RE: =MtM= skydrite (Full Version)

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.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 1:37:38)

Congrats sky!!! :D

Oh It is you! :D Thanks!

Well a =MtM= is not complete without a post from me!
I will not give you any headache in this thread, I would rather give it to you on IRC! XD

I agree it is not complete without your post! haha! Yeah, I look forward to talking with you on IRC again. :D

One question: do you miss our old times of killing threads and posts together? ;)

Oh yes. You were much faster than me of course! XD

Best of luck to you and once again congrats! :D

Thank you. Best of luck to you too. :)

Brilliancy -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 3:57:26)

OMG, my post is under Borat?! ;O

Huh. As if you didn't plan that. :P

Ehhhm.. I mean.. hiiiiii sky, didn't hear from you last few minutes! ;D

Heya Brill! I'm glad you have time to post here! :D

Big congrats, but aren't you a bit late with your MtM? Why the delay?

Thanks! I was a bit busy a few weeks ago so I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to post this when I was doing other things.


One question: do you miss our old times of killing threads and posts together? ;)
Oh yes. You were much faster than me of course! XD
<-- I know someone faster! ;D

Don't even remind me how fast that someone was! :P

*tickles and runs at speed of light!* :D

Awww! so you're still fast huh? D: See you around Brill!

Drakeh -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 9:22:57)

I am back.

Oh yeah. No lies. :o

Are you ready?

Always ready.

I would have invited you to clan but now there arent any chnaces you would join it.

Yeah. I rarely join clans anyway. :P


Why Worry by The All American Rejects.


Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones


AQ will always be my favorite.


I'll be back for more. With the dak side of the force

I'll be waiting. And remember to bring cookies!

black knight 1234567 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 9:27:20)

hi sky dirte gives 200000000 milion cookies and i wish youluck moding

Hello black knight 1234567. Thank you!

BadHulk -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 10:16:12)



MtM ;D

Indeed it is. ;D

There is a MtAK going on to =o

Yeah, I have noticed.

I like those MtM/AK threads.

It's fun to torture people eh? :P

I know you, do you know me?

Of course. I've seen you around.

Do you like poetry?


Which person is in my Signature?

Who is that? :o

-Snugs skydrite happily-

*snuggles BadHulk*

Shreder -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 10:43:08)

Congrats skydrite. I've seen you around some here and there.

Thanks shreder110. Congrats on your promotion too.

Anyways no questions from me, just congrats.

Thanks again. I see that you have a MtAK so good luck with that. :P

Spy -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 13:07:28)

First of all, Congratulations!

Thank you!

How are the new shackles fitting you?

It fits well. And it is shiny.

<_< I'm the real battousai... >_>

Okay, if you say so. :P

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because there's a party on the other side.

Cake or Pie?


Is it a lie?

The cake or pie?

Your lifes ambition?

To become successful of course.

Congratulations again- hope the shackles don;t hurt too bad :D

Thanks again. Don't worry, mine is as comfortable as you can imagine.

Sam041 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 16:30:03)

Yo Skydrite. Congratulations with becoming a moderator,I wish you good luck. :)

Heya Sam041. Thank you.

Did you know Chuck Norris counted to Infinity,twice? :o

Wow, really? :o

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn't say bananas?

Ha. Banana would have been more funny. :P

Did you know snails have four noses?

Oh? Thanks for the info.

Would you like to support the BCATs (Breast Cancer Awareness Team)?

Sure, why not.

Well,nothing more,pie! ^_^

See ya.

awesomeman167 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 20:51:37)

skydrite it was my knowledge for some years now that mods DO NOT get comfortable places to live. brilliancy even confirmed this for me when she was a mod.

Ah, I think you're talking about the AKs? :P

so who holds the key to your soul? i bet it's chii. she always seemed terribly evil and looked like she harvested souls to do her terrible deeds >_> she wont see this right?

Wow. :o ...err anyway, Circe is the Head Admin so she's taking care of our souls. :P

winter rose -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/9/2010 21:15:08)

Hi New Moddish Person!

Hello winter rose.

XBox(360), PS3 or Wii?

PS3 for me.

Every play paper RPGs?

Nope, I haven't.

Um, Classic Dr. Who, New Who or No Who (boowho!)?

Who again? :P

Every watch the Princess Bride? What's the best part?

Nope, I haven't so I can't comment.

If you could Nerf any AK's powers away for a day, who would it be?

Uhm, hard to decide. Nerfing them (or even one) would mean more work so I wouldn't.

Got any extra cookies?

Nope, I ate them all.

If Artix had 3 apples and Captian Rhubarb had eighty bajillion, how many practice pies would it take for Warlic to make a perfect pie? With a lattice top crust?

Over...*coughs* I have no idea. :P

What's more fun, posters with insomnia who haven't had any real sleep for a week and ask strange questions, or kittens?

wait.. posters with insomnia? o.O

Which of those is more dangerous?

Kittens of course given that they're up against posters.

What does this button do?

which button? there are so many.

Have you seen my car keys? I've been using my spare set for three days.

Nope, I haven't. You might have left it under the table.

Who drank all my coffee?

I have an idea who but I will not tell.

Mac or PC?


xehanort -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/10/2010 8:49:49)


Hi xenahort.

1) Do you know what kind of creature the Nimmys are?


2) Punthulu rises, now what?

now we sleep?

3) A guy in a zebra costume attacks you with a bunch of lazors, what do you do?

Watch in amusement as he tries and fails.

4) Do you know what the attack "Omega Big Bang Apocalypse" does? Or just how destructive it is?

I have no idea.

5) The attack Infinity Blast, do you know of it?


6) What is your greatest fear?

To be trapped in a room that is full of snakes. :P

7) How much do you know about Vanitas?

If I have a tab open for google then I might know something. :P

That will be all *Disappears into a dark corridor*

Dark corridor? Where? :P

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/10/2010 10:01:36)

Hi skydrite

Hello liangwarriors

during that time when i play epicduel but i have quit now because i
do not want to start a new game do you still remember the second day when epicduel start
there is one person saying hi skydrite i am a forum member haha that is me

Ha. Glad that you can still remember. Seems like a long time ago.

while anyway i never know you will become from a ak to moderator
congratz on your title

Thank you.

just 6 question
1.Is your aqw name called skydrite because isaw your char page you are a founder
and you are lvl 20 so you are a long player but why dont you get armoured platimum dragon if you are a
founder a special non member so are you skydrite in aqw?

Yes, my AQW name is Skydrite.

2.Are you very experience in the sky like you can fly because of your name.

I'm a skywalker so I guess that's a yes? :P

3.Did you saw two bird flying in the sky while i saw did you see say hello there you see?

I've seen a lot of birds but they wouldn't even look at me.

4.Are you a ak of AQW GD before if yes
why you quit your job?

Yes, I used to be an AK in 3 GDs. AQW being one of them. It was kind of hard to AK 3 GDs especially on release days. :P

5.In df is the destiny and doom weapon like blinding light of destiny and shadow reaper of doom
the highly attack weapon in df?

I guess so.

6.Woah you are a moderator what you will take care of like AQ GD/QA DF GD?

I get to take care of the whole forums. :P


otwm -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/10/2010 13:18:39)

'ello again!

Hi again!

More questions! >:D

Indeed! :o

What's your favorite type of cookie? :P

Any type will do.

Asgardian or Fujin? (Asgardian for me :D)

No way. Asgardian for me too.

Reign or Shadow? (Both for me. XD)

I'd choose Shadow on this one.

(One more armour related XD) Golden or Nemesis? (Nemesis rocks!)

Golden for me. :P

One more AQ related: Warrior, Ranger, or Mage? (Warriors rule!)

Warriors will always be my favorite.

Do you play any instrument? If so, what one/ones?

I play the drums.

I play bass and guitar (acoustic) :P

Good for you. I need to be serious on learning to play a guitar sometime soon.

That is all. :D

Aww, done already?

Once again, congrats and good luck!

Thanks again!

Bye bye!

See ya.

awesomeman167 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/10/2010 16:36:36)

circe. shes always awesome.

I guess we all can agree? :P

i see i got the AK and mods mixed up.

Yeah. I have noticed.

so what do you moderate anyway?

The whole forums but of course I'm mostly lurking on AQ&DF GD. :P

Dream King -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/10/2010 16:57:09)


1 - Aelthai was nice enough to make some high level clones of existing monsters as normal mobs, if you could choose any 3 monsters for this to be done to, what would you pick?

Hard to choose just 3 so I have no answer to this.

2 - Which 3 monsters (Normal 2 in a row mobs) would you like to see packs of?

Same as above. There are too many to choose from! :P

In that case, list a few monsters for each that you'd like :P

Then that makes it more difficult to choose. :P

That super cookie must have been JMills....uhoh, guess you took it when he rated me and I stole it of you :o

Hey, I have my own, why would I take the one that wasn't mine? :P

And lastly, decided on an ultimate sig munching line yet? If yes which one? If no just share one anyway :P

No, All I do is "MUNCHED!" but that is too common so give me a month or two to think of one.

Have a good time ^^

Thanks. You too.

Valosity -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/10/2010 17:02:07)

Congratz! I have a few questions:

Thanks valosity! Oh, only few? :P

1. Why did you chose to end this on the same day i've been playing AQW for a year, and 2 years on playing AE games?

Uhm, I guess that's just coincidence.

2. Do you like pink?

It is a beautiful color. :P

3. Does pink burn your eyes out?


4. What would happen if you saw pink?

Pink what? pink car? pink house?

5. How much pink can you stand?


6. How much pink can you NOT stand?

Same as above.

7. Have I asked enough pink questions yet?

I think so. :P

8. Is it Ok if I keep asking pink questions?

It's alright. Nothing wrong with asking.

9. Should I stop asking pink question? Because I am

That is up to you. :P

10. Do you like modship?

Yes, I can say I like it so far.

11. Do you plan on doing anything "Big" now that your a mod?

Anything big? Nah, I just plan to think of an awesome sig munching line. :P

Have a great pink day!

Thanks, you too.


ale hox -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/11/2010 0:19:29)

Hello! [8D]


Feel free to take in the glory of being the Mod of the first MTM thread I've ever posted in, congratz!

I'm honored of course! Thank you!

So, whats your favorite sport/activity (you do)?

I play basketball when I have some free time.

How long have you played AQ, and How long do you plan on playing it?

I've been playing since 2006 and I'll play as long as I can.

Whats you best memory of AQ?

The days of crazy farming. :P

Do you play any console games?

A few, yes.

Whats you favorite/lucky number?

13. It's just an awesome number.

Whats your favorite season?

I'd say summer is my favorite.

Are you a morning or night person?

I'm a bit of both. :P

And would you like to see Aria put in AQ more? (choose wisely [sm=hmm.gif])

I'd say yes. You wouldn't accept any answer than yes, right? :P

KingWolfy -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/11/2010 1:09:57)

HAI Gratz:D

Oh Heya! Thanks!

kittycat -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/11/2010 1:12:47)


Thanks kittycat!

Very cool thing huh?

I guess it is.

*kittycat gives skydrite some cookies*

*eats it all*

Well, since you're a moderator, Are you very excited?

Yes, I am. A bit nervous too.

Which is better? Shadow or Golden?

I'd say Golden but I like Shadow better. :P

If you had to battle a moderator, what is your first move?

I'd choose FLEE.

See ya!

See you around.

Lucario1111 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/11/2010 10:00:23)

Hey again Skydrite!

Hey again Lucario!

Nemesis plate or Shadow Cloak?

I'd go with Shadow Cloak.

If you had to choose 1 NPC/Player to become an unbeatable, who would you pick?(If you pick me you get the biggest cookie in the whole wide world)

Okay, I'd choose you. Now where's my cookie? :P

That's all for now, seeya!

See you around!

P.S.: I'm fighting your favorite monster right now.

Oh, that's good.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/11/2010 13:35:18)

hi again sky soory i know to write only like this

I could fix it for you.

well what you will choose gold or nemisis me nemisis

I'd choose Golden.

and if you can make one NPC unbeatebl who you will choode if me you get 5 bigest cookies on lore

A lot of people want to be unbeatable, I see. :P

and ummm do you like draacomancer and war armor um enough AQ questions

I sure do.

you seem to like sumrai theme do you likeTMNT i do my favorite is shredder he got me into the sumrai theme him and kitsune and im fighting your favorite monster too

Yeah, I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Oh, nice. Don't beat it too much. :P

Electus20 -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/12/2010 12:24:57)

Gz on becoming a mod!
Few questions...

Thank you. Oh just a few? :P

Do you watch Family guy or South park?


Do you play any mmo/rpg's? (except for epic duel and AQW)

Except for EpicDuel and AQW? then I guess no. :P

If you do, what's your username?

I answered no on the above question so I have no answer to this. :P

I'll edit once you answered.


Somewhat of a Goon -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/12/2010 14:35:55)

Hey Skydrite!

Heya Somewhat of a Goon!

Congratulations on your promotion! (or was it a demotion, I always thought AKs had more power than mods) Ahhh, well congrats anyway.

Thank you. AK's are Staff Assistants. ;D

Couple of Questions:
How tall are you?

Taller than most.

Do you play Zardwars?

I used to.

Are you a rare collector like Evo and Legasie?

I have a few rares, yes.

That's bout it, but I'll be back w/ more! [sm=xb9yx3.gif]

I will be waiting.

Abyssgh0st -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/12/2010 17:14:54)

1. Howdy, old friend.

Hey Abyssgh0st. I'm glad you posted here.

2. Remember me?

Of course.

3. Congrats.

Thank you.

4. This is all.

Thanks, I'll see you around.

Ubear -> RE: =MtM= skydrite (2/13/2010 11:56:05)



I would have a bunch of queestions but because I'm so nice, I'll save your time [;)]

Ha, thank you. :D

All I want to say is a huge congratulations! :D

Thanks. I'll see you around.

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