Epic Quest 08 - Into Fangmaw (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Epic Quest 08 - Into Fangmaw (3/26/2010 17:01:17)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 8 - Into Fangmaw
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 8 - Into Fangmaw
Prerequisite: Level 16

Epic Quest 8 - Into Fangmaw

You return from Dragonstone, victorius in your defeat of General Bour and his Death Roller. You expect to meet Sage Uldor once again, but find someone else in his place...

Halenro: Welcome back from Dragonstone!
You: Hello, Halenro. Where is Sage Uldor?
Halenro: The old Sage said he needed to go to the top of Mount Eigerbuld. I do not know the reason. Aquella went with him.
Halenro: He asked me to meet you here, and send you to find Artix Krieger in Fangmaw.
You: Fangmaw!?! You mean—
Halenro: Yes. The place where Paladin Dagen Purmarrow found an entire village of vampire children a few years ago. Are you familiar with the story?
You: Well, I heard about it, but not in detail.
Halenro: It is quite sad, but heroic nontheless. I will have to tell you more later. For now, just get to Fangmaw!
Halenro: Good luck, and may the Power of Goodness be with you.

On your way to Fangmaw, a weary merchant greets you, trying to sell a necklace made of garlic. He suddenly becomes frightened, drops the garlic, and runs away. Do you pick up the garlic necklace?
  • Take the garlic
  • Leave it

    «You gain Artix as a guest»

    Artix Krieger: I'm glad you could meet me here. I heard that you had some experience recently with a new kind of undead creature. We have been calling them Ribbers.
    Artix Krieger: They are different from other Undeads I have fought in the past. They do not seem to be controlled by a Necromancer master.
    Artix Krieger: Instead, I believe they have their own agenda. First they attacked Uldor and poisoned him. But then, when you were questing for a cure...
    Artix Krieger: ...a giant Ribber appeared and helped you in Granemor. That Ribber actually ATE a Zombie. A Necromancer's territory rarely, if ever, crosses into another's.
    Artix Krieger: So that is why the Ribbers seem to have their own plan. But I still don't understand why they first poisoned Uldor, then helped you save him.
    Artix Krieger: I used my Paladin ability of Detect Evil to trace the Ribbers here. They may be hiding in that abadoned cottage...
    Artix Krieger: If you are ready, we can go in there and attack that nest of evil!!
    Artix Krieger: WAIT-- I hear something--
    Artix Krieger: Vampires!! Do you have anything to repel them??? We might not be able to survive a fight with both Ribbers and Vampires!
  • I have a Garlic Necklace!
      Artix Krieger: Great! That should ward off those pale bloodsuckers! Now, the time has come to enter the cottage.
      «Continue below»
  • I didn't pick up the Garlic!Artix Krieger: Now, the time has come to enter the cottage.

    «You approach the cottage»

    You: Artix, come over here for a minute. I think I see something—

    «Full heal after the first (Level 0-49) and second (Level 0-79) battles»
    «If you picked up the garlic, then you only fight two battles. Full heal after the first (Level 0-69) battle»«Another ribber approaches»

    You: Hold where you are, or you will face my wrath!
    Ribber: You do not understand. You can not understand.
    You: You're definitely right about that! WHAT are you talking about?
    Ribber: We have come from the Lands to the West. We have come seeking the Shadow Master.
    You: Shadow Master? I don't know of any Shadow Master. Of course, that sounds like it could be a pretty common name...
    Ribber: We thought the Old One was the Shadow Master. We thought we had found him, and tried to destroy him.
    You: The Old One? You mean Sage Uldor??
    Ribber: But—we were wrong. He was not— is not— the Shadow Master. We are—sorry.
    You: So THAT is why you helped me in Granemor, so I could save Uldor's life. But why do you want to destroy this Shadow Master??
    Ribber: He—is—very—————BAD.
    You: Oh. I guess that makes some sense...
    Ribber: You can not understand. We will leave now. Do not follow us. If we meet again, you will know the Shadow Master has won, and all will come to an end.
    You: That...does sound bad. Wait—

    «The Ribber leaves»

    You: Well now, too many questions and not enough answers. I'm going to need some help figuring this out.
    Artix Krieger: I agree with you! And I know just the person who can help. Let me show you the way to an Archmage I know—named Warlic!

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