RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Digital X -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/9/2010 6:32:46)

So you did, i misread it. Thought you said both could do with one.

Bisser777 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/9/2010 15:57:21)

All the vamps could get a little... update.

Shirefolk -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/9/2010 19:03:21)

Pretty much everything that a new player sees in the first five minutes:

The Town (low priority; it looks pretty good right now)

Starter Equipment for Adventurers and Guardians (especially adventurers, as most people won't dish out $20 for a game they haven't yet played)

Shop Interiors (not very vibrant, though Yulgar's shop is pretty well decorated)

The Moglin Forest background, as well as updating the Twily within the Moglin forest to the current one

Varrinsqu and Bludrunt Keep's backgrounds

The fire background (the one with a volcano in the distance)

Maybe change the map to an animation in which our character actually takes out the map and looks at it, as opposed to the current "slide-in-on-a-wire" trick.

The stables in the Guardian Tower could well do with an animation that lets the horses put down their feet and maybe eat some hay or shake their mane. They've been standing on three hooves for years now!

(This has been said before, but needs to be said again for emphasis) The Custom weapon.

The helms that are obtainable from the Guardian Arena

The Guardian Angel guest could use a make-over

Zeels are quite ugly, and would probably appreciate getting some T.L.C.

The Guardian Arena only has one background, and is looking its age

Rascally Sheepbiter is also another oldie, and not an endearing one at that :P

(Dare I say it?) FlibbitiestGibbest isn't looking so hot compared to the monsters of today

Thats all I've got right now :) Hope it helps, and that we might see some more of the artist's talent in the recreation of familiar encounters.

i am death -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 2:33:34)

Sunray and Moonray, these monsters have massive potential, IMO.

Ranloth -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 2:50:20)

Did anyone mention Golden Zard? If it's supposed to have power of Au Set, why not give some of the look to him :P?

i am death -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 3:01:38)

He's meant to be equipped with it, aswell, so he should have parts of the armour on him...

Wyrm -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 11:29:03)

Technically speaking the goldenzard has just been given the power equivalent of the golden set. He's not necessarily wearing the armour. The funny part about the whole thing is that realistically gold is a very soft and weak metal.

Art On!

Necrophades -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 11:32:43)

Though, to also be realistic, solid gold of that thickness is extremely dense and heavy. Not only would you likely be crushed under the weight of that much gold, if you could hold it up you wouldn't be able to move at all. Still, you would be darn well protected, as gold that thick, even if it is soft, it not getting cut through by a simple sword.

otwm -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 20:23:33)

@Necrophades, what about really, really, sharp Dracopyre claws?

I believe Duodragons could use a nice update!
Dragoncats REALLY need them.. >.>
Primal/Feral Garb aswell.

Nimnengil -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 20:29:53)

Cinderwolf & brightwolf.

Bisser777 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 20:41:47)

Pretty sure the undead zard could get one too.

inuyasha98 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/10/2010 21:55:25)



Spell Blocker
Siege Tower Shield

I mean, these are two of the best shields in game, and they are just a plain gray chunk of metal, and imho in need of an update.

I agree with dunner87, I think that the S shields should look a little more.. uber

i am death -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/11/2010 1:45:21)

Yes, the Spell Blocker, especially. I mean, it looks like the Nerfage shield!

Edit: Just found a level 101 Mawler with new graphics! Don't know if I like these graphics all that much, though...

raylas -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/11/2010 19:12:54)

Dwakel. That is all I have to say. That and PLEASE.

Affinity -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/12/2010 22:44:04)

I think the zard and the undead in the Undead War Party needs update or art.

i am death -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 4:45:05)

A lot of Undead need to be updated on that note.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 4:54:21)

Actually, I agree about the Monster Claw shield.

But I would also suggest an update on the guardian variety werewolves. Besides the attacks they do, the regular motion (meaning when standing still) could do with a touch up.

i am death -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 5:03:47)

I guess so, but I really do think that the weres' two-hit attack looks pretty good. The beam, I mean.

cchris aka chris -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 10:29:13)

Guardian tower carnax could look more terrifieng. like make it have shades ect. i basicly agree with all these sugestions EXEPT FOR

I believe Duodragons could use a nice update!
Dragoncats REALLY need them.. >.>
Primal/Feral Garb aswell.
i think primal garp is fine. too be honest then i think staff should just give everything an art update together with the sweep.

xDeathlordx -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 10:47:54)

Goldyfish Pet. It's just obnoxiously large. Almost completley hides your character.

Kalen Obsidia -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 11:02:25)

IMO the two best looking items I have seen for AQ are the Eldritch Utensil and the Centuarian form The Hollow drew up..... unfortunately neither of these are avaiable in game [:(]

Ubear -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 11:36:10)


Goldyfish Pet. It's just obnoxiously large. Almost completley hides your character.
Definetly. It's a great looking pet but waaaayyyyyy too big.

Digital X -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 11:43:29)

@cchris, the Sweep doesn't involve graphical updates, if anything gets one then it would be a bonus update.

Affinity -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 20:10:49)

Hmmm...seems like Death Witch could get some new art too.

ale hox -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/13/2010 20:21:28)

Yulgar was (somewhat) recently given an art update, and although I feel like it may have only been since he was in a(n) (somewhat) important quest, so I'm wondering if any of the other NPC's will go through the same process?
Maybe not so much going through abduction or other forms of being in a quest, but just an art update in general?

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