=MtAK= shadowyams! (Full Version)

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The Forgotten -> =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 4:03:39)

Hello everyone! :P I'm the newest AQ Q&A ArchKnight. I have a few rules I'd like to make known before we get into the questions part.

1) Follow ALL the Comprehensive Forum Rules.
2) Address me however you wish to. Just make sure I know who you're talking to.
3) 10 questions per post. One post per page.
4) I reserve the right to ignore questions or answer a question with gibberish. No personal questions.
5) Do not edit your post until I'd done editing. One of us might lose their work, and that would be bad. D:
6) If you are going to add special font/effects/colors, make sure to do it for each line.
7) This thread will close... when I feel like closing it. :P Most likely, it'll be around one week.

Other than that, have fun!

Lastly, I will edit in this color. (#3300CC and bold)

Baron -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 4:06:17)

Hey shadowyams and congrats!
Hi Baron! Thanks.
Definitely saw this one coming :)
Who told you? >_> No one informs me. ;_;
Favorite food?
Hmmmm... That's a tough one. I'll probably go with sashimi. Really, anything that's lived in water is good to me.
Favorite drink?
Water! ^_^ *pokes the bottle on my desk*
/me gives shadowyams 50 <enter favorite cookie flavor here> cookies as a congratulations gift!
Chocolate Chip plox. ^_^
Good luck! I'm sure you'll do a great job.
/me goodluckcongratulationssnugglepouncetackles shadowyams!
/me thankyousnugglewugglegoodbyetackles Baron!

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 4:10:24)

1) shadowyams!!!
Mystic!!! Thanks for putting the color tags in. You forgot the bold tags though. :P
2) Congratulations a well deserved AKship I must say
Thank you!
3) I knew this was coming sooner or later
Did you? I certainly didn't.
4) Is your avvy a mouse?
You're not the first one to get it confused. >_> It's a chinchilla. I happen to own one, so I pulled a pic from Google.
5) Why did you chose it?...I liked the first one you had...the grim avvy was it?
^See above. Yes, I've been told that my previous one was better. Hmm... time to look for another avvy.
6) So who are you sharing cells with?
Baron, Ward, and vez. Evo, TG, and Z are in the cell across from us.
7) Is the shackles tight?
I'll live. Hopefully.
8) Butter or Toast?
9) I'm running out of questions :P
Good, you're almost at the limit.
10) Well see yah...and see yah in mIRC too

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 4:35:08)

Congratz shadowyams!
Thanks Valane!
I'll save you some time with question answering, good luck and I'll see you around. :P
Mkay, see you around.

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 4:42:46)

Hello Shadowyams and a big "well done" from me!
Hello Digital! Thanks you. ^_^
How did you feel when you received the PM?
Shocked, then ecstatic.
I just got a new title myself, shocked me a little!
I just noticed. Congrats!
Do you have enough food and water in the cell?
Enough to keep me alive.
Why do you think most people with a title upload cute animals as avatars? (I may do the same ;) )
IDK. But I happened to own a chinchilla, so I pulled a good pic from Google and used it as my avvy.
All i can think of now, but i'm sure to post again, see you.
I'll be waiting. /me waves goodbye to Digital.

Deimius -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 4:54:41)

Hey Shadowyams ^_^
Heyo Deimius.
/me shoots fireworks for Veritas *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'` Veritas *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'` Veritas *~~~~~|#####> `';:*,.,*:;'`
MY EYES! :P Thanks for the show.
Anywho, congratulations and good luck.
Thank you!

SysRq AQForums -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 5:46:28)

All hail shadow!
That's right! Bow at my feet! >:D
Who told you to become an AK?
Scakk offered me a position on the AQ Q&A team.

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 6:07:09)

Hiyas, Shadowyams!!
Hi DragonUltraMaster! I had to remove your color tags, as they interfered with mine. If you want to put them back up, please do it for each line, rather than the whole message.
Congratz to become an AK :p
Thank you!
How does it feel? Odd? :p
Kind of funny. There a lot of new buttons to play with. :P
I really don't have anything else to ask, so I'll stop there :p
No problem, come back anytime.
Congratulations once more and good luck :P
Thank you once more.
PS: The color trap is activated:
Watch your steps letters [;)]

*Blows up the trap.* Explosions! ^_^

Edit: Meh, I don't like black text... I rather have pink text <.< ... Hmm
Re-activates the color trap >:3

Boom :3

Ward_Point -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 9:54:21)

Yo Shades!
Wasn't it barely a month ago that you got the Helpful! title? Really rising through the ranks, aren't you?
Less. 29 days ago. ^_^
I'm with Baron on this one. I saw this coming, but I never thought it would be THIS fast. Looks like people notice you...
I had no idea. >_> /me feels left out. ;_;
Grim Reaper and Chinchilla? A little... opposite ends of the spectrum, dontcha think?
I was in a mood for a cute avvy. :P But I ended up changing it back. People kept on calling it a mouse. >_>
Alright, this is pretty much compulsory. Baron's a kitten, vez is a Demonic Vampire. I'm a Ward Conjurer.... What are you?
....uh..... I shall be..... a hallucination! You'll see what I mean. :P Scratch that. I shall be the Reaper of Posts. >:D
What's your favourite food ever? Go into a little more detail, please? Like the place where you buy it and so on...
My family traveled to Japan last year, and we stopped in a small port town to eat dinner. Words fail to describe how good it was. Don't ask me to name the restaurant though; I don't speak Japanese. >_>
<- Points at Shunsui and Nanao. You changed your Avvy a few days after I did... XD
*goes to check Wikipedia*
Somehow, I doubt AKship is going to change what you do much... You basically do the same thing... Don't you? *Grins*
Locking topics is fun! Wheee! ^_^

Type within the colour tags, Shades. And gratz!

Thanks for setting it all up for me. :D See you around!

Dream King -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 10:10:34)

Just in to say gratz, you're the first one without questions (you better feel special >:o)
/me pretends to feel special. :P
*Gives shadow a squid cookie*
But I don't like squid.... in cookies.
See ya around ^^
Bye! ^_^

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 10:19:46)

TY ^_^
Now its time for questions....
Also time for answers....
...not time for answers either.
Did you felt for that lol?
How does one feel a lol?
Am I insane ?
Not as bad as me. *twitch* *twitch*

Dragon of doom -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 12:03:05)

HAI!!!! :D
BYE!!! :P
Congratz on AK
Thank you! :)
cant think of any questions :D( i never do :D)
Come back if you think of any.

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 14:04:24)

Hiya, shadowyams! :D
*Growls* Read rule number 6 please. If you want to keep your colors, do it for each line, rather than for the whole block of text.
*Gives a cookie*
*noms cookie* Yay! ^_^
Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun AKing. :)
Thank you, and I will. ^_^

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 15:36:26)

Congratulations! ^_^
Thanks! ^_^

It was about time you were AKed. I hope you survived the wrath of ShadowGoof!
Aside from a few burns here and there, I'm fine.

Hm, is your name supposed to be "Shadow Yams"? Just I've alwaysed wondered. ;P
Doesn't really matter. So long as I know if you're addressing me.

What is your favourite Animal?
Chinchillas ^_^ or Hallucigenia

How about; favourite biscuit?
There are different types of biscuits. O_o

Your favourite song?
Hmm..... I don't have any particular favorites. I'll listen to most songs.

What colour are your new shackles?
Foolish human! You cannot restrain what is not physical. I am a.... *Is choked and thrown back into cell*

What flavour is my cookie? :o
Does it matter to me? It's your cookie, not mine. D:

Don't think I have anymore questions, have fun AKing! :)
Thank you!


Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 15:38:35)

Ohai there!
Heyo. Sorry about missing your post. >_>
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight! ;D
Questions are phun, but I fail at them.
/me patpats Silver Lion.
Which sport do you enjoy playing?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Most genre.

Meh, not anything else. Good luck and congratulations again! :)
Thank you!

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 18:11:47)


Congrats on being an AK, 'bout time too :P
Thank you!

Well I really can't think of any questions...
Tis okay. *yams patpats ubear*

So I guess that's all from me, bye bye ^_^
See you around. ^_^

Dev -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 18:43:44)

Heya Veritas! :D
Heyo dev!
Hm. Can't think of many questions.
Good, I don't have many answers.
Who gave you them shackles?
Scakk /me is sad. ;_;
Enjoy yourself and congratulations!

Elduris -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 19:26:16)

Hey, Shadowyams.
I know you maybe thinking "who is this guy", but don't think your memory is failing, it's completely normal that you don't know as i just post when i feel like posting.
You're right, I don't recall your name.
I don't want to make you feel more left out, but i saw that coming.
/me goes to cry in a corner. ;_;
I knew it was going to be sooner or later but i didn't know that it was going to be that sooner.
Apparently, Ward feels the same way.
Unfortunately, i don't have any questions for you.
For the LAST time, if you don't have any questions, STOP posting in the Questions and Answers forum! :P
Anyway, congrats and have fun AKing!
Thank you!
PS.: Don't press that big red button.
Oooh... Shiny button. :P

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 19:28:24)

It's an AK!
It's a Helpful!/Constructive! :o
Congrats, good luck, have fun ;P
Thank you!

Dark Tyreal -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 19:30:14)

Dark Tyreal!
well done, obtaining AKship.
Thanks. ^_^
unfortunately I got nothing else <.<
Me neither. >_>
well thats all, cya =D
/me waves

otwm -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 20:15:43)

Congrats! :P
Thank you! ^_^
What's it like being an ArchKnight? :D
Lots of new buttons to play with. ^_^
Um... just wondering, do you eat yams? <.< Shadowy yams? <.<
No. My mom does, and that's where I got the name.
Er... that's all for now! I'll be back! >:D
If we get to the second page. >_>
~Otwm (A.K.A Robber Baron)

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 20:21:47)

Shadow what? ó_Ô
yams. >_> Yes, I know it's a wierd name. I've debated changing it a few times, but I heard that it's sorta inconvenient, so I haven't PMed Seahawk yet.
Favorite Hip Hop Artist?
Don't know any. :P
Favorite Sport?
Badminton. <3
If you could bring back anybody who died over 100 years ago, who would it be?
Dang. Most of my fav. people died in the 20th century. I'll go with Leonardo Da Vinci. Imagine what he could create with today's technology.
If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?
Get rid of all the hate and prejudice. <3 for the win.
Favorite Subject in school?
Dragonflies or Zerg?

FeltLyner -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/11/2010 20:22:34)

U remember me? sometimes i post here to ask for ratings
Your name is familiar, but I've rated quite a few people, so I'm not quite certain.
sorry if my spellings are kinda rough its not my language u see.. [iam Japanese]
No worries. ;)
What should i call u? lets be friends! u can call me Felt
yams, shadow, shadowyams, shades, veritas, w/e. I'm not too concerned about what you call me, so long as I know who you're addressing.
Guess thats enough for now..

Mechster Chief -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/12/2010 1:43:52)

Well well well well deserved , and i am not saying that because everyone is :D
If u had a turtle what would u name him?

ORIGINAL: My little brother



if not a turtle what pet would u choose
I'm already satisfied with my chinchilla. <3
i need help thinking of a xbl gamertag :P
I'm terrible at thinking up names. >_>
if you could go back in time whats the one thing you would change
Meh, too personal to say. But I'll tell you it involves a former female classmate.

Ttfn (ta ta for now =))

X. Celestin -> RE: =MtAK= shadowyams! (3/12/2010 3:19:35)

Yo Shadowyams!

-Hello! Please read rule number 6 before putting your colors back up.

Congratz' dude.

-TY ^_^

Enjoy your new job :)

-Yep. Though I got told off for locking a thread at the wrong time. :P

What's your favorite song?

-Depends on my mood.

What's your favorite color?


Do you know me?

-Not particularly.

Sorry, I don't really know you here. Are you coool with that?

-No. :P

Congratz' hey hey, hi, enjoy your new job... again....



-/me waves

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