Issue 50 - A Darker Future... For Hero's Heart Day (green_girl02) (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 50 - A Darker Future... For Hero's Heart Day (green_girl02) (2/1/2010 15:07:10)

A Darker Future... For Hero's Heart Day
By green_girl02

Green: Hmmm, let's see if I can get this orb to work. Cysero told me it would float and take audio. Too bad I couldn’t afford the video recording kind. Let's see.... I've done the first ninety-eight steps. I think if I just poke it here, it should work. Ouch! I guess it was already on. Finally! Now, where did that hero go that graciously agreed to allow me to interview him? Ah! There he is! Hi Bryant, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I have a few questions. As most people know, Hero's Heart Day is coming up. What is your view on this most auspicious day?

Bryant: I actually believe it is a completely evil day. The hero never receives anything and evil forces are always involved. On top of that, the evil grows every year.

Green: Really? Do you have proof of this?

Bryant: Actually... it's not so much proof as a pattern that is emerging. If you look back at the first Hero's Heart Day three years ago, all that we had to deal with were irate elementals that had been recolored. Also, just look at the name of the place! The Forest of Infinite Terror! We should have known it was the beginning of the end! After all, what can be more evil than pink?* And don't even get me started on the so called "uniform". A pink bear suit? How much more demeaning can it get? Big Daddy is evil I say, evil!**

Green: Ok, I think we have that year's Hero's Heart Day covered. You say Big Daddy is evil? How is that? Two years ago, Big Daddy asked you to defeat the Heart of Odium, which was of course evil.

Bryant: How do we know Odium was evil? Was it? We only have his word on that. Maybe Odium was actually good and Big Daddy believed Odium would just hinder his profits. Big Daddy probably decided to kill him and hold the heart captive within a box. Doesn't that sound exactly like Big Daddy? He's a money-loving cherub. Yes, love is in the air around him... the love of money!

Green: Well, I'm still not seeing a pattern and I'm sure our listeners aren't either. All I hear are wild and angry accusations against an innocent cherub.

Bryant: I do have a very good pattern, but you have to remember last year's events. Innocent cherub? More like innocent-looking cherub. See, last year a vampire, Lord Frydae XIII, attacked the forest and threatened Big Daddy's business. Big Daddy counters him, but not by sending me to defeat him. No, of course he doesn't do that. He counters the attack by releasing the queen of all vampires, Safira, from her two hundred year long nap. On top of that, the two seemed to be friends! I can't think of anything darker than the person who is supposedly the epitome of love being a greedy, money-loving, friend of vampires. It just keeps getting more and more expensive every year too! And the evil! Evil is just attracted to this day like moths to a candle! Maybe it's because of its close proximity to the number thirteen, maybe because it's based on Greed***, or maybe because it's all the pink. Who knows? But I do believe Big Daddy is out to take over the world!

Green: This is indeed very serious, but I will allow our Zardian readers the chance to decide for themselves. Is Big Daddy a lovable cherub who just seeks to heal broken hearts and spread love? Or is he an evil magnet? Or worse yet, another aspiring world conquer? We shall see as time goes on.
* Pink is, after all, a twisted shade of red. Hmmmm, Pink Paladin armor? That idea will have to wait for another time.
** This is not necessarily the view of the Zardian editor and staff.
***We all know Greed is a bad guy... except he's all the way in Ravenloss. Maybe he can be in multiple places at once.

xehanort -> RE: Issue 50 - A Darker Future... For Hero's Heart Day (green_girl02) (2/3/2010 17:50:15)

I agree, Big Daddy is indeed evil and must be executed!

~Let's tone down the violence a bit please. -smb~

Gianna Glow -> RE: Issue 50 - A Darker Future... For Hero's Heart Day (green_girl02) (2/4/2010 17:44:30)

Now there is a difference between executed and tortured! Do keep that in mind!

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