=MtAK= Technomancer (Full Version)

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Technomancer -> =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 7:03:14)

Greetings, my name is Technomancer and I'm the newest AQW Guides ArchKnight.
You know the drill: you guys ask the questions and I answer them. But what's a MtAK thread without a 'few' rules? :P

1) Comprehensive Forum Rules still apply.
2) Address me however you wish to. Just make sure I know who you're talking to. Side note: 'Techno' is fine, but I prefer 'Tech'. I really can't stand that music genre. ;)
3) 10 questions per post. One post per page.
4) I reserve the right to ignore questions or answer a question with gibberish. None too personal questions.
5) I'll *probably* keep this untill next Friday. Meh, we'll see how it turns out.

Now ask away! I'll be editing in this colour (#000033 and Bold).

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 7:20:22)

Wow first post
(oosp, spam XD)
I'll pretend I didn't see that ... for now. :P
Anyways, I thought i will be on different place, however congratz.
Just few question, Techno (hahaha)
Bring it on!
Will you make ur own guide or steal other???
I'll be helping others improve their guides and make sure nobody steals guides, but I don't think I'll be making any guides myself.
If I post 50 sentences but only 10 question, still it again ur rule?
Technically, no. But I will only answer those 10 questions. ;)
Well, favorite weapon type?
When u made that name, did u think about DF class before?
Funny story, but I had this name before they announced that a Gnome City (and Technomancer class) was coming to DF.
Um...favorite color?
Black .... but since that's not a colour, I'll take blue.
Favorite book?
I don't really have 1 (or more) favorite book, I enjoy all things fantasy/sci-fi/.... .
There are 2 buttons, one kill you, one kill ur friends, clikc nothing destroy all world but u and ur friends. What' ur button?
I'll click them all, so I don't have to live with the guilt.
See ya, I think I gonna post a guide here soon
I'll be waiting.

Valosity -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 7:35:37)

Oh, hello Tech. I have a few questions for you, but first...
Congratz on becoming an AK!
Thanks, Valosity!
So, what is your favorite food?
Beef steak, well done, with fries.
Favorite AQW Location?
My house. :D
How do you like being an AK?
I can't really tell, as I've only been an AK for less than a day but I think I'll enjoy it.
Well, can't really think of any more, so..... CONGRATZ! (Again)
Thanks! (again) :P


Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 7:55:07)

Hiya Tech! I see they grabbed you from our midst.
Hiya Beowolve!
Congrats on being promoted!
Hows your cell? Roomy I hope.
It's a bit cramped, but I'll manage somehow.
If you were to make a guide for anything AQW related, what would it be on?
I'll just stick with helping out others with their guides rather than making them myself. In the unlikely case I do, it'll probably be a seasonal event walkthrough.
I can't seem to think of anything beyond this point.... I'LL BE BACK!
I'll be waiting.



skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 8:11:47)

Oh heya Technomancer!
Hi there Skydrite!
I have no questions and just here to say congrats and good luck! :)
Thanks. :)

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 8:18:44)

Greetings Tech!
Hey Hay! :P
Congratulations on the promotion.
Favourite word?
Gosh, that's a though one .... I'd say 'awesome'. Just because it's an awesome word. :P
Favourite aspect of AQW and why?
Player interaction. It can be quite nice to hang out in random Yulgars and have a chat.
Do you prefer night or day?
Night ... I just like to sleep.
Immortality or to live a short but glorious life?
I'd like to live a normal, medium short life. Immortality can be quite a drag.
How did you first discover AE's games? (If you remember)
A friend was playing AQ and got me into it. He quit and I started playing/discovering the rest of AE's games.
Nothing else to add. Good luck with your newfound duties and see you around :)
Thanks again, hope to see you around as well. :)

Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 10:30:22)

Hi person I don't know! :D
Well, that's why this thread is here. For you to get to know me. :P
Isn't meeting new people great? :o
As long as they don't pose too many questions, then yes.
"10 questions per page?" Does that mean I can say as much as I want as long as there are no questions?
You can say what you want, but I can't guarantee I'll respond to that. ;)
Ooooh, 9 to go. But a million more posts.
... Let's hope it doesn't go that far. >_<
So, you bought/buying Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver? :o
I'm planning on getting HG, in memory of my Gold version that sadly isn't with me anymore.
Games = yay, no matter what it is. xD
Unless the game is really worthless, I'll say yay. I'm not really all that picky about games.
Do you like Legend of Zelda games? They are awesome. :o
I don't own them myself, but my friend has OoT. The series is quite good.
Orcarina of Time is my favorite, then Twilight Princess, then Majoras' Mask. :)
I only actually played OoT, so it's by far my favorite.
Well, nearly time for me to go. Maybe we'll meet on another page? :)
We'll see. In any case, I'll be there. :)
Bye!!! :D


moneybags -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 12:48:36)

Hi moneybags.
Yay, welcome and congratz! :)
Just to make your life easier, no questions from me :P Good luck with AKing! :D
No questions, and you put in my tags? Though my colour is #000033 (yeah, I accidentally added CC). I changed my original post. >_<
Anyways, thanks again!

Wxo -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 13:05:37)

Hey Technomancer.
Hi there Wxo.
Well, questions always seem to escape me soon as I visit these threads, so I will leave you with a happy congratulations.
Thanks. :)
Don't lock or delete my post! And you'd BETTER approve all my guides on site! xD
To quote EinhanderX01:

Follow the rules, and I am harmless.
Violate them, and I am merciless.

If you don't want your thread locked/deleted, than just make sure that there's no reason to do so. :P

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 13:43:44)

Ohai techno ,
Hi there shump.
i guess your gonna get tired of answering these questions so , i wont ask anymore, and a big congratulations on becoming an AK.
Thanks, but it's only post number 10 I'm not tired just yet. Zzzzzz


Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 14:03:52)

Allo allo,
First of all the obvious is in order...*cough**cough*....CONGRATS!
Thanks Leu. :)
What's your favorite:

  • Movie
    I've seen a lot of good movies, but the current 'best' one is still No Country For Old Men.
  • Food
    A steak, well done, with french fries.
  • Song
    Anything metal/rock (or any subgenre of that).

Ah well, that's it for now, once again, congratulations, and I hope we can talk again in the near future. =)
Thanks again. :)


Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 15:18:49)

Hello Technomancer. :)
Hello Sam041.
Would you name a camel Pablo or Bill?
'Bill' is an epic name for a camel.
Whats better,Cereal and Milk,or Milk and Cereal,and why?
Cereal and milk. The song is pretty annoying, IMO.
Cookies PL0X?
/me shares some cookies.
Gimme your tots. >:o
You can have them all! I don't really like them anyway.
Congratulations on becoming an AK,toodles! [:D]
Thanks. :)

Starwarsfanatic -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 15:29:12)

First off, I'd like to congratulate you on becoming an AK. Now for the questions.
Thanks. :)
Who AK'd you?
Skydrite invited me, Circe handled the paperwork.
Where is Waldo?
He's probably ... right behind you!
If you were Waldo, where would you hide?
In the most obvious location I could find. People tend to search the obvious locations last.
What was your first assumption upon seeing my name?
Mmm, you must be Star Trek fan, right? :P
Do you want a cookie?
Who wouldn't want a cookie!
What is your favorite server in AQW?
Sir Ver, but if it lags too much (which happens quite often) I'll move to Zhoom.
Do you have any favorite quotes/ sayings?
From Spiderman (Stan Lee): ''With great power comes great responsibilty.'' :P
I'm done with my questions for now, have fun Ak'ing.
Will do. :)

Xeru -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 15:34:02)

fresh meat >:)

Q) how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if chuck norris told the wood chuck to chuck some wood towards chuck e. cheeses, while chuck norris chucked a chunk of chunky chips ahoy, and eating a chunk of pancake batter, while also chugging a glass full of coffee in order to stay awake while chuck norris beat his third fist against a giant chunky ear drum of the giant chunky octopus known as the kraken, while abraham lincolin popped out of his grave and took an ak-47 out from under his hat and blew bat man away with a rat-a-tat-tat, but then he ran out of bullets and ran away, be cause optimus prime came to save the day, over 9000!!!!! times, while a giant meteor fired its lazor towards kirby and pikachu, while mario took a flamethrower and char-broiled his mushrooms and green pipes?
42. The answer to life, the universe and very long Chuck Norris questions. :P

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 15:35:33)

Heya, Tech! :)
Hi Silver Lion. :)
Congratulations on becoming an AQW AK (fixed that for you, I'm not a game as far as I know :P ). Of course, this sentence was predictable. :p /I did that on purpose D:/ /I ... knew that ... I was just testing you. *whistles innocently* :P /
I'm not gonna give you questions since I fail at them. But, for the fun of it...

How would you describe a nightmare? e.e
Lucky for me, I don't remember my nightmares (and it's been a while since I had one). Altough it would probably involve spiders ... many, many spiders.
Meh, that failed, didn't it?
It was an interesting question, but now I can't stop thinking of spiders. >_>

Enjoy AK-ing, good luck and a congratulations again. :3

Thanks again. :)

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 17:49:14)

Hiya, Technomancer! :)
Hiya, Mecha Mario!
*Gives a cookie*
*Noms the cookie*
Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun! :D
Thanks. :)


Kevinza -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 18:09:50)

Congrats on your promotion.
Thanks. :)

Pie, cake or cookies? (Tough question I know)
Cake, but cookies is a very close second. :P

That is all, Bai!

The Legendary d4 -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 20:56:43)

Hi tech,
Hi daywalker04.
Congrats for being promoted!!!
Thanks! :)
Thats all,.^_^

Jqxv -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 20:57:28)

Greetings and congrats Technomancer!!
Thanks chicharonianz. :)
Ok here comes my questions =D

Favourite brand of shoe?
Anything that fits. :P
Favourite movie?
I've seen a lot of good movies, but the current 'best' one is still No Country For Old Men.
What do you think of my favourite pet in AQW, Philip the groundhog?
I have it as well and it is pretty cute. :3
Hmm if there was a Technomancer would you buy it?
Ok that's all for now....
I need to go and see some stars outside.


Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 21:01:35)

I've been watching you for a long time, *cough* I've seen you around when you were still a "member"
I was being watched? o.O
Congratulations though!
Thanks! :)
So on to the questions; What is your favorite AE game?
I play them all, so I haven't really got a favorite.
Technomancer vs DoomKnight who wins?
I could beat that DoomKnight anytime!
Cn I nomz on joor c00kie?
But ... it's my cookie. D:
/waves back
I'm out of brain steam now, Keep on AKing! [:D]
Will do! :)

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/26/2010 22:38:34)

Hey technomancer
Hey liangwarriors.
congratz on your title
Thanks! :)
how do you feel when you first become a AK
Both nervous and excited. But above all, surprised. I actually fell off my chair when I first read the PM. *reminds self to not balance the chair on two legs anymore*
can you help me fix some machine
Sure thing, my wrench was getting a bit rusty.
what is your aqw name?
It's the same as my forum name. :)



Angel of Grief -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/27/2010 1:00:18)

Favorite weapon type is scythes?
Scythes are just too awesome to descibe with words. The 'Grim Reaper' look is an added bonus. :P
*snuggletackleglomp* Me too! :D
*snuggletackleglomps back* It's always nice to see a fellow scythe fanatic.
..anyway, bye! :3
Bye. :)

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/27/2010 1:14:09)

Greetings Technomancer. Welcome to the organization.
Greetting to you as well, Dragonnightwolf. I'm happy to have joined the crew. :)
You may, or may not have noticed. But you and I will be sharing the same cell. The only difference being that my chains are made of admantainium this being required because the normal type chains break rather easily if I go into dragon form. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you learn quite as much as I have so far and that you will enjoy your many encounters here.
Pleasure to meet you too. But please refrain from going into dragon form, it's cramped enough as it is ... .
May the blessed rains walk with you wherever you go. Dnw.

Thanks, but I'd prefer blessed sunshine. :P

Xeru -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/27/2010 2:13:19)

hi tech sorry bout my previously long question. i didn't have time to torture you ask you questions.

1) if you were stuck on an island with brittany spears, and there was a razor. would u let her keep it?
No. There's little use for a razor if you don't have mirrors anyways.
2) if i had cake and u had cookies, but i wanted cookies and u wanted pie, how would we resolve the conflict between lim and cysero
I'd give the cake to Lim and Cysero and ask them for a way to change it into pie each using the method they prefer. That would keep them busy, and if they succeed you'd have cookies and I'd have pie. :D
3) coming soon. be prepared to suddenly see this post full of questions
I'll be waiting. :)
4) (v '.')>#
5) i gave you a waffle. did u eat it yet?
What Waffle? I did not see any waffle. *quickly muches the rest of the waffle*
6) 10x + 7(-8 + 5x) - 45x(x - 5x) solve this problem
Math was never my best subject. But I do know that this cannot be solved ... I think.
7) hmmmmm im done for now
Alright, see you again. :)
8) im back, if u could have anything be made into a class for AQW what class would u make?
*Points at name*
9) do you know the word?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
10) i think this is the max so im gonna ask 1 more

11) im blue, now im red, now im green, and now im yellow, now im purple, finally now im black......
A chameleon.

dungeon master -> RE: =MtAK= Technomancer (3/27/2010 8:10:22)

i have 4 questions

1.favorite car
Lotus Elise.
2.favorite book
Anything fantasy/sci-fi.
3.favorite offline game
Any pokemon game.
4.what would u do if i gave u a pile of robot parts
Construct a gigantic robot to take over protect the world. :P

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