Races: So what? (Full Version)

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astro999 -> Races: So what? (2/4/2010 17:55:25)

Well, since post are now allowed... might as well make a topic: Why did WF bother making races if there is no difference? Same helmets, same armor, same stats, and only slight aesthetic changes. Shouldn't three different races be... you know, DIFFERENT?

Alternia -> RE: Races: So what? (2/4/2010 17:59:49)

I think they were made because people wanted to be something other than a Human. It makes sense that different races have different stats, but then that puts the Striker and Gunner classes into perspective, and makes them sub-classes to a race (which will, if having specific stats, technically make them a class). But yeah, I agree. It makes sense for them to have different stat types.

astro999 -> RE: Races: So what? (2/4/2010 20:26:43)

Or... You know, different ANYTHING. They are IDENTICAL.

Verlyrus -> RE: Races: So what? (2/4/2010 20:36:23)

They look different. :)

moneybags -> RE: Races: So what? (2/4/2010 20:48:43)

Yeah, there's not much of a difference between the races, but as the above posters have said, they're basically for looks. I really do hope more features can be implemented which will include races, but that hasn't been confirmed or anything by the staff. You can always hope though :P

BlueKatz -> RE: Races: So what? (2/4/2010 21:13:52)

I think it's funny and make the plentiful of the space, that's ok

astro999 -> RE: Races: So what? (2/4/2010 21:25:29)

Huh? I can't make heads or tales of that statement. Also, a question: Say we get attacked by someone who has dragonbane. If we are a drakel, does it activate?

candy.man -> RE: Races: So what? (2/5/2010 1:14:33)

I believe is was orginally stated somewhere that the races wouldn't be just cosmetically different. It was one of the reasons that sold me for this game. I do hope that they get implemented in the near future.

The Braken Bard -> RE: Races: So what? (2/5/2010 1:57:50)

@astro: A question to you. What are the chances we will be attacked by a monster with Dragonbane?

Omni -> RE: Races: So what? (2/5/2010 7:02:15)


candy.man:I believe is was orginally stated somewhere that the races wouldn't be just cosmetically different. It was one of the reasons that sold me for this game. I do hope that they get implemented in the near future.

I'll have to agree here, I believe it was mentioned that there would be more to races than just appearances. Now we might eventually get new races, the ability to change race, or new features involving races, but for now I am pretty content with the cosmetic changes. Being a Drakel gives the game it's own identity from AQ for me and it spices up the gameplay considerably.

Manga Maniac -> RE: Races: So what? (2/7/2010 14:57:03)

Maybe one day there will be Drakel-/Elf-/Human-Only quests, or perhaps a few characters could treat you different depending on your race. Perhaps not on the LSS Alteon (since every race is hopefully treated equally and in unity there), but on certain quests you might encounter an elf, and if you're a Drakel he attacks you, if you're an Elf he becomes a guest and if your a human he just ignores you, or something like that.

But for now it's just for the looks and feel, as said above.

Okami Wulf -> RE: Races: So what? (2/8/2010 3:23:50)

Ah, I'm still waiting for a wolf or feline race...never gonna happen, I guess...Well, ON topic: You have to remember what Warpforce is about. All of the advanced races on Lore have taken to the Star Oce-ah, I mean, Sea of Stars to chase down and defeat the Devourer's evil Network of corrupted aliens...so, naturally, we would get to choose between what advanced race from Lore we come from

Mega cool50 -> RE: Races: So what? (2/8/2010 10:49:12)

I think they might get some stat boosts later on,but not now.
Drakel=Striker so they get more Melee def.
Elf=Gunner so more Ranged def.
Human=Balanced,so they get half Melee,half Ranged.

But I'm still guessing about it.

necrolich66 -> RE: Races: So what? (2/8/2010 11:09:16)

i don't think so
in an old drakel book drakels think that humans are dumb apes
so they would be strikers
and drakels use technomagic to make swords and guns
drakels are more hibryd like

Manga Maniac -> RE: Races: So what? (2/8/2010 15:30:54)

I don't think most modern Drakel think humans are just dumb apes, necrolich, but you're probably right about the old drakel books. In my opinion Drakel would be the most scientific so they'd have Tech (AKA Magic, as I don't think they've changed it yet). Human could be Strikers and Elves would be ranged, IMO. But I'm an Elf and a Striker, so I'd be pretty annoyed about finding my race to suddenly be worse for Strikers. Plus in this modern day and age on the Alteon, all races can do anything. After all, Lim from DF is a science fanatic.

necrolich66 -> RE: Races: So what? (2/22/2010 12:27:51)

well who is the greatest sniper of atleon
yes an elf

who made the greates techological weps
yes drakels

and who are just forgotten

astro999 -> RE: Races: So what? (3/23/2010 21:49:52)

... Because humans aren't better or superior at anything. Drakels are obviously intellectually superior, and elves at least physically so. Why would anyone pick Human as a race, anyway? Drakel should give an automatic 50+ bonus to intellect.

Zeraldo -> RE: Races: So what? (3/23/2010 23:28:36)

As Verlyrus said, they look different. There doesn't need to be a difference like higher dexterity for elves or intellect for drakel..that's just going to pigeonhole builds to certain races. I don't think the staff want to encourage that - why punish players if they want a different build? "Oh you went striker, why'd you pick Drakel? They're for skill/tech abiltiies"

Maaybe in the future there can be unique dialogue in quests, or race-specific rewards (that's kinda pushing it though)

I could see some quests with slight path alterations based on race.

astro999 -> RE: Races: So what? (3/24/2010 6:15:20)

Because, Zeraldo, it doesn't make sense. Humans, elves, and Drakels are compleltey different creatures. sure, humanoid, but there are massive differences in body and mind. It simply isn't logical to have the races, but no difference between.

Zeraldo -> RE: Races: So what? (3/24/2010 9:54:54)

I think only the staff can decide how they are "biologically" different and what inherent strengths/disadvantages they have. Only thing the player knows is the difference in culture between the three races. Gotta keep balance in mind since this is a GAME. Like I mentioned earlier, I doubt AQ will want to pigeonhole players to different races because they want to play a certain build. If they do add a gameplay perk to the races, they're going to have to be careful not to force players to play a certain way just because they chose one race over another.

I believe the different races were included because of the popular requests/suggestions for new faces/races in AQ and to represent the unity of lorian races in the fight against the Network. That makes enough sense to me. I don't really see vast differences between the characters, they all act pretty human. It's not like Drakel act like Vulcan so they must all be logical and scientific (General Leet for example seems way more athletic then intellectual) Even Captain Daian mentions the elves "The Elves of Warpforce take prides in their logical abilities and to this end we tend to work more often in Engineering and Sick Bay. Some of us prefer to take more risks, however" Can't have two races (some mentioned Drakel being scientific) that give bonuses to intellect, can we? What would be the point of that? Might as well let the player decide what kind of elf/human/drakel they play through their choice in stat training.

MonsterMike9000 -> RE: Races: So what? (3/25/2010 2:06:42)

Too bad there cant be some sort of perk list for each race. Like Humans can decide on perk 1 or 2 and Drakels get perk 1 or A, and Elves get perk A or B. Mix things up a bit you know? So every character isnt EXACTLY the same.

Tristar Nexus -> RE: Races: So what? (4/6/2010 13:24:08)


A question to you. What are the chances we will be attacked by a monster with Dragonbane?

Virtually impossible, practically guaranteed.

Elc Fyrinari -> RE: Races: So what? (4/10/2010 21:16:52)

They're probably going to add stuff for the races having different effects on NPCs like what Zeraldo said -eg. The Lycan sub-race effect on the Gattan's in AQ.- So say you go on some quest to Dragon-worshiping people maybe being a drakel will give you some UBER-Weapon that an Elf or human wouldn't get-vise-versa on visting someplace where they have a more liking towards elfs or Humans.

MonsterMike9000 -> RE: Races: So what? (4/13/2010 15:24:14)

I wish Drakels had Tail Armor and a helmet that actually fits. My character's snout must be real bunched up wearing the WG helmet meant for humans.

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