Epic Quest 11 - Sun and Sand (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Epic Quest 11 - Sun and Sand (3/26/2010 17:09:15)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 11 - Sun and Sand
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 11 - Sun and Sand
Prerequisite: Level 22

Epic Quest 11 - Sun and Sand

After finding Sage Uldor and Aquella safe in Krovesport, you realize that the Shadow Master could be watching your every move! You go to the Skraeling Desert to find an Orb of Light for protection...

«You»: Wow! It's so bright here! And the breeze is warm. I have a feeling I will get really thirsty, really soon.
«You»: Well, I should keep going. I need to find the creature known as Jagos and get a Light Orb from him. And then get out of this scorching hot place!

You are losing HP in this heat!
«You lose 10 HP»

Between each battle, you lose 10 HP (as above).
  • Hours later...

    «Enter Heakra»

    «You»: Hello there! Can you tell me if I am near the lair of Jagos?
    Hekara: You are not far. There is a tribe of Cyclops just ahead who helped me by giving me this bag of water. The water replenishes the strength we lose walking in this heat.
    Hekara: I will share some with you, but I cannot give it all to you.
  • Take a sip of water
  • Steal Hekara's Water!
    Steal the Water

    Steal the Bag!
    You have decided to try and steal this Yenghali’s bag of water! Are you thief enough for the job?
    Difficulty: 55
    Stat Used: Dexterity
      Hekara: I cannot believe you stole my water! You are so cruel!

      «Exit Hekara»

      «You»: Haha. Too bad for him. Now to drink this refreshing water!
    • Drink!

      Full Heal

      «You»: Mmmmmm, yummy!
      «You»: Enough of that. Time to keep looking for a Light Orb!

      Hekara: I cannot believe you tried to steal my water, even after I offered some to you!

      «Exit Hekara»

      You: Enough of that. Time to keep looking for a Light Orb!
    «Continue at the "You are losing HP..." scene»
    Take a Sip of Water
    Hekara: Good luck on the rest of your journey! If you find Jagos...tell him that Hekara the Yenghali promises to repay him one day soon!

    «Exit Hekara»

    «You»: What a nice man! Well, time to keep looking for a Light Orb...

    «Continue below»
    You are losing HP in this heat!
    «You lose 10 HP»

    «Enter Naraku and Bandaru»

    Naraku: Halt, in the name of my Cheiftan, the great Bandaru!
    You: Okay! You don't need to be so pushy about it.
    If you didn't steal from Hekara:

    Bandaru: You have tresspassed in our territory. One law has been broken, and therefore you must battle a Cyclops.
    Bandaru: Survive, and you may continue your quest.

    1 BATTLE

    «Continue to Afterwards»
    If you stole from Hekara:

    Bandaru: have trespassed in our territory AND stolen a gift that we gave to a wandering Yenghali. Two laws have been broken, and therefore you must battle two Cyclops.
    Bandaru: Survive, and you may continue your quest.

    «As Above»

    «Continue Below»

    Bandaru: Now, you may continue on your quest. But since you have dishonored my tribe by defeating one of my warriors, you may also challenge me to a duel. What shall it be? I must warn you - I am no pushover.
  • Accept the Challenge
      Full Heal

      Bandaru: Good! Let us battle!
    • Fight!

      1 BATTLE
      Cyclops Cheiftan

      Bandaru: You have bested me in battle. I stand corrected...to have been defeated by you has NOT dishonored my tribe. You are so great warrior that it has been an honor to lose to you.

      «Continue below»

  • No Thanks
    Bandaru: Is there something I can help you with?
    «You»: Yes there is! I need to find a creature called Jagos to get an Orb of Light from him. Is he near?
    Bandaru: Huh-huh-huh! Jagos! Just because he guards sacred ground, he believes he is king of the deserts!
    Bandaru: You have no need to go to Jagos. I own some Light Orbs. You can buy one from me.
    Bandaru: If you REALLY want to meet Jagos, you can search out the heart of Yenghaland on your Travel Map later.
  • Light Orb!

    SHOP: Light Orb
  • Light Orb

    Bandaru: Using a Light Orb in combat with darkness creatures can give you more attack power. It may also help protect you from unseen forces...
    «You»: That's what I'm counting on. Now I need to go back north to Mount Eigerbuld and wait for Sage Uldor to meet me there...
  • Continued!

    «Back to Town»

    Correct number of Cyclops battles from GoldenSlayer. Thanks to Eternal Chaos. Link from MaxPower7.

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