=Story, Art, and Dev= An Overload (of CUTE)! (Full Version)

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Lord Barrius -> =Story, Art, and Dev= An Overload (of CUTE)! (3/23/2010 20:31:51)

So many things are happening in AQ this week that it will be hard to fit it all in just this one post, much less one week! But here goes nothing!

Let's start off with things you may already be aware of.

First off, in celebration of the Easter season, we are having a special offer in combination with our AE Upgrade Cards! If you use one of our Upgrade Cards to upgrade an AQ character to Guardian or to obtain Z-Tokens, you will receive the brand new Chocobunny armor! This armor is good enough to eat....literally! But this offer will only be available from March 26th until April 11th, so be sure not to miss out! The discussion about this special promotion is located here, and you can find out more about AE Upgrade Cards (including where to find them) here.

Next up, you may have noticed that both AQ and WF have a shiny new homepage trailer. You should take some time to check both of them out. WF's trailer reveals some small snippets of unreleased content that is coming in the near future. And AQ's new trailer gives you a small sneak peek of the new and improved Wizard class! Head on over to the homepage if you haven't already. It's definitely worth a watch. The ongoing discussion of these new trailers is located here.

And now it's time to discuss this week's release. This week sees the return of the Grenwog Festival, the joyous holiday in which we try to rescue eggs from the clutches of the Grenwog! But there is more at work this holiday than meets the eye, for in addition to the return of the normal event, we have prepared a brand new event in celebration of this holiday.

We realize that many of our players may have been traumatized by the Transmorphers. Those were some incredibly frightening critters, after all, and we can completely understand if you are having nightmares about them. I'm pretty sure some of us still are, too. And so, this week we are going to introduce something cute.

....very cute.

....perhaps even TOO cute.

This week will see the return of a race mostly forgotten by the rest of the world. A race which hid in their burrows while the rest of the world's races fought amongst each other. But now, they have emerged again, resentful of the surface dwellers and their constant warring, and they seek to claim the surface for themselves! They are....the Bun-Bits!

Prepare yourselves for a war unlike any other. Can we possibly hope to stand against the legions of all that is cute? This event will feature 11 entirely new adorable little monsters, with their little weapons and armor and....*squee*! And it will also feature several brand new rewards!

Now I can't show you all of the Bun-Bits....it's best to let you wait until the release to see the entire race in all of its fluffy glory. But I will share with you one of my personal favorites, the "Bun-Bard". The power of music has never looked so snuggly.


Just look at his little instrument! Isn't he sooooooo precious? *ahem* Sorry, it's just hard to keep my composure with that much cute.

As you can probably tell from this post, this is an absolutely HUGE week for AQ. Putting all of this stuff together is proving to be some seriously tough work, and we're still not done. We hope you'll enjoy everything AQ has to offer this week, as we continue to improve and grow this game week after week!

We have lots of plans in the weeks still to come, too. But I'd better not say any more, because this post is already long enough! So, stay tuned!

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