Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 16:24:58)

Editors' Notes
by Eukara Vox and smbdoll

Dearest Readers, Writers and Artists of the Zardian,

When you look back at what you have done, are you always happy with your history? Do you smile when you think of what you have accomplished? Do you cry when you are forced to realise that it will never be again?

The last seven days have been something of a rollercoaster for me. I have spent over a year with The Zardian - a time of joy, laughs, tears, frustration, creativity and friendships. In seven days I have notified people I have come to love that there will not be a next month to plan for and force myself to believe such things as well. It's hard to see something that you allowed to take up so much of your creativity and time end.

So, to the readers, I give my undying appreciation. Thank you for sticking around and reading what we had to offer. I do hope, in this time, you have always enjoyed what we put published for you. Our efforts were always to entertain and please you. Thank you for keeping an eye out for typos and mistakes, as even the most dedicated editor misses things late at night.

To those who wrote: I can never, ever express how much your effort and creativity meant to me. I loved sitting at my computer during edit week and pouring over your articles. I always considered myself lucky that I got to see those articles before the world. You gave everything you could each month... Some of you more simply because I asked, and that, that was a great testimony to just how flexible and willing you were.

To Clyde, who stepped away because real life was pulling too hard. You were funny. I always looked forward to the counterarguments and your perspective. I enjoyed that you were so determined to help with planning by offering your ideas and never feeling bad about honest feedback when you were asked for it.

To Bballman23: You offered interesting perspectives regarding your articles. They were a nice mix of silly and serious. You have a way of portraying the silliest things in a serious manner.

To Cow Face: Moooooo! You were willing to do two articles near every month. You were willing to do anything I asked. You... Have an amazing talent for making people laugh. I will miss your Conspiracy Corner and all your theories. I wish you all the joy in whatever you do.

To green_girl02: Green rules! All other colors merely fade in its presence. You were an absolute joy to work with. Your determination in the face of difficulty only made me want to do my job better. I am lucky to count you among my friends. You are a talented writer who knows when humor is necessary and when it is not. May the dragonflies always decorate your pond.

To Personater: A refreshing read until you were snatched away from us. But we wouldn't let you go... Nope, not a chance. Thank you for not only being a good friend, but a great reporter. And in the end, thank you for your artistic talents. You were a very valuable person to the team.

To Tolan: My apologies that you were not given enough time to truly shine. You have the making of a great journalist. Eye for detail, ability to balance sides and write equally for both sides. What you were able to give to The Zardian will be treasured.

To Ultrapowerpie: You, my dear, were just a bit off the wall, and it worked! I had looked forward to a long tenure of goofiness and strange narrative explorations involving orbs, creatures and strange adventurers. I am grateful, however, for the short time you were able to give us what you could.

To The Legendary Hero: You have always been able to pull off making the most absurd or hilarious subject something to ponder and think deeply about. How I will miss that. I will miss your playful articles as well. Good luck making life all it should be for you.

To Genoclysm: Thank you for always keeping the games forefront in your mind when writing your articles. I loved how some of them were informative and eye opening in regards to the games themselves.

To Rimblade: There are no words on this planet capable of telling you how much I enjoyed working with you. You are a personality worth more than gold. And that seeped into your writing constantly. I was always highly entertained by your words. Never lose who you are. The world will feel that much more empty if you did.

To Reni Bluestar: Thank you for helping us with the art in a time when it was so crucial. I hope that you were able to learn and improve while working with us. And thank you for helping to bring Talvan to life, even if she has issues...

To Randor the Red, drDOT and Terosin: My emergency artists. Thank you. You are a lifesaver.

To all the AKs that tirelessly, every month, made those super long game updates for me: You guys rock. You are awesome beyond measure and an asset to AE. I cannot begin to describe how much easier you made my life each and every month. Each one of you deserve so much. I can only offer my affection and appreciation and hope that it is enough.

To smbdoll: Thank you for the leadership that you provided the team. Especially, thank you for stepping into the role of leader when The Zardian was in need. Your support was always appreciated and I am thankful you gave the team so much freedom to be creative.

I leave with the knowledge that my life is that much richer because of all of you, reader and staff alike. For many of us, we will continue to talk and interact, and I look forward to that. For the rest, my goodbye is bittersweet. I will not have the Zardian in my life, but rest assured it will be filled with other things AE decides I need to do.

Until we meet again,

Eukara Vox

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dearest Readers, Authors, Artists and Friends;

There's so much I want to say, and so little time to say it. It's with a heavy heart that I pick up my pen to write this editor's note. Only a few days ago, I was informed that The Zardian would have to stop publication. The pure and simple reason for this, is that The Zardian uses a lot of resources. Our authors and artists are undeniably talented, and we've had a good run. I'm sure a wonderful future awaits each member of the Zardian team, past and present. It has been an extraordinary experience working with such talent. It's been fascinating, challenging, at times frustrating; but always rewarding. My only wish is that we had longer to work as a team. While we had plans for many more issues and were just starting to get the year's agenda sorted out; it was not meant to be.

The team members did not know before publication week that we would not be creating any more issues of The Zardian. Had we the chance to create a farewell issue, they would have done their best to express how grateful we are to have had the opportunity to share our work with you. It's a privilege and an honour to write for a receptive audience and your feedback has helped us to not only become more creative, but also to become better people. I personally will always look back on The Zardian with a nostalgic heart. The team was not merely a group of coworkers for me, but also a group of supporters that became like a second family. Even through time zone confusion and minimal communication, their caring natures and understanding personalities have made a difference in my life that will not soon be forgotten. They've always been there for me, and I intend to remain here for them should they need me in the future.

Yes, the future is still bright, and still holds many, many opportunities. While The Zardian is closing, that does not mean the team has no more opportunities. Artix Entertainment is always on the lookout for budding young talent. In the future, there could be room for new artists, authors, programmers, customer support personel, forums moderators and all the people behind the scenes that make it possible to create and run games. I will be staying to help make AE even more popular and to help AE search for new talent. It might just be amongst The Zardian hopefuls that we'll find the talent we seek. In the meantime, the skilled workers we already have will continue working to provide you with the best online experiences possible, whether it be in game, in chat, or on the forums.

So, my dearest friends, I will not say goodbye; for I am not leaving. This is merely a change in the way we work together at Artix Entertainment. Many of the people I work with now will still be my colleagues in the future, and hopefully I'll be making many more good friends to work with as well. There is so much to look forward to, so much to see and do. I gladly anticipate the times in the future that we might work together to create a better future for us all.

Thank you for letting me be a part of the team. Thank you for letting me share my work with you; and thank you for sharing your opinions with me. While it was not always comfortable hearing honest opinions, I've valued your integrity, cherished your frankness and hoped to earn your respect.

You have earned mine.

Battle On!

Robowarrior forum -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 16:38:11)

nooo i would allways wait and hope for the next edition i would check every day and its over...... [:(][:(][:(] Could mabey we try to get some of the zardian authors together and create a forum based newspaper.

drDOT -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 16:45:18)

Ah, I'll miss the ezine :(
Thanks for all the wonderful issues :D it's been a great time reading them :)

Postmaster General -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 17:04:31)

I might just be the single most sorrowful person that the Zardian is done.

I will miss it.

Goodluck with everyone's next ventures though!

Stephen Nix -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 17:34:22)

I read every single entry you guys ever made.....truly I'm disheartened right now :(

I really liked reading these...and I liked the holiday ones the best!

It was a pleasure reading all of those and I think all of the writers outdid themselves! I'll miss the Zardian.....thanks for starting this Smbdoll and Eukara Vox!

Thanks for giving me something to read, I even shared some stories with my class, it's sad it has to come to an end...but then again everything must come to an end!
Appreciate all your hard work guys and gals!

Favorite entries....Undead Olympics, and my favorite to read is the Nel's Corner where he would talk about the Editors and want to learn about your staff read those!

Gianna Glow -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 17:34:40)

*sobs* This is just so sad. I can't believe its over.

Ganden -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 17:45:30)

I said it before and I'll say it again. However shortlived, it's been an honor. Thank you to the Ezine staff for the opportunity and joy of working with them, the readers for reading, and staff of AE for making this possible for 51 issues.

And who knows... Maybe one day it will rise again.


Khelios -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 19:03:51)

Gotta say - I can't believe it is ending so abruptly, but it indeed was a fun chapter of what I've been honored to be a part of. That being said, who knows what is being held in store for the future - and what is around the corner? That is something I can't wait to see.

Deathwalker -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 19:31:50)

I can't comprehend this. Nor can I believe that I can't decide to call this a tragedy or a travesty. Even though I have only been a reader for about 7 issues, it still saddens my soul that our plain, gray world will now be without a way to include laughter in out hearts and minds.

The Ezine site will stay open, right? Because... there isn't time to read the first forty issues! *blows nose* I feel like the guy in that iconic Twilight Zone episode where he is the last man on earth and he tries to read a book but his glasses fall off and break.

And yet, this is as it must be, since the amount of Zardian readers can be found by taking the number of people who post here, and multiplying by three. Alas, a far too small number. It saddens me that so few people knew about it, and now this doorway into the soul shall be closed, and locked forever.

C'est la vie,

legomaster00156 -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/1/2010 22:30:52)

L-l-last issue? *choke, gag* It can't end here! Not now!

megakyle777 -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 1:23:54)

I don't want to see it go!!!!!!!!!!![:(][:(]

I hope the site stays up at least.

The Zardian is no more, and all the people are so sad,
Heros, Villains, Paladins, and Necros cease to be so bad,
For The Zardian's death united them, so they did not fight for who's best,
Goodnight Sweet Ezine, and may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.[:(]

Nightly -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 6:33:49)

Well that was abrubt. And sad. And... other sad.. things.

Can't beleive it's going, but good luck to all of the authors, artists, and editors in whatever you do!

nosey123 -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 6:34:04)

Goodbye e-zine, you shall be missed. [:(]

Zyrain -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 11:05:00)

Hm, this has come as a suprise to me...
It is very sad to see The Zardian go. :(
Good luck to all the former Zardian Staff.


Gage McBlackwood -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 12:19:47)

I for one am really sad the Ezine is leaving. I enjoyed reading it. :(

raylas -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 15:05:22)

I missed this Ezine's prime and yet.....*Wipes away a single tear* I will mourn it's passing.

Cow Face -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 15:21:18)

I'd like to add in my thoughts here, too. The Zardian has been a wonderful chance for me to read fun and often informative articles, as well as get to know and work with a group of people whom I am honored to call my colleagues, and more importantly, friends. However, I will also miss the comments by readers: not only were they usually humorous, they brought a smile to my face to know that people appreciated what we were doing. It's been quite a journey. Godspeed.

alexmacf -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 19:04:24)

And I was getting something ready to apply. Goes to show, I'm best leaving good things alone.

I'm truly going to miss the Zardian. I always had fun reading it, and it always gives me something to think about while being silly enough to relax with.

Denolth -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/2/2010 19:59:19)

It's really sad to know that The Zardian is over. It was like an AE trademark. I remember when I first joined the forums. Not really sure which edition it was, but I remember it clearly. These are times I will never forget.

Thanks to everyone who writed and made art for The Zardian! I had a fun time reading it =)

ringulreith -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/3/2010 20:09:37)

I'm really sad to see the Zardian go. I've been here reading since the start, seeing it grow from a small collection of articles to the blooming haven of writing it is today. I can't believe that after such a long time, it's coming to an end.
*sighs* As they say, all good things must come to an end. It's too bad this good thing had such an abrupt end.

murdering zealot -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/4/2010 11:10:44)

but why? why is it ending? all the writers were volunteers, right? why did you said its wasting resources? a lot of people like it.

Poetic Melody -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/4/2010 18:48:18)

What? No! Gosh, I won't be switching my avatar for a while now. This is terrible! The Zardian never failed to make me laugh, and now it's over. It can't be true. Oh Gosh, R.I.P.

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/4/2010 19:50:14)

Troubled... heartbroken... it hurts... I wanted to be a part of the Ezine. It's too bad... maybe I'll have a chance in another life-time, no? :/

Dragonfan 02 -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/4/2010 20:42:26)

Well, I'm loved the Zardian and I'm going to miss it deeply.[:(]
I will miss all of it from Ask Zorbak to the different things Twig has said on the front page. P.S. Twig is not puntable. NEVER PUNT TWIG!!![;)]
All jokes aside, I'll really and truely miss the Zardian, I looked forward to it each month, but as they say "All good things must come to and end" and this is just the Zardian's time.

nonaka -> RE: Issue 51 - Editors' notes (smbdoll and Eukara Vox) (3/4/2010 22:21:57)

Wow, how unexpected! I didn't think the zardian would end until 50+ years. [:(]

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