Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Armakuny -> Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions) (1/29/2010 12:01:54)

Baby Dracolich Pet
You fought long and hard to protect Zorbak's legion of baby dracoliches, and now you can have one of them as a pet!
(No DA Required)

Location: Tiny Terrors In Town!
Price: N/A
Sellback: 100 Gold

Level: 10
Damage: 8-15
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: Block +2, Crit +2
Resists: None

Rarity: 5

Attack Type 1 - Approaches target and bites it for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.

Armakuny -> RE: Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions) (1/29/2010 12:02:41)

Baby Dracolich Pet
You fought long and hard to protect Zorbak's legion of baby dracoliches, and now you can have one of them as a pet!
(No DA Required)

Location: Tiny Terrors In Town!
Price: N/A
Sellback: 200 Gold

Level: 30
Damage: 14-18
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: Crit +1
Resists: None

Rarity: 5

Attack Type 1 - Approaches target and bites it for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.

Armakuny -> RE: Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions) (1/29/2010 12:02:56)

Other information
  • Pets have an extremely low (<1%) drop rate.
  • Pets are animated; they move their tails, wings, heads, and other parts of their bodies periodically.


    Also See: Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions), Bonehead, Cuddly Dracolich (All Versions)

    Thanks to
  • Silver for image.
  • Jay for attack type image, other information, also see link, and corrections.
  • GreyJohn71 for level 10 entry information.
  • DracolichLover and DragonBlade for level 30 entry information.
  • Peachii and Stephen Nix for corrections.

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