Eukara Vox -> Issue 51 - A Farewell Rant About Green (green_girl02) (3/1/2010 16:27:37)
A Farewell Rant About Green by green_girl02 There is one thing everyone underestimates... and that power is Green! Yes, the power of Green! Green is the color of life! Green is eternal! Who hasn't heard of the best food of all, Green Eggs and Ham? What a gloriously Green food... and it's good for you too! Not only do you have Green Eggs and Ham, but there are other Green foods too! Green lettuce, Green broccoli, Green apples, Green sprouts, Green candy, Green peas, Green cake, and Green spinach are just a few items. Speaking of Green spinach, Pop-eye was famous for eating his Green spinach and suddenly growing inhumanly strong and was able to beat anyone who came up against him. Talk about the power of Green! Another inhumanely awesome person was the Green Lantern, an amazingly talented superhero that wielded Green Power. There are many super beings that have pledged their allegiance to the power of Green one way or another. There is Green Arrow, Poison Ivy, Hulk, She-Hulk, The Riddler, and Cysero. They are all extremely powerful in their own rights, but all aligned with Green! They even dress in Green to prove it! Green is Green! Green is life! Nature also relies on Green's Power to recycle the old and dead and raising it again. Thus, Necromancers are evil because they attempt to steal from the power of Green by stealing bodies that were in the process of becoming green! There is one Necromancer in particular who dares to wear measly blue instead of the almighty Green! Yes, it is our one and only Zorbak, the Green-less! He's disgusted by Green! How can one who claims to have such power hate Green and cling to stupid blue?!? There is only one answer to this very Green and alive question! Zorbak has been lying to us all because he was rejected by Green when he chose to steal from this amazing power without giving Green its credit where it's due! This leads me to my next Green point! Kabroz must be the better and the stronger of the two brothers for one very simple reason that anyone familiar with Green ought to know - Kabroz at least is a shade of Green! He gives homage to Green, and as a result is the stronger of the two! Zorbak has been trying for so long, well at least every Friday the 13th, the take over the Green world and has been defeated. If only he would call on the power of Green, he might actually win! Green would have to punish him though with the ultimate punishment someone could have. See, not only is Green powerful, but Green is insightful as well. Pink is a hated color amongst even those who do not like Green. Thus, Green would bless him, but curse him with a permanently pink cape! Now wouldn’t that be a Green sight to see! If only he had accepted Green's power to begin with! So, beware all of you who are coming to the crossroads of choosing what power to follow, for it can be a choice well made if you choose Green. Forget the dark side and its cookies, they're not even green! Green is always calling your name softly, whispering to you to succumb to its power. Green will help in all situations! Green is Green! I'm sorry to say this, but this will be my last articles because The Zardian is coming to an end, so I wanted to leave you with one last Green saying. Join the Green side; we have everything including the measly dark side's cookies!