=MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (Full Version)

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Kosefira -> =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 3:41:34)

A few people have requested I make this now that I've taken over as Head Mod of the UCaG.

Here's a quick answer to a frequently asked question: I'm a guy. And there's a 20 question limit per post.

For those of you who don't know, I edit like this.

Baron -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 3:45:08)

Hey Koz!
Hey Baz!

Congratulations, you deserved it!
Thank you.

Favourite food?
Anything I cook myself. I find it's more rewarding.

Favourite drink?
On hot days I like anything half frozen, like slushies. In winter, nothing beats warm pumpkin soup.

/me gives Koz 50 <enter cookie favourite cookie flavour here> cookies as a congratulations gift!
Thank you! these will last me 50 days.

Good luck!

/me congratulationgoodbyesnuggletacklepouncewavesnugs Koz!
/me thanksnugs Baz

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 3:46:33)

Heya Kosefira! :)
Hi Silver

Congratulations on becoming Head UCaG Moderator.

I'm not the question kind of type, but I'll just throw something in for the fun.

Pie or pi?
What's wrong with pi pie?

Meh, I fail at questions.. Just stopped by to say congratulations and good luck! See ya around. =D
You just need practice. See ya!

Alpha Atom -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 3:56:20)


Erm I like UCaG :P

Yeah err I don't really know many questions...



Do you like sports?
Some of them, but I'm more of an indoor person.

Do you care who knows?
I guess it doesn't matter anymore does it...



OK cya :P

Severin -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 3:57:48)

Congratulations, Kosefira!
Thank you.

I don't know you very well yet, but that's why we have these here threads anyways, right?
I think so.

I'll hop (like a bunny rabbit) right on into the questions.

Favourite flavour(s) of ice cream?
Mango or Lemon sorbet.

Favourite book(s)?
The Phone Book. It's useful for reaching things on high shelves.

Favourite movies(s)?
I went to see Avatar recently. Graphics were amazing.

Favourite television program(s)?
The News, Saturday morning cartoons and Glee

Favourite band(s)?
Don't really have one.

Favourite piece(s) of clothing?
My trademark black scarf.

Favourite type(s) of socks?
Not too thin, not thick, comfortable fit and clean.

Favourite animal(s)?
Young jungle beasts: Lion, tiger, fox and wolf cubs

Favourite plant(s)?
Mint. It repels some insects.

And so ends the questions. It was nice getting to know you.
You too.

/shakes hand like a gentlemen.
/also shakes hand like a gentleman

See ya.

DragonYugi -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 4:35:15)

Kosefira, remember me? Of course you don't because I am invisible.
Hi Doragon. You know I'm only obligated to answer 20 of these.

Now you shall answer my totally random questions and your keyboard will go WAAAAAAM
It's put up with me for years, I don't think anything you do will make it cry.

Do you like Pokemon?
I used to like Pokemon.

And why do you like/dislike it?
I was 6 years old then.

What made you become an UCaGer?
Many years ago, I started a PAM game in the OOC called 'Say something nice to the person above you'. After about 7 threads, I was told it should go in the UCaG forum, and that's how I found it. Unfortunately, flamers ruined the game after a few more threads and it hasn't come back since.

What time of UCaG games do you like the most?
I think you mean type. I don't really have any preference. PAM games are nice for quick fun and A&R and FSG games are good for more in-depth fun. Doesn't beat AE games, though.

Can you give an example?
Since I don't have a preference, the only way is to go to the UCaG forum and look at everything.

Fantasy or Sci-Fi?
I'm more of a fantasy person myself.

Horror or Comedy?
Comedy. Horror still gives me nightmares.

DragonYugi or DY?
DragonYugi. DY has so many other meanings like Dark Yellow, Dream Yearning, Dull Yttrium...

Who is your favourite forum player of whoms name starts with Dragon and ends with Yugi? :3
The system could not find any record.
Possible causes include:
1) Your search term is not specific enough
2) There is indeed no matching record
3) Search criteria is too specific

Do you watch Youtube?
I try to limit my watching. Watching mindless pain can dull brain...stuff...

You should see RayWilliamJohnson :D
Maybe later...

Am I ever gonna stop with these questions?
You're up to 11.

Good answer, but maybe in YOUR DREAMS >:)


3,14G = ?
That was a mildly funny release.

Do you love food? :D I sure do.
I'm on a diet actually.

Kosefira, are you a female or a female?
You just wasted a question.

Favourite AE game?
Tie between DragonFable and AdventureQuest Worlds.

Favourite video game?
Too many to list.

Favourite color?
Dark red, dark grey, black or white

Favourite question?
The next one. It's question 20. That means I don't have to answer anymore after that.

Favourite drink?
Like I said before, icy slushies or warm soup

What is your 'pick-up' line? :D
I have no obligation to answer anymore questions.

I shall now no longer burn you with my questions. You may rest now... xD

but remember.. I AM YOUR FATHER /star wars
No you're not. I'm older than you.

Congrats for Head Modship and goodbye.

Should I tell him that the teleporter is broken? Oh well...

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 4:46:55)

So, what really happened to IcemasterYeti?
I'm not obligated to tell you, or anyone else for that matter, about that


Nuu way!

U b srs?
How could you post the reactions before the answer?

How long did it took you to answer my previous question?
About...5 seconds

I'll take my leave then. Gl and have fun! ;)
Thank you.

BadHulk -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 6:46:10)

Oh noez. Another mod!?
If you've been following the rules, there would be no need to be worried

-Gives snug-

How long does it take to close this thread?
When activity dies down I guess...

Sooo... Upgraded to golden chains to?
Nope, gold is heavier.

Ah well.

See you.

Heroic Necro -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 7:07:42)

Hello Kos.
Hello Necro

What was your favorite UCaG that you have ever been a part of?
My favourite PAM would be 'Say something nice to the person above you'. My favourite A&R game was Ravage: Falling Ashes. It was unique and interesting.

Favorite non-AE related game?
The one I play the most is called Treasure World for the DS. It rewards you for going outside the house to search for Wi-Fi signals. I've found 2070 so far.

Are you a cat person, a dog person, or some other third thing?
I think I'm a human.

What are your thoughts on the currest status of the UCaG forum?
It's quite good. Everything seems to be running smoothly.

Thats all for now.

Zyrain -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 7:17:11)

Kose. <3

Congratulations, very well deserved!
Thank you.

No Questions, cause I'm nice... ;P
well, I may be back with Questions...
I'm ok with questions. Why do you think I made this?

Again, congratulations and good luck!
Thanks again.


Brownie -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 7:51:15)

Wow...This is a long overdue thread, eh kose?
It hasn't even been a week yet...
So you only just became a mod. I think I get it now. You were an AK, right? And you only just got promoted (?).

Anyway, onto questions.
Are the mod buttons shiny enough?
They're blinding me. I have to wear sunglasses indoors...

Any recommended Video Games?
Apart from AE? I actually recommending taking a break from video games for at least one day a week.

Favorite movie of '09?

Any suggestions for my game, Eve of War?
It seems to be running well. Keep up the good work.

Any spoilers for Wrath III?
There is a letter in Kosefira's possession that is the key to recovering his abilities.

/me awaits next update for Wrath.
Done. Sorry about the long wait. I try to wait until everyone has posted.

Relentless -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 8:52:11)

Hi Kosefira!

I don't have any questions, right now! I may come back later, though!

Congratulations and good luck! Remember to always have fun!
I will.

Did all my sentences end with an exclamation mark?
Not that one.

kkutwar -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 9:13:21)

Hey Kose!
Hi kkutwar.

1. Which do you prefer, fantasy(Stuff like Wrath, or Order) or sci-fi(Stuff like super advanced androids and that one game before with those freaks[Bell of something])?
Fantasy stuff.

2. Do you watch Heroes?
Not much, actually. It conflicts with another show I watch.

3. If you could have superpowers(Not like magic spells), what would they be?
The ability to regenerate anything. It would be nice to rebuild broken structures and bring life back to dead trees.

4. If you could have magical abilites, what would they be?
Healing and light based magic first, moving on to basic elemental magic later.

5. Have you ever played Final Fantasy before?
A lot of them.

6. Do you read any webcomics?
Not in particular.

7. If so, have you ever read Kevin and Kell?
Not applicable.

8. Which would you rather be, a immortal magical being that has powers, or a super advanced android(One that has feelings... and superpowers)?
Immortal magical being, I guess.

9. What kind of half-human hybrid would you want to be?
Hm...I'm not sure actually. I've never really thought about that.

10. Have you ever read TVtropes?

That's it for now! *Uses a teleportation power*
See ya

max13 -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 9:29:55)

1) Why'd the chicken cross the rode?
Because it was a spelling error

2) X-box360 or PS3?
I don't have either one. I guess each one has their own merits.

3) COD or Halo?
Haven't played either.

4) Favorite AE game?
Tie between DragonFable and AdventureQuest Worlds.

5) Why?
DragonFable because of the exploration aspect. AdventureQuest Worlds because of the simplistic, yet charming artwork and unique fighting style.

6) Favorite Computer Game?
AE games.

7) Favorite food?
Anything I cook myself. I'm getting a lot of repeats...

9) Happy today?

8)Are you a pokemon master like all the other AKs & Mods of the forums?
Actually no. That's more of an occupational choice.

10) There has been so many fights of people trying to out man Coyote, do you think *we'll* ever succsed? I mean he is so manly, I have thrown beers and Footballs at hi to conquer his manliness (using un-manliness, o so intelligent). Is life over or am i just getting worried over *more* of my failures?
I can't say much about that.

11) WHich type of TV show do you prefer? Comedy or Action?

Well that's all, Have a great day and one more thing,


Artimus -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 9:50:20)

Hiya kos!
Hi Seahawkfan

I know you more than you should be comfortable with :O
It's ok. I have security

congrats on the modship, oh and, all ur cookiez belong 2 me!
You can have them. I eat one when I get a basket, then freeze the rest to eat once a day. I'm to up 10 years worth of cookies.

omg a new mod! *hides lethal weapons*
What lethal weapons?

how goes modship?
Quite nice

what is your favorite button?

do you like me? if so, let's change dat nao pl0x!

Pie or cake? you must choose wisely, for the wrong answer will asplode u!
What's wrong with both?

getting bored yet?

does this count as a question?

what is your favorite question so far?

getting annoyed yet?

*insert question 13 here*
Insert witty response here

Oh i didn't lose count :P
That's good.

what is your lucky number? mine's 13, seriously it is, last friday the 13th i found 50 bucks!!!

Would you like to see an AE game released called "WarpFarce"
Sure. Right after MisadventureQuest and DragonCable

I know it's you whose been killing the celebrities like MJ Fara Gaucett and... and... *cries* BILLY MAYS!!!!!
Who's Fara Gaucett?

our time is almost over *sad face*

Yay! Both!

well bai nao!

nolraitru -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 10:32:07)

Is that a Kose?! :O
A wild Kosefira appears.

So, favourite munchable?
Guacamole or tzatziki with plain water crackers

Favourite song at the moment?
Probably 'Do You Want to Date my Avatar' by The Guild

That's all I got for ya, but congrats, dude :P

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 10:41:24)

Hiya Kosefira. :D
Hi Mario

*Gives a cookie*
Thanks! *chomp*

Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun. :)
Thank you.


Wilderock -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 10:54:30)

Kosefira, congratulations, dude! I remember a long time ago I mentioned having an in-school debate on nuclear forms of energy, and you had really helped me out big time. I'm not sure if you remember, though. :p So thanks for that. :p
I remember. I hope my thesis helped.

Thank you

Do you watch professional sports? If so, which?
Not really. I'm not much of a sporty person

What are your favorite professional sports teams, from any sport?
If I had to choose, swimming would be my favourite I guess...

See you around!
See you!

Saojun -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 10:58:25)

Ahh, so Kose got promoted too? All the best overlording UCaG. ^_^

Thanks...I think...

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 12:44:15)

Hi! I bet you have never seen me before!

Congrats on Modship!

Do you like Doctor Who?
Not really

If yes, who is yout favorite villian?
And if yes, what is your favorite episode?
Not applicable

Now I want you to answer the following question honestly and without bias.

Who would win in a fight, a Time Lord army, or a Pokemon Army? Remember, one has special powers, but the other can travel in time and has fought in a war before. Please give your reasoning.
Hm...It's sort of hard to say. Would it be fair to assume that each side will severely damage the other?

Do you think you can survive being hit by a galaxy destroying laser from a space station so big it had to have it's own dimension made?
Do you think such a laser exists?

Good. (Activates portal to my space station so big it had to have it's own dimension made)
I'll set up a giant mirror wall then.

What do you think? I call it The Gallifrey, after the planet.

Here is a song for your imminent destruction or any epic final duel you may wish against me!
I'm not even going to click that.

If you survive, I will return!
Shall I call you a cab?

Good luck

(Fires massive galaxy destroying laser at Kosefira.)
*Mirror wall reflects it.*

seventy two -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 13:05:14)

Congratulations and good luck.

Sam041 -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 13:40:48)

Hey Kosefira!
Hi Sam

What would happen if you fell down a waterfall?
I don't know. I never tried it

Whoa!! Did you just see that Unicorn!?

What would happen if you mixed 1 (Including Ichar) + Fudge?
I don't understand...What?

Kosefira = Super Camel?
Where did that come from?

Kay,thats it,Pie! 8D

Reaper Sigma -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 13:57:21)

Hey Reaper

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. You're head mod!
I'll take that as a compliment

So, has Icemaster Yeti left the forums, or he's still on?
I'm not entirely sure

Why are you and darky the only AKs/ Mods left in the UCaG?
Yes, but we're working hard to keep things running.

Do you play first person shooters?
Not really. My reflexes leave much to be desired.

If so, then what's your favorite?

Do you play Dynasty Warriors?
I stopped playing when they released 6. I feel it sort of went downhill a bit.

Favorite video game character?
Hard to say since there's so many

Do YOU fear the Reaper?
Not yet.

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Climb up the tallest tower in the city

Thoughts on Jeff Dunham?
Not really...

What kind?

Have you put up your anti-hijacking equipment up for the thread?
I don't think it's going to be hijacked.

Ever visit the Legends and Lore forums?
From time to time

Hmm, that's all my questions.

Good-bye. I'll remember you and every other UCaGer when I leave the UCaG.
Hopefully that's not for a while.

vezha -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 13:59:15)

Hi vez

*waves back*

Want a soul cookie? I have a few extra
No thanks, I have plenty

My colour > yours
My colour is easier than yours.

Nothing srs. Bye!

*rickrolls Kose*
*Ignores it*

Glais -> RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master (1/30/2010 14:00:37)

Congrats on being a head mod, you deserved it(even though I have no idea who you are, I can still tell you deserved it).
Thanks glaisaurus

1.DeathFrogs or Rat Mutants?

2.Cheesecake or waffles?
Cheesecake is rich, waffles can be delicious...I'd say a tie.

3.Do you belive in Yetis?

4.Square root of Pi?

5.If someone were to give you a cake, would it be a lie?
Not that I've experienced yet.

Well that's all, I usually ask more but I just got from putting 50 questions on iChar's thread so I'm a bit tired of typing......
Maybe you should do some hand and wrist exercises.

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