Two-Pronged Attack (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Two-Pronged Attack (2/8/2010 10:12:37)

Two-Pronged Attack!
Quest Location: WarpGuardian Tower -> Missions
Quests Given From: Temura
Requirements: Level 25


Temura: You did well in your mission to disable the enemy's communications ability. Now we are in a good position to gain the upper hand!
Temura: We're going to synchronize two attacks: One on the Nechron base on the world of Delta 7 and the other on the Defiler outpost of the Gevorian moon! They won't be able to coordinate defences without their relay station, thanks to you!
  • Attack x2!

    General Leet: Character Name, YOU again! Haha -- You're becoming a regular hero, eh?!
    You: I'm here to join the two-pronged attack!
    General Leet: Well, you can't be in two places at the same time, so you'll have to choose which target to attack!

  • Attack Delta 7!
  • Attack Gevorian Moon!

    Attack Delta 7!

    General Leet: Sounds good to me! May your aim be true and your feet quick, WarpForcer!
  • Lets Go!

    Cutscene of WarpForce ships heading to Delta 7
    Cutscene of WarpForce ships leaving to Delta 7


    The attack on Nechron base Delta-7 was a success!!

    We were able to deliver a crippling blow to the 4 Autarchs' ability to mine hydrogen from Delta-7. This will reduce some of their fleets' fuel capacity, especially for Exo ships which metabolize hydrogen.

    You still have time to join the second attack on the Defiler base on the Gavorian moon.

  • Play Again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Attack on Gavorian Moon!

    General Leet: Sounds good to me! May your aim be true and your feet quick, WarpForcer!
  • Let's Go!

    Cutscene of WarpForce ships heading towards the Gavorian moon
    Cutscene of WarpForce ships heading leaving the Gavorian moon


    The attack on Defiler base on the Gavorian moon was a success!!

    With your help, we were able to deliver a crippling blow to the 4 Autarchs' capacity to manufacture Krayl, the extremely strong and resilient alloy used to build Defiler fighter ships!

    You still have time to join the second attack on the Nechron base on Delta-7.

  • Play Again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit


    Delta-7 base:

    Sonic Cannon
    Sonic Cannon
    Sonic Cannon
    Sonic Cannon
    Sonic Cannon

    Gavorian moon:

    Sonic Axe
    Sonic Axe
    Sonic Axe
    Sonic Axe
    Sonic Axe

    Thanks to Alternia

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