RE: =MtAK= Hogo (Full Version)

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BoomBoomDoom -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/8/2010 9:06:45)

I need helpz on a Math Problem! Wat iz 2+2? Cmon, dis iz sewiouz. :L
42, tis indeed seriouznezz!
O rly?
Ya rly! I iz mad geniuz!
I thought It waz 14. :3
Check again, your must have hit the wrong buttons on the number machine thing..
Congratz on AKship.
Thanx! :)
In fact, Ima make dinnar for u!
Iz it fish?
Wat u likez? Shrimp...Taco...Fis-Tomatoez?
Shrimps good, fish best.
Ummm...Okeyz, Wat dessert? O O, I knowez. Itz Fish cookie sundae.
Ummm yummies, how did u know that was my favouritz?! :D
Cuz I know ESP. >:3
Oooh, teach me plz!
Well Bai!
K bye!
Also Ive come back to bother u!!! :o
Thank you, do come again! :P

OmgNoob! -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/8/2010 9:38:25)

jonny fish or james fish?(NOT both)
Your fish, hand it ova!
cookies or waffles?
Waffles any day.
do u like chips with ya fish?
Sure and remoulade
do u like online phishing?
No, only regulatory fishing
how many penguins do ur empire has?
I doubt I should tell you it might undermine my efforts, let's just say that half of your neighbours are actually penguins..
whats ur favourite weapon in game?
Ichi's Released Blade
ur favourite titan monster?
well, kthxcyabai!
i will be back!
So will I!

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/8/2010 9:53:58)

I can't believe no one said my name in this thread D:
drDOT, iz said!
oO.. :D
Not going to give you the color tags this time :D
I am not going to take them then!
Oh, why do you like penguins? :l
Their swimming ability, their shrewd way of being, their undermining of human rule, their insatiable hunger, their cuteness, and lastly their predatory nature..
;.; but I made a special one for you... It has a dot on it.. ʘ
bai :3

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/8/2010 10:08:08)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Hi I am Hogo, you obey my every command, oh and you're being tracked..
Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
You do, do you?
1. What is you Element?
2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of PF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
Hmm, I am supposing that by Edgemaster you mean one who uses swords, if so yes, but I do enjoy a scythe now and again..
3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
If I misunderstood then please do send me a PM.
4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
Have played, I now only play Naruto games on my PS2
5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?
So if no, then?
6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?
Sure, just travel back in time to when I played..
7. What is your Dragon's element?
Water but mostly ice, the tattoo's are way too cool..
8. Do you believe the power of the human penguin spirit?
Yes, Penguin spirit can do many great things, even human spirits can, did you know that it is possible to heal your body just by command?
9. What is you Base class of choice?
Warrior, I created my first mage in AQW a month ago, but I love warriors, pure strength builds are my fav..
10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?
I tried playing one called EVE, everyone was mean to me even some 12 year old kid so I returned to AE after 14 days.. AE is like my second home I will always come back.
11. What is Cysero to you?
Mentor, role model, investor, and fellow all-you-can-eat buffeter.
12. Gorrilaphants?
Hehe, trying playing TwillyBall with one, it is soooo much fun!! :D
13. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!
*Feels doomed* I have never finished a Tog Challenge, I get all the way to the end and mess up just before finishing :(
14. Don't you hate when people do DOOOOOM for that Question?
Freedom of Speech is high on my list of things not to get angry about..
15. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?
Nope, but I think I ate her brother...
If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
I don't eat apples just fish, in any case the answer was nope, but I have heard and read about her. Oh wait I think I misread that last question, I don't know her personally but have read about her, I'll take that fish now.
If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my HSRoD and my BBLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.
Ummm, Penguins don't have caveman ancestors, we are intergalactic travellers who just enjoy the fish on this planet...
That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...
K, thx, I shall enjoy, you too! :)

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/8/2010 11:03:26)

Digi has returneth!
So has Hogo!!
Right now to pummell thee with thy mighty questions!
Bring it! I shalt answer thou fullest!
Why a penguin, like the animal or is it from a film etc?
The tuxedo has always made me jealous
If you won the National Lottery how would you spend it, or would you save...?
I would pay back the people I owe, buy an apartment, I would also buy a cheap run down car for myself, a porsche for my mom(I promised her one as a kid), invest 500k in AE(really I would, this is my actual list), invest in Vestas(they make windmills, go green!), give a third of the left over money to a schlerosis fund that tries to cure the disease, the rest of the money I would split with my brother who is the closest person in my life
*Hands Hogo some well deserved fish :D
Thanks, I was starving!!
That's me done in your thread now, see you around.
See ya!
*Waves a flipper.
Oooh nice flipper! *Waves one back*

Razor9486 -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/9/2010 22:20:26)

hello..... uh, have u been having fun being an ak yet?
Oh yes very much so :D
im not very creative today sorry
ill make another post if i think of some good questions
No problemo
nm i got one
Lucky me!
you said:

I will be answering your questions in this colour.

since u spelt the bolded word that way, r u from the uk or australia, or some other place w/ cool accents?
I am Danish but I went to an American boarding school in India where I chose to rebel against my fascist grammar teacher..
oh, and by any chance, do u like penguins?
Why yes!
enjoy being an ak
I will indeed :)


got more:

r u and twig good friends?
Yes, we have mutual interests *cough* taking over the world.. *cough*
wat does orange have 2 do w/ penguins?
It is a colour we are unfamiliar with, plus it is a really nice colour!
do u feel special to be an ak and therefore somewhat more importantish?
Yes, my intere life now revolves around making other people understand exactly how cool and important I have become! :P
why do u think u were chosen 2 b an ak? jc...
You know, I have asked myself that alot, either it was because they fear penguin supremacy and want me on their side or they just think I am really cuddly!

Foligo -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/12/2010 19:10:01)

Ice to Meet You[8D]
I like you, you cool :)
How Old are you, I mean in Dragon years?
Don't do Dragon years, Penguin only..

Hope you do well. Enjoy your position
Thanks, I hope I do well too!!


Hogo -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/13/2010 15:47:17)

Hiya everybody! I have some sad news to tell you... My computer has chosen to go over to the dark side, no matter which fish I try to offer it won't turn come back.. :( Thankfully another penguin let me borrow his computer and therefore I am able to write this for you.. I had hoped that my MtAK would be able to last longer but apparently the internet gods protested... I will probably not be on for a while but I will be back for sure!!! I will peek in here once in a while and try to answer your questions, both in the MtAK and in the normal Q&A. Again, sowwy... I hopez ya kan forgivez me! :)


Noez! Wez may NOT forgive! XD - DragonBlade
U'z cwazy DB!! btw *Yoink* I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/14/2010 12:42:53)

no forgivez :p
everyone who gives Hogo more questions to answer from now on gets a free pie from me x3
that's how I show my luuurrrvv! :D Thanks! Me luv questions so me loves you! :)

CommanderHawke -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/16/2010 4:12:47)

[sm=chicken.gif][sm=chicken.gif][sm=chicken.gif]Flipper Five!
Lycan or Vampire
Star wars or star trek
Star Wars my young padwan
Why does AE keep AK's in a deadlocked prison?
This much power needs to be locked up..
Tuna is nasty, Penguin egg mayo ftw!
Tuna mayo!
The doctor or The master?
DF The Master? otherwise the Doctor
Artix or Vayle?
Vayle, she is sad, I'll cuddle her with my penguiness then she won't be evil no moar!
Chuck norris or James Bond?
Chuck Bond
Sorry 'bout the Random questions
Sorry about the Random answers :P

Bye,i am eating Friedpenguin egg for tea.
That's okay, I am eating stir fried Jacob for lunch!

BlackFlameWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/19/2010 9:25:53)

Its been a long time since I've tortured...I mean interrogated a new AK. Lets see if I still got it.
Long time since I've tortur- interrogated.
Ooh...No question limit! Its a Party in the USA!
Tis' the DF Q&A, no question limit eva!!
How's them shackles?
Starting to come loose, I ought to ask The Legendary Hero or Circe to get them tightened
What color are they?
This colour but I got Green Girl to sprinkle some fairy dust on them so they sparkle too!
Whos more manly, Coyote or Chuck Norris?
Bruce Lee
How much AKs does it take to hijack a question?
A forum-full
Favorite Band?
Band? Hmmm, toughy, Jimi Hendrix's band
Heres a riddle. There is a guy inside a guy inside another guy inside another dude inside a woman inside a guy. What does that make?
A guy with serious plit personality disorder, or a cannibal family that was hungry

Favorite game?
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series
Pie or Cake?
Why a penguin? Penguins are chubby >.<
I dare you to say that infront of one..
Why the name? Replace G with a B... XD
I got a home so I replaced the B with a G
Heres a riddle.
Life Death

What is the answer?
Only when one has experienced both will one be able to answer either.
I'm not as good as I used to be.... Can you rate me on meh torture, er interrogation?
9 for good fun, 7 on amount of questions, 10 on actually asking me something so - 8.66666667

naturemancer -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/20/2010 13:15:28)

Hola amigo! Como esta?
Torture time!
Imagine you're walking through a nice park, the smell of the spring is beatuifull, you hear the birds sing around you, the children play and laugh all around, the sun shines all above you, you're happy and relaxed... AND THEN OMG ALIENS APPEAR AND... *end of transmition*, the question is, why is Lim's hair orange?
I coloured it with my text!
Too lazy to think of other questions [:D] Good luck!!
Please do come back when you have more! :) and thanks!!

Nightlark -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/20/2010 20:34:34)

Hello Hogo and congrats on AK!
Zank u very mush!
Do penguins have a bigger brain than humans?
Not really but we use 110% as opposed to humans only using 8% of theirs
What is your favorite DF quest so far?
The one where I get to play as Xan
Do you like dragons?
Been drawing them since I hatched!
I looove Dragons too!
What is the entire story behind Tomix and him hunting down the corrupted spirits?
Well, and this is confidential information, he once played a game, and cast a critical failure which caused the evil spirits to fabricate themselves in Lore..
Do you go surfing?
Yes, especially wind surfing
What did you think about the Kilguins (sorry if typo)?
Well we do kill alot so it was quite actual..
Do I get my sundaes now?
Cookie or fish? You get both if you say nothing... Here you go a cookie-fish sundae! :D

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/25/2010 18:52:55)

Hiyas, Hogo!!
How are you?

Hi! I am good, and you?
Normally, I'm not in the DF forums at all, but I desided to get a quick look and saw your thread :P
That's why I snuck it in at the top! Glad to hear it worked :P
So... Congrats to the AK ship.
I wish you good luck in the future and good luck now too ^^

Have a nice day and be nice to the members ;) xD
See you

I'll try my very best!

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/29/2010 0:11:56)

You have these skills. You have to defeat the serpent in 3 turns.(She is immune to Fire.)
You have:

  • Reaper(suck opponent's spirit and power)
  • Fire Cannon(you fire 2 cannons of HOT burning fire)
  • Toxic Strike(poisoning the opponent badly)
  • Flare(daze the opponent with bad chemicals and increase damage)
  • Lightning RAWR(you shoot lightning from your scary roar!)
  • Frostbite(Freezes your opponent really badly.)
  • Stone Hammer(You smash the opponent with 2 big boulders.)

What will you use?
Reaper, Frostbite(Hydra is now frozen and has no immunity to fire), Fire Cannon
*kittycat gives Hogo a shocking orb*
See ya!
I hope we do!

*kittycat flies away before you blink*
*Hogo can't believe his eyes! A flying kittycat!*

King Desoato -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/29/2010 0:59:13)

I ezzzzzzzz Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Oh yea sorry about the first question i had it was just to see how flipper dudes react.
No prob, u iz forgivenz!! And welcome back! :)

Besidezzz I looooov penguinzzz.
Me too!! What a coincidence! :P

So anyway i came to ask some questions. You'll find out tha rezon at end of post. pleazz dont skip to end. it'll makez me cwyyyy!!!
I promise I won't!
What color are your flipperzzz?
Shiny black
Why iz thine favorite color Magenta?
I saw it on a pickup truck in Malaysia once and thought it was a really special colour, don't see it enough..
Why izz i talkin like weirdy perzon?
Weirdy personz iz culz das y!
doez this make thyself medeivil?
Kenieval at least!
memberzz you zaid that you linked me to back to the future cause of thy name?
Frankly, yes,
Well what doezz Desoato have to do with back to the future?
I forgot that that car wasn't a Desoto, I should have actually written that your name reminds me of Sam & Max,
And do you know whyzz i am putting ZZZ's instead of SS?
Cuz u sleepiez?
Laztly, What does Desoato actually mean? thiz queztion might take thine time to anzwer.
It is Portuguese for mongoose, right?
Oh yea the reason i wanted to azk thinezelf more queztionz is becauze Dr.Dot promized free pie timez 3.
I must give this strange doctor more cookies! I not sure what Desoato means in Portugese but in English it mean Wolf King. Oh yessies i waz sleepiez!!

CommanderHawke -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/30/2010 9:45:39)

[sm=chicken.gif][sm=chicken.gif][sm=chicken.gif]Im Back for more Penguin Mayo!
Tis' the very best, Mayo made especially for Penguins! Now with 110% more fishy-ness!
Hello Again!
Ohai dere!
O_o i never said Gratz to my Penguin Hero! GRATZ!
Aww, I iz a sum1z Hero! Thanks! :D
Playstation3 or Nintendo wii?
Playstation 3, I fell in love with the controllers long ago and the graphics still cant be beaten!
In Doctor who 'who' was better David Tennant or Chris Eccleson
David Tennant(I think that was the guy with the bigger nose(I am really bad with names..))
Warlic or Xan?
Warlic is uber but Xan is twisted, so Xan, we share ideals..
Seplcure or Chuck Bond
Chuck Bond in DF would be awesome! Sepulchure is just way cool.. but I pwn him so Chuck Bond!
Fried fish or Boiled Fish
Fried, boiled sometimes goes wrong..
I attacks you with my Polar Bear Blade! MUWHAHAHAH*Cough*Cough*
Mmmmm Polar Bear on a stick! Thx! P:

Ranloth -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/30/2010 11:10:05)

Clean your inbox, I need to PM you (kinda serious).

Not a question, it shall be strucken!! Penguin-strike!!

Hey =D
First, thanks for helping me with my problem (Freezing DF ^_^) [:)]
Anytime! I lovez srs questions!
Soo, how are you?
Flipperiffic! And you?
Ever wanted to become an Ak (; ??
No. I wanted to be Spider-man when I was young, I transferred my abilities for helping people into my forum abilities because I couldn't find a spider to bite me...
First impression?
Of what? You? Hmmm... A person with questions...
I ran outta questions D:
Oh noes! Iz a katastrofe!
I'll be back later (;
I hope so, me needz my daily portion of questions!!

Sgtbobbycar -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/30/2010 11:31:51)

hey, I don't usually check the Q&A because I don't have many questions, but today I found this and I thought I would say hi and congrats on becoming an ArchKnight. So hi and congrats
Good thing you did so! Hi and Thanks! :)
ok, now lets begin
I'm giddy, givez me questionz!!!!
I suppose you like fish
"Like" is an understatement
how about other sea food such as eels, shrimp or octopus (Lim likes octopus)?
Yes, all of the above, add in sharks and killer whales and giant squid and we good!
It's my birthday today so do you want fish or cake? Choose carefully because the fish might be a lie
No!! The fish can't be a lie!!! Well, just to be on the safe side, fish-cake!
Assassin's creed 2 or call of Duty?
Battlefield: Bad Company 1 and 2(If not an option then Assasins Creed 2 though I have never played it, I just really don't like CoD..)
which AE game do you play the most?
Currently, PenguinFable. The game I have played the most is TwigQuest though. Right now I am double-timing PenguinFable and TwigQuestWorlds.
who is the spy in Falconreach
If I told you, I would have to kill you..
who is the 13th lord of chaos?
A very unlucky fellow..
and do you like penguin bars?
Full of protein for the fully grown and growing penguin, is delectable!!
thats it, congrats again. tata now
Cool, thanks, au revoir! Hope to see you againsies! :)

Ranloth -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/30/2010 15:04:41)

Hiyas =D
Oooh hi! You r nice! You edited in my colours!
I'm back =P
Great to see you again! We should meet regularly :)
Me is sowie for that question *scared of penginz strikez!*
Iz okies, Penguin Strike can only be used on letters so your person should be fine, be wary of Penguin Nom though...
This made me lol xD : "Oh noes! Iz a katastrofe!" -- seriously xD
Shows my humour is improving! Yay! :D
You likez srs questionz? 1+1=(please put your answer here in Orange and Bold =3)
srs is ded srs! The actual answer of 1+1 is 0 I don't know how but some math guy once showed me..
Hmm.. there's something fishy about Penguins..
Must be my lunch.. I shower with my food...
I got tricked by Phishing Fish... >_< *I putz my passwordz in der*
Best way not to get cautz is to eatz it firstsies!
Mmmkay, I think it's the end..
Indeed, iz a katastrofe >_<
Indeed! Come back with more answerz or the worldz may endz!!
Cya laterz ^_^
I hope so! :)
-Hogo (Supreme Penguin Ruler of Mammals)

CommanderHawke -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/30/2010 16:42:24)

@Trans21 Pm me then my Penguin box is cleared of Mail
*Penguin Strike!*
Hai,im back for the last time! (Or is it) I strike you with my Nerotic polar blade of doom!
It better not be the last time! I needz moar questinz!! Mmmm, more Polar Bear on a stick, mmmm charred with Doom!
All Hail Lord Hofo,i mean Hogo -.-
Hogo for sure!
Dragons or Dwakels?
Chibi Dragons :D
Why is pi always 3.21?
Because if it were 22/7 it would equal 3.14-- which would be thought to be infinite..
Time Travel or Wings
A real toughie, probably the toughest question I have been asked.. Hmmm, I would love time travel as I could visit Buddha and Jesus, and possibly also God but Wings would allow me to fly around and be all hero-like, and then these flippers wouldn't be pretty much useless.. Tough one, I think I am going to go with Time Travel as the possibilities are endless as time is infinite while I would have done pretty much everything in this world that is possible with wings by the time I die..
Good-bye my friend.For the Last time!! or is it?? O_o
I'm telling you, you better be back! Or I will be sadz.. ;.;

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/31/2010 6:47:46)

Hiya! ^^
Hi!! :D

Enjoying being an AK so far?
Yes, the fish are abundant, and if I get hungry I can always nom a forumite :P
Favourite type of fish?
Tuna for eating, Whale Shark size-wise, and a Great White Shark for awesomeness!(also quite tasty :P )
Are fish cute?
Yes very, that's why it pains my heart to see fishing done with those hooks that humans use.. :(
Am I cute? *flutters eyelids* We have the same sense of humour. [8|]
Yes, quite. If you had a big pink bow on your head you would be even cuter!! :)

I hope to enjoy getting my questions answered by you!
I hope you enjoyed then :)
See you around,
I hope so! ;)

Silver Xoven -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/31/2010 8:36:07)

Yo, Gratz on AKship!
Yo! Thanks a lot!
So is my Avatar more evil *cough* ebil than yours?
Neva! Ebilness is in the mind of the beholder and I tellz ya, I iz Ebil!!
Which are cuter, bunnies or penguins?
Penguins, ob-vious-ly! :P
Why is it that you are a Emperor Penguin?
Well I had to choose a career path in school and I thought Emperor sounded fun...
For now, no more questions, so see ya on the Forums! (But beware, my flippered friend, I'll be BACK! Mehehehehehehe.....?)
Muahahaha- *hack* *cough* -hahaha! You have fallen for my uber cute-ebilness! You shall definitely be back!! :D
*Throws fish*
*Noms viciously*

Ranloth -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/31/2010 16:30:50)

Trans iz back =D
I missed you, and your putting colour tags in for me :)
Any new jokes? =P
A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender,"Got any duck food?". "No" answers the bartender and the duck walks out of the bar. The next day the duck walks back into the bar and asks the bartender,"Got any duck food?". "No" answers the bartender and the duck walks out of the bar. The next day the duck again walks back into the bar and asks the bartender,"Got any duck food?". "No, and if you ask that again, I'll nail your feet to the floor!" answers the bartender angrily and the duck walks out of the bar. The next day the duck walks into the bar and asks,"Got any nails?". "No" the bartender responds. "Got any duck food?" the duck then asks. :P
How are you? Btw, going holiday tomorrow (morning) ^_^
w00t! Holidays are fun! Hope you enjoy it!
*hopez Hogo editz the post before Trans goez on holiday*
I hope I managed to write the joke before you left.
Xbox 360 or PS3 & PSP or DS(i)?
PS3 and PS2 only(well.. and computer)
No probz for putting the color tagz ^_^
That's the end.. again >_< !
Iz a katastrofe x2!
Tis' indeedz, I hope you come back after the holiday! If I don't see ya, Happy Easter!
Cya laterz (in about a day ^^)

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= Hogo (3/31/2010 20:43:46)

Heyaz Hogo the new (quasi) AKster!!!
Hiyaz Eric!
Since you have not yet been subjected to my personal brand of wierdness... Here goes.
Not in MtAK form thats true :P
What color does italian sausage sound like?
Red with blotches of pink and fat
Fish? Ice Cream? Fishy Icecream? If so... what flavor fish? What flavor Ice Cream?
Yes, yes, yes, Great White Shark/Tuna, fish(they have it in Japan)
What about mackerel mint chocolate chip with prawns and praline?
As long as there is Mackeral in it, definitely :D
Liking those shacklesseses yet?
Love 'em, I am trying to customize them as much as possible, I call it, "Pimp my Shackles!" :)
If you had your choice... hot tub bubbling and steaming or ice filled swimming pool?
Ice filled swimming pool with Polar Bears
Ok... not feeling too odd today, so I shall leave you be for the time being!
Come back when you are really odd then, should be fun!

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