Ballyhoo - Magic: The Gathering (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Ballyhoo - Magic: The Gathering (3/27/2010 20:56:24)


Magic: The Gathering


Ballyhoo: <<You>>! I am so glad to see you! A friend of mine just visited from another dimension and left a few gifts for you!
  • Continue
  • View another Ballyhoo video! (See another video and get more gold)
    Ballyhoo: Well, I assumed he meant you when he said "Give these symbols to the mightiest hero of your world, so they may use it to protect you all from great danger!"
    Ballyhoo: My friend is a Planeswalker, a powerful mage who uses the 5 colors of Magic to combat other Planeswalkers -- many of whom have evil intentions!
    Ballyhoo: The 5 colors of Magic are White -- the color of justice and light; Blue -- the color of wisdom and control; Black -- the color of ambition and darkness;
    Ballyhoo: Red -- the color of chaos and fire; and Green -- the color of nature and earth. The symbols my friend the Planeswalker left behind for you are:

    The screen fades black and 5 symbols appear on the screen.

    Ballyhoo: Each of the five Planeswalker symbols will give you a special ability based on the type of magic they represent!

    Crucible of Fire
    Summon the Woolly Thoctar
    Mindlock Orb
    Kiss of the Amesha Spell
    Damnation Spell

    Ballyhoo: Come back and visit me often, as a new symbol's power will become available every few days! Collect them all and harness more power than you could ever imagine!

    The scene changes to show all 5 symbols in action before switching back to Ballyhoo.

    Ballyhoo: Thanks to the Planeswalker and Magic: The Gathering, you will now become more powerful than ever!
  • Symbols!

    You then have 2 choices, which are...

  • Get the Symbols!
  • Return to Town

  • Kiss of the Amesha I [L. 5]
  • Damnation I
  • Summon Woolly Thoctar I
  • Kiss of the Amesha II [L. 20]
  • Damnation II
  • Summon Woolly Thoctar II
  • Kiss of the Amesha III [L. 40]
  • Damnation III
  • Summon Woolly Thoctar III
  • Kiss of the Amesha IV [L. 60]
  • Damnation IV
  • Summon Woolly Thoctar IV
  • Kiss of the Amesha V [L. 80]
  • Damnation V
  • Summon Woolly Thoctar V


  • Crucible of Fire I
  • Mindlock Orb I
  • Mindlock Orb II
  • Crucible of Fire II
  • Crucible of Fire III
  • Mindlock Orb III
  • Mindlock Orb IV
  • Crucible of Fire IV
  • Crucible of Fire V
  • Mindlock Orb V

  • Replay
  • Return to Town - You are then given the option to visit the MtG website, return to town or view another video
  • Visit the Magic: the Gathering Website (opens in new window)

    Entry thanks to whackybeanz.

  • Page: [1]

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