RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (Full Version)

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Ilø¤IMPERIAL¤ølI -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/15/2010 5:35:33)

Hey there!
Hey! :D

What's the sum of 4 and -4?
0! ;D

You got it wrong, it's actually -8. :P
Nope, it's 0. OTL

btw, Congratz!
Thanks! :D

How do you like the new buttons?
They're fun to press. *presses button*

What's the logic in gaining yardage and lossing yards in football?

How many fingers am I holding up?
-8? xD

Gl with your new status, laterz
Thanks, I'll need it. :D

moneybags -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/16/2010 0:03:40)

*steals catchphrase* Ohai =]
You forgot the fullstop. xD But thanks for posting the form! Makes life easier for me. :D

Sooo... AK now, eh? Having fun?
Yes, Yes, Yes. =]

Hopefully you are. Just dropping by to say a congratz, and wishing you good luck in the Pedia. I'm sure you'll do great :) Thats it fer now, so bye!
Yay! Thanks! :D

whimsical magic -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/16/2010 1:46:53)

Good job, you deserve an ArchKnight Title Sam!
Thanks! I'm loving it. :D

Thanks. =]

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/16/2010 13:06:29)

Hey Sam*insertalphanumericalthingieshere*!
JJE101, it is. :D

Congratulations on your ArchKnightshipp
Thanks! :D

So just stopping by to say congratulations.
That's fine. =]

I don't want to pester you with too many questions
Pester? Hardly. xD

Good luck and see you later!
Thanks! See you around the forums! =]

Dwarven_Wizard -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/16/2010 15:35:15)

Ohai again.
Ohai. =]

Have you gotten to make use of your new Archknight powers much yet?
I'd like to think so. :D

I was just joking earlier about completing the December CMC single-handedly. But you knew that, right? Right? Sorry. However, I was very impressed with how much of it you figured out. *highfive?*
High-Five! Thanks. :D

Hmm? Oh! You're in the 'pedia! My bad. I thought this was a Q&A MtAK.
Nope. 'Pedia and Guides, like me member title says. :D

Lots of new AK's lately. That's good though. Cuts back on the spam, and helps keep the 'pedia going and organized.
It sure does. =]

On that topic. what are your feelings on spam (the meat product)?
Never tried it, and I would like it to stay that way. :O

I tried not to get too random there. Congratulations on ArchKnight-hood!
Alright... Thanks! :D

And don't forget: They'll never let you leave. :p
I don't want to leave! xD

ZanpakuTô -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/16/2010 17:32:17)

Hey there, SamJJE101!

Congratulations upon your promotion!
Thanks. :D

A few questions, over some DragonMeat, if you do not mind
Alright! *nomnomnom*

First off, cake or pie?
It depends on the cake, but probably pie. It can come in Savory and Sweet. And Maths. xD

Are you a DragonLord, DragonKin, Dracomancer, or DragonMaster of any sort?
Well, I'm a DragonLord and a fully-trained DragonSlayer... o_O Oh, and I was a DragonPedia Master once, before I was promoted to ArchKnight of the DF Pedia. xD

Are you sure?

Well, that's about all for now; if you said yes to the previous question, you best hope we don't meet again [:D]
I'd like to hope that we'd meet again. After all, I'm a DragonSlayer too... >:D

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/17/2010 12:09:36)

SamJJE101! Remember me? Almost forgot u in this place, really, never saw u in Guide area.
Of course I remember you! Never saw me in the Guide area? Me either. xD

Still impress by u with that big jump. Congratz on AK ship.
Same. I was surprised that I was promoted so soon after being awarded the 'Helpful!' title. And thanks! :D]

Soo, few question, RPG type: What do u like? Ranger, Melee, Magic?

A monster come to you with a rock. What will u choose? A dagger, a sword, a staff or a gold bag?

And finally, u want to be a hero or a imperial?
Probably Hero. :D

Do u like a Color, or u like the beauty of the Colors?
Well, Yellow is my favourite colour. :D

Haha, just few question for fun, I have no idea what I'm I asking about, I prefer answer:")
Okie. xP

See u around, hopefully u still in GD board:"P
Maybe. See you around the forums! :D

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/17/2010 18:01:16)

Thanks! :D

What is your first move when fighting a heavy frogzard?
Kill it... xD

*kittycat launches a meteor shower to Ohai.*

Well, No more to say.

bye bye!
Obai. =]

The Final Hollow -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/18/2010 11:20:31)

I know the answer to latedogs riddle

He is cleaning the window from the outside and jumps inside


Anyway, need a avi?
I'm fine, thanks. :D

I will try to make you one, just need to know what you want.
Thanks. If I think of something, I might take you up on the offer.

Did you know Global Warming isn't real? The people who thought of it admitted it.

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/18/2010 11:26:54)

Ohai. =]

So how you enjoy being an ArchKnight so far?
Yep! :D

Tomorrow's friday[:'(] that means tons of entries.
Yay! :D

So how's The Legendary Hero treating you? I hear he gives his AKs lots of cookies.
*nomnomnom* Huh?

If you get scared half to death twice, what happens?
You die... xD Although, it's not really that funny if you die... xD

What is your opinion on global warming?

What is the second derivative of f(x)= x^2 + 6x + 7?

Enjoy your AKing, don't let anybody scare you too much, that's my job![;)]
Okay! :D

Baron Dante -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/18/2010 11:57:32)

*pokes back*

So you're an Ash Dragonblade ArchKnight now? Gratz.
Yep. :D

Can I has a ArchKnight? :P
No. But you can has cookie! *shoves cookie in Baron dante's mouth*

I the third person to the right AND fourth to left awesome?
No, it's the fourth person to the right and the third to the left. Then 1 more to the left. AKA Me. :D

Naww... *grabs Baron dante's finger and pokes self again* Hehe! xD

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/18/2010 12:17:53)

Hi there!
Ohai. :D

So, another AK!
Yep. :D

This is strange. So many new AK's on the fourms...
That's good strange though, right?

I will discover why!
Because so many people are awesome. :D

What is Falerin's evil plan involving the AK's?
To kill them all I suppose? xD

Why does he need so many of you?
Well, it's actually The Legendary Hero to promoted me, but anyway...

Because of 9.0. There's gonna be LOTS to do... o_O

If you do not say, I will be back, and I WILL get the answer!
I just said...

Oh, congats by the way!
Thanks! :D

Here is some cake...
Thanks! *nomnomnom*

I don't believe in Truth Serum. xP

I already have...

Okay. I won't any mo-TELL ME NOW!

Obai. :D

BoomBoomDoom -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/18/2010 12:46:16)

Squares are for Cubes... :o

Yah Rly!
I believe you... I think. xD

So...Hows it like being an Archknight?
Awesomesauce. :D

^ I like that. :3

Obai. :D

Sir Lofmore -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/20/2010 15:48:16)

Ohai. =]

want some imaginary berries
Sure! *nomnomnom*

MWAHAHA!!!! those were deathberries that were invisable!!!!!!
OMG! *dies*

what a second!!!! those were my invisable sleeping pills!!! Drats!!
*is just sleeping* zzZ...

sooooooo want some imaginary cake?

if yes,eat it.if no, drats!!
Thanks! *nomnomnom*

bye..........for now
Obai. =]
Im back.
Yay! :D

do u like chocolate

what do i do if a giant chese sculpture of zorbak falls on my giant shoe sculpture made of icecream.
Eat it all up! o_O

how many hairs can fit on a germ 7000033375 times its normal size.if the hairs 2 CM height each. and 1millionth of cm in width.
1? o_O

the statement below is the truth
the statement above is a lie!!
witch one is telling the truth.

who would win. darth vader against you.
Me. :D

how many planets named boboyt are in the solar system?
0. o_O

do u want the answer to the question above?

here it is if u want answer.

i have no idea
Thanks. OTL

Again? o_O

if y-7= -4. then what would Y*98+67-324divided by 45 =? what does ? equal?
353.8? OTL

how many pages of math homework did i receive today?
7? 7's my lucky number. :D

here is answer

7 pages of math

Ooh, I got it right! :D

if i ate 4 apples on tuesday,march 21,2001,and i ate 4 more apples the next day,if i keep doubling the # of apples i eat, how many apples would i have to eat on feburary 4 2012?

if you want the answer.....

answer is zero!!!!! why, because march 21 2001 was a wednsday!!
Tricky, tricky. xD

how much peanut butter could me eat if i had unlimited peanut butter?
None! You're allergic to nuts! xD

*starts swinging clock by ur face* u will obey my every rule!!!!!!* clock accidently hits ur face*
Ouch... D:<

bye..... for now.if u were wondering the real answer for the y-7=4 question,loook here

18.444444444444(the 4 could go on 4ever
one more question.who is the weirdest person to ask u a question?
IDK. Also, I used a calculator to get my answer. It must've added in brackets somewhere where it shouldn't have. xD

IM BACK!!!! since u dont have a question limit, ill just keep coming back!

how many pull ups did i do in gym today?


why is the cake a lie?

do u have a mustach or fancy hat with frogs in it?if yes eat me

Trick -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/26/2010 16:40:40)

Sammy! :D
Hey! :D

How's the Archknight work?
Fun. :D

What's pi divided by zero?

Using numbers, write down infinity.
1NF1N17Y. There. :D
You didn't say I couldn't use letters, you just said "Using numbers...". I did you numbers, did I not? I just didn't use all numbers. ;D

I CAN HAZ COOKIE PL0X?!?!?!?!?!!
Fine... xD

What would you do if I made you listen to the most annoying song in the world with no way to not hear it?
Screech over it, so it'd annoy you too. :D

What would you do if you died?
I've already died once. But that's another story...

Did your brain blow up?
Dammit. >_>

Aren't these questions awesome? :D
Pretty much. :D

Have fun being an AK. ^_^
I sure will! Thanks!

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (2/27/2010 1:02:16)

Ohai. :D

Congrats on the AKship. :)
Thanks! :D

How's the AKin' goin'?
Awesomesauce. :D

/me hands SamJJE101 a pack of cookies and a bottle of Pepsi
YUM! *nomnomnom*

Being an AK, you'll definitely need it :p
I know I will... xD

Which AK is next to your cage?
I think The Legendary Hero put me out the back... It's pretty dark, but I think it's Karika... although, I'm not 100% sure... o_O

Obai! D:

Benjo -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/6/2010 6:56:47)

Congratulations.. no questions from me for now :)
That's fine. Thanks! :D

Trick -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/6/2010 23:03:44)

Sorry, I think somebody already did that 3 posts ago. xD

What's infinity times e?
3 words. :D

How many zeros are there in negative five gazillion billion trillion gajillion whateverillion?
Four Gazillion Billion Trillion Gajillion, 999 Million, 9 Thousand, 9 Hundred and 99. :D

Do you like math? :D
Yes. :D

How many electrons, protons, and neutrons are there total in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE? (Hint: It's less than a googol.)
I answered this 2 questions ago... xD
I don't see it. xD

What's pi divided by zero point zero?
0. :D

Write infinity using only numbers and no letters. No replacing letters with numbers either.

What do you think of this picture? :3

Did I make your brain asplode yet?
It already is. o_O

These questions are awesome. Admit it.
They sure are. :D

Oh right. You can edit and see this. Boo. XD
Ohai. :D

Write down the first one million digits of pi IN WORDS.
The First One Million Digits Of Pi

If I threw you off a cliff, what would you do?
Most likely die, depends how high the cliff is, and what I land on/in.

If I threw you off a volcano, what would you do?
Read Above. ^

If I threw you off a table, what would you do?
Read Above. ^

If I threw you off the world, what would you do?
Read Above. ^

!nuf si sdrawkcab gnitirW
[= !thgir ,wonk I

I just did. o_O

.sdrawkcab sdrow derdnuh eno gniniatnoc ecnetnes a etirw ot uoy erad I
Here is my sentence containing "sdrawkcab sdrow derdnuh eno". :D

...pu gnimoc si gnitirw sdrawkcab ni ecnetnes tsal yM
Yay. :D

:D ?tsop siht ni gnitirw sdrawkcab erom yna ees t'now uoy taht das ti t'nsI
Not really. xD


What do you think of this video?
I don't know, what's so impossible about it?
I'll give you two hints: It's played by the same person, and that's not how you normally play a violin in that position. XD


The above statement actually means something ferrealz.
Sure it does. xD
Actually, it does. For real. I'm not lying.

What planet do you live in?

What galaxy do you live in?
The Milky Way.

What universe do you live in?
This One.

Are you an alien that's trying to dominate Earth?
Nope. :D

Don't you love answering these questions? :D
I guess... xD

i r in ur haoz, stealin ur cookiez
And I'm in yours. xD


Haha, I filled in the spoiler. xD

What would you do if you were drowning in an ocean full of sharks?
Die... obviously.

Well, bye!
Bye. :D

Adiós. :D

Au revoir!
Au revoir. :D

להתראות. :D

附屬的. :D

I'm so annoying, aren't I. :D
Pretty much. o_O

Did you know that these were the same exact questions I asked Sasuke????? 8D
Nope. I need to ask them some questions, too. xD
...There's more than one Sasuke? XD

Mareth -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/6/2010 23:11:02)

Ohai. :D

BoH FTW!?!? Right?
I'm not part of any clans... yet.

Well.... This is boring.......
Sorry I bore you so much. D:

I Hate Llamas
I LOVE Llamas! I was going to buy one off eBay once, but I was outbid. D:

Because, pets and other animals have a sence of style too. Black with Spikes was so last season. xD

Who you calling a Grandma? xD

Okay thats all

Obai. :D

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/6/2010 23:11:36)

Hi! :D

You know, I rarely visit the DF forums but I still recognize your name :D
Awesome! That's probably one of the nicest things somebody's said to me in this thread. Thanks. :D

... Though that is kind of creepy now that I think about it.
No, it's fine. :D

Congratulations on AKship!
Thanks! :D

Does the 'JJE101' in your name stand for anything?
Well, the 'JJE' part are the initials of the rest of my name (I have two middle names), and I just added the '101' on the end because I thought that it was cool at the time. Really, it's my username everywhere. :D

Favourite word?
Antidisestablishmentarianism. :D

If you had to save the cake or the cookie, which would it be?

Favourite aspect of Dragonfable?
DragonFable. :D

If said favourite aspect did not exist anymore, how would that change your DF gaming experience?
If DragonFable left DragonFable there would be no DragonFable. :D

Do you read the questions one by one as you move through them or do you read all the questions, ponder them, then answer?
I read the question, paste my font colour and bolding tags, then type away, with the answer. Good question, though.

That's all from me, bye!
Thanks! These were some really good questions. I like that. Thanks! :D

BlueRage -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/7/2010 2:05:26)

OHhaiiiiiyo Gozaiiiiimas.
Ohai. :D

You know,I feel like hitting your head with a large diamond-made hammer.
Good luck! *runs away*

Ghost or demon or monster?
Ghost. He's a legend. xD

Uh...Since you have MtAK I'll have MtNP(Meet the Normal People)session.
Why not! Do they even have an Introductions section of this forum? (I hardly ever wander outside of the DragonFable Forums)

Welcome to MtNP show.I am an NP and here we have an ArchKnight.
Hello, hello. :D *waves*

Well we have some challenges for this tough AK.The first one.Suffocate him witout air for 10 minutes and he must survive!
Damn... one of my worst fears. o_O

After countless,numerous and unknown time later...
Sam comes out.He's alive!Next,his mouth will be filled with EXTRA LARGE HAMBURGERS and ENORMOUS PIZZAS!Can he eat them all?
Yum! :D

Try doing these.
Okay! xD

Stuff yourself in a toilet bowl,let a person go to the toilet and do their "business' on you.
No thanks... ><

Clip yourself(the clips must be tied to a piece of wire)to the piece of wire.Then connect to the wire to the electic socket and a light bulb.

Pour some petrol in your room.Then light up a match and throw the lighted match to the petrol.
I'm not dumb...

Dismantle your handphone and scatter them all around the Universe.Now go find them back.
Why are you daring me to do all of this crazy stuff?

I'll Nickname you Sam Jeopardized John and Eric 101 times
Go ahead. xD

Well here's a letter without anything in it.Bye.
Thanks. o_O

Walks a few distance away from the AK.

Mysterious voice(Sounds like SamJJE101): Ohai.Obai.Owatyoudoingritethere? BlueRage:Huh?Sam,was that you?Don't play with me.I nid to go home.(Turns back)

(Nobody right here) BlueRage(runs):AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh....GHOST!MONSTER!

Sir Lofmore -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/11/2010 18:13:14)

ITs me again!!!!!!!

whats pi as a percent?

who can fly without eating milk?

pollyopop pollyopo ho ollol ollol op!!! ab ab ab pollypop

lollypop lollypop oh lolly lolly pop ba ba ba ba lollypop

i ma yrgnuh!!! evig em doof!!! won!!!! esaelp!!!!

mwa ha ha!!!!!i am hungry!!!give me food!!! now!!!! please!!!!

bye for now

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/11/2010 18:21:41)

I'm back once again :) But there's a difference!

Can you see?

I bet you're pretty full after everyone gives you cookies all the time right?

Do you understand this: 1 + 1 = A window. Think about the numbers and the add and equal signs carefully, putting them together in the right place actually IS a window.

Out of 10, how cute is my avatar?

Enjoying yourself more now that you've got a "feel" for being an Archknight?

Aaaand I'm out, see you later.

BlackFlameWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (3/19/2010 9:44:23)

Time for torture.

Woohoo! No Question Limit! Its a Party in the USA!

What is your quest?

How's them shackles?

What color are they?

What if I told you that I know a secret passage way to the Universal AK control room where the Universal Control Button is?

Whos more manly, Coyote or Chuck Norris?

Who would win in a battle: Captain Falcon or Chuck Norris?

Who would win in a battle: Coyote or Chuck Norris?

How much AKs does it take to hijack a question?

Favorite Band?

Heres a riddle. There is a guy inside a guy inside another guy inside another dude inside a woman inside a guy. What does that make?

Favorite game?

Pie or Cake?

Fish or Tuna Fish?

Tomix? Robber! You take Tomix Avy! You must pay O.o

How did you come up with SamJJE101?

Well congrats. This torture session is done.

steel blade -> RE: =MtAK= Ohai. (5/13/2010 2:37:44)


How's AK life?

Pie, Cookies or Pancakes? (insert Waffles)

Fave AE game


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