Epic Quest 06 - The Vision (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Epic Quest 06 - The Vision (3/26/2010 16:55:20)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 6 - The Vision
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 6 - The Vision
Prerequisite: Level 12

Epic Quest 6 - The Vision

Upon returning to town with the cure made by Lucretia, Aquella the Water Elf gives the elder Sage Uldor the medicine. Within hours he awakens and seems as healthy as ever...

Sage Uldor: Hello again, friend. I am glad you could meet me here today.
You: Not a problem, Sage Uldor. How did you know it was me, anyway?
Sage Uldor: I have a keen memory for the rhythms of everyone I meet. I wanted to thank you for questing for the cure to my ailment.
You: That's okay, I love going on quests. I'm sure you would have done the same for me, if you were an Adventurer, and weren't blind, and—
Sage Uldor: Yes, yes, I get the idea. I also wanted to tell you about the Vision I saw that lead me to Augerthorne, where the Sneak bit and poisoned me.
You: Please do. I'm always ready to hear a good story!
Sage Uldor: And then I realized that it would be better to show you rather than just tell you. Especially in this case...I have gotten a special crystal ball from Warlic.

«Sage Uldor pulls out a Crystal Ball»

Sage Uldor: This crystal is able to share my visions with others, including you. There is one drawback, though. The vision will seem real to you. If you encounter danger, it will be real.
Sage Uldor: So, do you still wish to experience my vision?
  • Yes I do!
      Sage Uldor: Very well! Give me a moment to focus. Stare into the crystal ball and concentrate. As soon as you begin to see something, you will enter my VisionRealm.

      «You see an Orc General in the crystal ball, and then enter Sage Uldor's VisionRealm»

      You: This must be Augerthorne. Weird, it all seems so real.

      «A huge, black, spiky ball appears in front of you»

      You: Whoa!!! What on Lore is THAT??

      «An Orc General appears»

      General Bour: Graa—! Get out of my way, soft-skin!! I have to get this Death-Roller hidden before the Drakel I stole it from find me!
      You: I hate to tell you, but—you're leaving a very easy-to-follow trail. Maybe you need to read "Hiding for Dummies."
      General Bour: What is a Dummy??
      You: Oh, sorry—"Dummy" is a respectful term for "Orc".
      General Bour: rrrr—well if you will not move out of the way, I will have to ask my fellow Dummies to flay you!!
      You: Do your worst!
      General Bour: DUMMIES, ATTAAAAACKKKK!!!

      1 BATTLE

      «Full heal if you are Level 0-29»

      1 BATTLE

      «Full heal if you are Level 0-69»

      1 BATTLE

      «Full heal»

      1 BATTLE

      «Full Heal»

      General Bour: You may have bested my fellow Dummies-at-arms, but now you will have to survive my unmatched combat skills!! Prepare to be cleaved limb from limb!!!!

      «The Vision ends. You are left standing with a blank background»

      You: .......

      «Awkward silence»

      You: This is disturbing.

      «Awkward silence. You re-appear back in reality, with Sage Uldor»

      You: That's better!! So what just HAPPENED, anyway?
      Sage Uldor: That was a vision, a virtual experience. In reality, NOTHING happened.
      You: You mean I didn't just defeat a small army of Dummies?? I mean, Orcs?
      Sage Uldor: No, but right now they are just as confused as you are.
      You: But you told me there was real danger involved...
      Sage Uldor: Don't you adventuring types LIKE danger? I have forseen that you will find and destroy the Death-Roller before it is used to cause a calamity.
      You: So now I need to go back to Augerthorne, right? And find that Orc General? For REAL this time?
      Sage Uldor: NOT Augerthorne. General Bour has taken the Death-Roller to Dragonstone, south of Battleon.
      You: Whoo! That's good—it's a lot closer for me that Augerthorne, all the way west beyond Greenguard!
      Sage Uldor: So it is a relief that someone has brought a thing called the Death Roller so close to our home?
      You: Oh yeah—I guess that's bad, then...
      Sage Uldor: Bour may have some dragons guarding his camp. See Galanoth, head of the Order of Dragonslayers, for an escort once you reach Dragonstone. Good luck!
  • Danger? No thanks.
      Sage Uldor: In that case, I am sorry. Please come back here when you feel you are ready. I understand you may be uneasy—this is a new thing for me as well!
      Sage Uldor: I hope I will see you again soon.
    To be continued!

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