies or fire?
If I quit asking questions now would you be happy?
What is the exact weight of you (Charmander)?
This Charmander is rather large and weighs 145lbs.
What is your exact height?
Will I pwn you in pvp?
Running out of questions, you hope?
I guess.
Don't bug me? O.o

The True Assassin -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 7:20:34)

HiChar :D
Good luck I guess.
You guess? D:
Well done... mumbles.
What'd you say? I can't hear you when you mumble ;_;

TarrianLoki -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 7:48:50)

Grats charreh...
So.. how does the power feel? good or good?
Good! I get to do--
and.. yes?
No, I'm sorry, go on.
or no?
Wait... what? D:
seems like verything that can be asked has been already asked, so i'm just going to go...
It seems like it.

Kosefira -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 8:30:28)

Congratulations iChar.
Same to you!
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
Tea, actually.
Do you have a favourite tea or coffee?
My favourite type of tea is deffinately a red blend.
Are you enjoying yourself?
I am :3
That's all. Bye.

Relentless -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 9:01:36)

Hi iChar! :-)
If I'm right, you were CA and an L&L Archknight, right?
I was, I was. That's also what I told everyone XD
Maybe you could teach me a few tips writing a narrative? :D
I would love to, I'll look for your stuff in L&L and comment there.
Alright the end of my questions. Good luck and congratulations. Have fun! :D

max13 -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 9:37:59)

1) Why'd the chicken cross the rode?
To get to the other side.
2) X-box360 or PS3?
3) COD or Halo?
4) Favorite AE game?
5) Why?
It's an MMO.
6) Favorite Computer Game?
Killing Floor.
7) Favorite food?
8) Is this a hard question?
This one right here? No.
9) Happy today?
10) There has been so many fights of peopple trying to out man Coyote, do you think *we'll* ever succsed? I mean he is so manly, I have thrown beers and Footballs at hi to conquer his manliness (using un-manliness, o so intelligent). Is life over or am i just getting worried over *more* of my failures?
Good luck out man-ing Versy :P
11) Sky or Land?
I'm not picking between Skydrite or LANDIS D:<
12) Sea or sky?
Still not going to pick between two mods XD (Seahawk and skydrite)
13) Potato or Tomato?
LordTomato to you, sir :P
14)Cow or Pig?
15)Bacon or milk?
16) Chinese Food or Mexican Food?
Depends on the day.
17)Good or Evil?
Eat it :3
21) -gives 5 rare candies and a Fire Stone-
Fire stone does nothing!
22) Evolve already!
23)Lots of questions huh?
One hudndred and one of them, just from you.
24) My fingers are getting tired, im gonna go play some Epic Duel.
25) Do you like ED?
I do, it's fun.
26) If so, What lvl are you?
27) If so, are you techy merc or BH?
Tech mages FTW
28) My fingers cant stop with the questions! HELP MEH! WHAT SHALL YOU DO?
29) Favorite Sport?
Cross Country. Unless it's Pittsburg playing, then that game.
30) Favorite Baseball team?
Pittsburg Pirates.
Well that's all, Have a great day and one more thing,
Two more things
31) Did this make you laugh?
Heh. Chuckle.
32) Like DDR?
You lied ;_;
And I play DDR when no when is looking.

33) Like Monoply?
34) Can i b ur frend?
35) I gotz you a Coke, but i dranked it.
36) Do you like Coke?
Pepsi is better. And Dr. Pepper rules them both.
37) Dock Dock Moose?
38) Ever hitted a Ham Vun?
39) Do you like beef Jerkey?
Bison Jerkey is better.
40)Do you like shades?
41)You good at Checkers?
42) You good at Chess?
Kind of.
43) Are you using a desktop or a laptop?
44) Number 44, tired yet?
45)Do you think i will get farther than scottrick?
I know you will.
46)Super duper dawg fell down a hole. WHAT SHALL YOU DO?
Cry ;_;
47) Humpty Dumpty Fell down a ___?
He didn't fall down anything, he just had a great fall.
48) What is the most random question ive asked?
Can't recall.
50) What do you have on copy and paste currently?
That youtube link XD
51) What was ur last screenshot taken of?
EpicD I think.
52) Like Ice cream?
I do.
53) If so, Chocolate or vanilla?
Mint Chocolate Chip.
54)Favorite book?
I have too many.
55) Really? Why?
I like to read.
56)Look to left, what colors do you see?
Red, orange, and brown. And a bunch of others. *shakes his fist at a colourful ottoman*
57) Look to your right, what colors do you see?
Red, blue, and cat.
58) Are you mean to water types? Or are you nice?
Haven't run into any.
59)Are you mean to grass types? Or are you nice?
Nah, I'm nice to them.
60)If Bakugun copied Pokemon's moto and said 'GOTTA ROLL EM ALL! BAKUGUN!" What would you do?
My face would meet my palm.
61) Why?
Just... not right.
62) 1+1?
63) Explain.
It's answered in base 2. I know you didn't ask for it, but I like being different. Basically, base 10 is what we count in normally. Every ten numbers is a one in the tens place and a zero in the ones place. With base two, every TWO makes a tens place. So it counts like so: 1, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 31, 40, and so on.
64) Ever rode a dragon?
65) Ever rode a horse?
Very long time ago.
66) Tired yet?
67) Ever rode a cow?
68) Ever rode a fish?
69) Ever rode a boat?
"in a boat", you mean :p
70) Over scottrick yet?
71) Do you use a seat belt when in a car/truck? (Be Honest!)
72) Favorite Christmas carol?
Can't remember.
73) Favorite Thanksgiving carol?
See above.
74) If your a pokemon and you know it clap your ____?
75) 3/4 of the way to 100! Are you excited?
76) If a hobo saved Obama's life would he give him a house?
Probably not, but that guy would get so much media, he'd be able to buy a house.
77)If a hobo saved Kanye West's life would he give him a house?
Kanye? Do that? Not a chance. But again, with the media and such.
78) If a hobo saved Taylor Swift's life life would she give him a house?
79) Hi im Tigger da Tiger! WHAT SHALL YOU DO?
80) Out of all my questions, which was the most annoying?
None of them.
81)Favorite forum memory?
Too many.
82) What's a noun?
A person, place, or thing. Yay Schoolhouse Rock!
83) 2+9?
51 in base 2.
84) What does alt F4 do?
Closes the current window you have selected.
85)☼☼○♠♦◘•☺♦♣? Cool shapes huh?
86) Do you know how to make them?
Alt+key pad stuff.
87) It's easy wanna learn? (If ya do pm me! :D)
I already know :P
88) Fist bomb fire works?
89) Pwease?
90) Pwettty pwease?
91) Serious question, are you ready for it?
92)[8D] or[8|]?
93) Why?
It wasn't an option, that's why.
94) Describe yourself in 2 words.
Awesome Charmander.
95) Describe me in 4 words.

asks lots of questions.... [:D]

What you said.
96)Beaver or bird?
Beaver. They have lakeON houses. Forget lakeside.
97) Favorite Bird?
Red breast woodpecker.
98) Favorite color)
99) Can you dance like a piggy?
100) YAY!!!!!!!!!! 100!!!!!!! Aren't you happeh? ITS OVER BAI!!!!!!! HAPPINESS WAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! [:D]
101) Your happy, right?

Glais -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 13:45:29)

No limit on questions? Ok cool.....
Here is my ultimate new Mod tests, all mods or AKs ussually take some sort of insane test made by me(well all mods I notice have a "meet them" thread, but they couldn't hide this one!)

1.CheeseCake versus any other cake? Who will win this epic battle?
2.If your DVD were to TransForm(Into a small skittery robot of course) how would you react?
I'd kill it. Because it'd most likely look like a spider. And those are creepy.
3.Do you do any martial arts?
4.If you do which ones? If you don't then.... watch some Tony Jaa and get inspired, kidding(not really)
Tony Jaa is amazing.
5.Favorite superhero?
The Flash
7.(Everyone knows 7 comes before 6) waffles, Pancakes, or french Toast?
Pancakes. As waffles are just pancakes with little squares on 'em.
6.DeathFrogs vs Rat Mutants, who would win?
DeathFrogs. They control death.
7.What's your favorite AE game?
8.Square root of Pi?
There can't be a square root to an irrational number, thank you.
9.Can you think of someone who could beat Bruce Lee?
Chuck Norris. As he already did in one of the movies.
10.Favorite type of sandwhich?
The edible kind.
11.Have you ever been out of your country?
Not that I can remember. I was born on a US territory that was not continental, but I don't know if that counts.
12.If so, was the country you went to interesting? If not...uhhhh.......have you ever been seriously injured?
Not seriously.
13.Good at sports? If so which ones?
14.If you came somewhere and a car was basically crashed into your roof, with no way of identifying the driver, what would you do?
My roof is another apartment, I'd probably make sure the couple that lives above me is okay before doing anything.
15.Do you like TransFormers?
I like what I grew up watching, not what they're doing with it now.
16.If so, which ones?
BeastWars was EPIC.
17.Are you good at drawing?
I guess so.
18.It is now a fight between Dinosaurs and robots...who wins?
19.Do you think Iron man could beat Master Chief?
Maybe, depends on the field, and the limit of weapons.
20.Is there anyone you think Optimus Prime can't beat?
21.If the whole world was flodded and humanity was forced to live underwater, would you like it or hate it?
Love it. I <3 swimming.
22.Tanks or Jets?
Jets, tanks fire too slowly.
23.Seeing as how you seem to be a Pokemon fan:Does it make any since that the player can capture Arceus(which is supposed to be like a god)?
No it doesn't, and not all players can. Without cheating or without going to a pokemon event, which there are rarely any of those now.
24.Are my questions annoying?
25.Running out of stuff...moving on
26.Do you write or draw up your own stories?
I do both, sometimes.
27.If so, what are they about?
Random stuff.
28.If not....well, I don't know, you get to make up your own question here(No one's done that before!)
29.Are you afraid of Spiders? They creep me out.....
Answered earlier in this, actually.
30.Do you collect anything? *note to self...must...hit...50...question...mark....*
31.Favorite number?
32.Favorite color?
33.Favorite character in anything ever?
Atticus Finch.
34.Least favorite character in anything ever?
Don't really have one.
35.Do you like or hate when people make up those "invincible" characters?
Depends on what that character is used for.
36.If you had an option to choose any vehicle you wanted and keep it, which would you choose?
'64 Chevy Impala SS Convertible with a Cherry Red finish.
37.Are you enjoying being a mod?
38.Do you play all AE games?*dumb question*
Most of them, yes.
39.Which is your favorite?
40.Agent P is the best Secret agent, do you agree?
41.Do you believe in Yetis?
Icemaster Yeti is a close friend of mine ;)
42.(only 8 more questions or something like that) Is the question the answer to the universe?
I think you phrased that incorrectly.
43.Do you have a lucky number? Or anything else that is "lucky?"
44.Favorite animal?
45.Do you have any pets?
Two cats.
46.Running out of things TV alot?
47.Star wars or Lord of the Rings?
Don't make me pick ;_;
48.DragonFly or Praying Mantis?
Eukara! (Dragonflies for that, btw)
49>The ultimate question:Yetis vs BigFoot?
IMY! (So, yeti)
50.We're done! favorite candy?
Charleston Chews :3
Well thanks for your time, I know there were alot of questions and they were a bit random, but it's because I haven't really seen you on the forums so I don't know you all that well.
Not that many.
Not a problem!

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 16:40:38)

Go blastoise
blastoise used surf
/me doj
would you use firekip [firefox but with a mudkip logo]
No. I dislike FF enough as it is.
since your a mod shouldnt you be a izard
Probably, to avoid copyright infringement. But since I'm not claiming that the Charmander is my property, it's perfectly fine.
my favorite pokemon are squirtle, cydaquil, tyranitar and umbreon what are yours
Charmander, Infernape, and Jolteon.
shoot i have run out of question but i still have pokepuns
i'll be back

Dragon. -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 20:00:42)

i've never heard of you before
i just like to hassle random mods
ohh wait i know you!!!!
you're the new barbecue made by apple ;D
i hope you got that joke
it was effort to not use a pokemon joke!
I could tell.
none of these have been questions so far have they?
This one is!
your guilty pleasure? (apart from me)
Video games.
Filled with some great artists.
when are you going to wear-in your banhammer?
Break-in, you mean. I hope I don't have to!
you should draw a banhammer!
XD Hahah.
why did kandi eat you?
Because she's a meanie face.
byebye mr. char

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 21:53:15)

I don't know you :D But i like you cause you like Charmander. Hes so cool. :D I liekz Fire.
Charmander is <3
Congratulations on the moddyness.
I Can haz hug right? Dont care.
*Congratulatory Hug* ;D
Q&A Time.
1.Hows Modding going for ya?
Pretty well, so far.
2.Whats your favorite animal?
3. If this and that went here and there then this and that went there and here, did they get pie and coffee?
Probably not.
Well, that's all im having a brain dead day since school starts once more in 2 days D:
Once again, congratulations on becoming a moderator.

I know you can see this when you edit :D
Whats your AQW Character name?

SwordPrince -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/30/2010 22:33:43)

Wow i thought you were already a moderator (must have just been my imagination)

can you divide two fishes with one stone while floating on a cat (made of perfectly placed pretty pink pixels)?
Yes. But only at 2:39:08pm on Saturdays.
This is an arrow ----->, your response?
<===}{------------------> Sword.
you are represented by a fire avatar, does this make online conversations awkward when people remark what you say as flames
It would be, haven't had to give that many warnings in my time as an AK/Mod :P
whats your favorite letter?
and since im too bored to continue this tormenting list of questions ill end it with one more
how are your 3rd dimensional cellmates dealing with the fact that a 2 dimensional creature is residing right next to them only separated by a barrier
I dunno... they find me kind of two sided, though.

CupaJoe -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 0:24:26)

I remember you once, long, long ago. Been helluva long time though. xD
It has been.
Anyhoo, whadaya say we skip the formalities and start with the questions?
What made you decide on being a mod? Sounds silly, but I've never seen myself having the time or effort to put up with it. e__^;
I've been contributing to the forum for a very long time, at least in the CA area, so I thought why not just agree to the question and contribute to the whole forum?
Shark Attack 3 vs. Troll 2 vs. The scene at the art musuem in Ferris Bueller. Biggest lolwat?
Ferris Bueller.
Favorite Engrish word/phrase? (if you have trouble, just think of most old fighting games xD!)
"Try eating this!" as a warcry.
Captain Kirk FU-SION-HAA dances with Mr. T. y/y?
Too much epic for the world.
If I had a nickel for every plain white t-shirt Vin Diesel has, how many space programs would I own? =D
If I had a shark for every time Nicholas Cage jumped one in his career, how many Jaws remakes could I have him star in? =o
Too many.
Would you see it?
What if I told you the shark was played by Sylvester Stalone?
I'm in.
Jersey Shore vs. Mundane local news reports. Which makes you lose faith in humanity first? e__e
Iz out of questions. D=
Take care, good sir. Congrats on teh Modage. ^^

Reaper Sigma -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 9:17:11)

I r teh bak.
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
Let someone play chopsticks on my ribs.
I am going to ask above question every time a MtAK/MtM comes up.
Have you read ma story in Narrative and Prose?
Do you ever go to the UCaG subforums?
Not since I stopped AKing there.
When did you first come on the forums?
You can check my forum profile for that.
Do you feel you're going to be swamped in work now?
Nope. Not just yet, I'm still adjusting.
Do you get paid?(this one's a joke....Okay, a bad one.)
Psh, in love from Circe.

I used to own at Halo and CoD. GoW is eh.

Yes, I said that.
I am sad now.
Have you watched "100 ways to die in Halo 3"?
Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?
Bruce Lee.
Energy Sword or Gravity Hammer?
Gravity Hammer is faster and has an AoE damage dealio.
Elite of Spartan?
Spartan. Smaller headshot hitbox.
Tank or pie?
Ever Read The Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan?
How about Lord of the Rings?
All of them in about a month.
Favorite genre of books?
Favorite genre of movies?
Favorite book?
Favorite movie?
Have you been infected?
ZOMG teh flood be back!
I am out of questions Bai.

Vice -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 13:19:01)

Want more questions?
I don't have much of a choice, do I?
Good >:3
Seriously though, does it not annoy you to have to do the same questions over and over again?
I end up just saying "Answered"
It'd annoy me.
It doesn't really bother me.
And at that, most of the people here didn't even know you existed lol
I guess the Creative Arts aren't as popular as other threads.
You mean forums? And we're not.
Or maybe it's just because it's like one out of 30 threads, and the other 29 don't visit much
Doesn't matter now though, you're a general mod. That means you mod all the threads?
All the forums, you're being silly :|
Lol, death star cliché, the all powerful laser destroys the planets >:D
Alright, maybe thats not the kind of image you want portrayed.
Sometimes that's life, I don't think Van Gogh wanted himself portrayed as an emo.
But he was.
I liked the old school emos better than the new ones.
I like punk kids.
Todays emos is all about clothes and crack.
Have you seen the spiders on drugs thing?
I have.
If you've not seen it, check it out, I laughed
Me too.
They basically give these spiders different drugs, they go crazy
I know :O
Do you play any other MMO's not owned by AE?
GW, and WoW
I wouldn't want to pay for them. Guild wars is alright, it's one time payment.
That's one of mine XD
I don't think my laptop would be able to support it though, it's like a netbook thing.
Probably not.
Lol, I realized most of these aren't actually questions, I'll just turn them in to questions with question marks, alright?
That one was a question, technically.
Thank god it's the weekend, hey?
I concur. Still an actual question XD
Doing anything cool? I think I might go see Avatar at the cinema tomorrow, is it good?
I read a review, it only got 3 stars. It said that the graphics are amazing, but the story is predictable and clichéd. And I actually can't be bothered with all these question marks, they're just annoying.
The story is predictable, but that's okay.
Avatar is made by the same person who directed the Titanic, I hear.
I actually found Titanic quite boring, it was way too long. Over half the movie was just the boat sinking.
The truth, you speak it.
Can't trust us British, anything we build other than jets fail.
Our cars are good though :) Can't deny the aston martin and the jaguar.
Nope, those are awesome.
I like american cars, I've always wanted to drive a dodge viper
Dodge's are decent. All about Chevy muscle, imo.
Picture this, you are in a room. To your right there is a door saying way out, to your left is a door saying way in. Where do you go?
Way out. I hate being trapped.
It's a wierd question when you think about it, you don't know whats inside or outside, or indeed if inside is outside. It helps figure out your personality, if your adventurous you go in, if your safer you go out.
There's also if you are clostrophobic. Which I kind of am.
By the way, is this a level up or an evolution for you? Or maybe you became a shiny charmander :)
I think it's just a level up. I don't evolve based on this forum ;P
I used to play pokémon a lot on my gameboy advance.
Me too!
Don't call me sad, it was a long time ago.
Psh, I use emulators to STILL play it.
Remember pokémon yellow?
Where Pikachu followed you around instead of being in his pokeball?
The two new Pokemon games allow you to do that with any pokemon, all the time. HeartGold and SoulSilver.
It was an amazing game...
It's what got my mom addicted to Pokemon.
Anyways, I wanted this to be longer but nevermind. Kudos!
XD bai

hiyah89 -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 19:02:53)

The excelmation points make it so that I don't understand the type of math you want me to do :|
I have to say, I am kind of disappointed at all these mods coming up, just so much.
If you have a problem with the amount of mods, take it to Circe.
Can you put something completely unrelated under this one?
Chicken feet.
You know are.
Are you having fun?
What's the best part about being a mod?
Being able to change my title whenever I want.
The worst?
There's nothing to hate yet!
K. Thx. Bye!

Daxxy -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 20:54:37)


Don't answer this!

Let's have a discussion.

Okay nevermind lemme go get some cheezits.

Found them!

You want some?

*Gives iChar some anyway*

"Who Wants Jelly Donuts"

What's your religion?

Halo or CoD?

I know where you live....

You'd better be :P

I DON'T Choose You!
Kay /sleep

I just found this out.... MJ IS DEAD!!! :OOOOO


Does this get boring?
Not all the time.

Y[:@]U Will Die [:)]Ver My Lazah!!

Heard Of MAG?
I don't believe so.

Truth Or Dare?

Tuesday Or Thursday?

Am I giving you enough space?
How about now?

I thought So!

Fix and then Fill in the Box!
|                        |
|                        |
|                        |
|                        |
It's filled with air. Or pixels, if you want to be litteral.

Mcdonalds Ice cream or Burger king's?

Did you know Chuck E. Cheese Has Beer?
Did not.

Do you think they should make a Teenage Chuck E. Cheese?
They have one. it's called Dave & Buster's.
V,W or \/\/?


On my tail.

Is this enough questions for you?

This statement below is true!

This statement Above is False!

Did I say that below before?

Did I say that above b4?


Okay,I have to go to this Clu- I mean........."Work".


xero 7651286 -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 22:06:50)

you don't know me.
I has a cool story.
Cool story, bro.
do you think I might make a manga?
That's a lot of relative terms in that sentance. Because if I do think you might, you still might not. But if I don't think you might, then you still might. Not worth answering XD
if so, guess what it would be about.

*poke poke poke*
*slaps Ichar with "the legendary left"*

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 22:15:50)

Congrats on the *Mod-ship Char!
Not an AK XD
What's your favorite pokemon *besides* charmander? :p
Favorite AE game?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
And now for the question I ask all new mods...
...(dramatic pause)
*waits for it* :S
Pirates...or Ninjas?

That should do it for now, have fun modding :D!!



Nicky -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (1/31/2010 23:52:16)

Hey you!
I really should keep up with the times, huh? Everyone has birthdays in January, there are parties to attend and sport to play and tennis on TV to watch and something big happens! :[
I know, seriously. What's up with that? Oh wait, sans the sports here. It's still winter.
Congratulations! :]
Thanks! :D
I'm impressed, you're pretty up to date with the questions! Nice work ^_^
I was always like this ;P
Congrats again, talk soon <3!
You'd better <3

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (2/1/2010 0:06:53)

Dun Dun Dun...
Im Back :D
I haz 1 Question.
Did you notice that Captain said congratz on the Ak-ship?

Congrats on the AK-ship Char!

iChar, iLol'd

Ainmarh -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (2/1/2010 0:24:48)

Well hello there Sire!
First thing first, congratulations, if somewhat belated, on your promotion.
Got any particular favourite among 19th century women writers?
Not really, I don't usually like how female writers do their thing. Not older writers, at least. Eukara and my mother are probably my two favourite female writers of ever.
If yes, why? If no, meh. :P
That's it. (My questioning is somewhat awful, I know.) One more congrats, and go in peace now and, uh um, moderate. :)
Thanks, again!

vezha -> RE: =MtM= iCharmander! A Mod?! NOWAI! (2/1/2010 0:37:37)

You're awesome, Vez :D
Hey again =D
I guess you dun liek mudkipz.
Do you have a favourite pokemon, besides you, your various evolutions and whatever you answered Captain Kidd??
I don't remember what I gave him as an answer D:
/me uses Hydropump on Charreh
/me doj
Do you know any other Charmanders that are 5'11" and weigh 145 lbs?
Nope. I'm a giant :3
I would like to request a toasting of my avvy. Thanks.
/me toasts lightly
I recommend you be very careful when combining large amount of awesome. Mr T once pitied a fool at the same moment he was being roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris. Out of the resulting asplosion came the 80's.
You're right.
*gives Charreh a rickroll which is actually a reverse rickroll of the BARNEY SONG*

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