RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (Full Version)

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Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (5/14/2010 3:07:49)

Hello Neo!
Hello Digital X!
Gremlins not giving you too much trouble i assume?
Well, those critters can sometime get into the system and mess it up pretty bad.
Forum name have any significant meaning?
neo = new, diabolus = devil/demon. I didn't like the old ones, so I kicked them out.
Favourite animal?
Can you shapeshift? (random Q)
Aaand, ooh! favourite subject?
Hm... not quite sure.
All i have, see you around.

KoibatlupeSnowager -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (5/24/2010 1:27:55)

Yo! I got away from the chikees. What's up?
All AKs are awesome, for putting up with us forumites.
....and you're awesome for trying to put up with this.
Do you know morse code? .s for short dots and _ for dashes.
Good question
How do you graph x where:1>x<6.666
You draw a number line, put an open circle on one, put an open circle on 6 2/3, and then scribble in the line between the two dots.
Thanks and byes again!


Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (5/24/2010 1:39:54)

Its a Neodiabolus! Catch em'!
It's a Tokijin!
So, how do you like being an AK so far?
It's pretty fun.
Wait, first off, congratulations! On your AKstatususisnsenesisis.
So, here's a cookie. I mean you deserve it. ^_^
Wait no you don't give it back!, *noms on cookie*
But I ate it...
No wait, thats mean, here's another cookie, with a glass of milk.
Well I'm done for now Happy Aking!
Ok I'll start giving each AK there own poem in their MTAK, I did for two other AK's recently, but your name is very interesting.
Here it goes, Neodiabolus, so cool, like a platypus! (I'm stumped after that :P)
Hm... nice!

silentwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (6/7/2010 20:55:47) you still answer questions?If you do....andswer the ones down there.
I'm answering now, aren't I?
Would you prefer the Shadowed lion or ShS Trog?
ShS Trog definitely. It's great for farming.
Do you think the Evil sam Rye is to hard to beat?
Not really.
Do you want a ninja mecha?
Not really.
Can you make mechas?(Make a Ninja one if you can)

Heavnlywind -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (6/26/2010 8:54:19)

Well iam Kind of new on the Forums here
to kick it off gratz for AK
-Now Prepare for some Rain of Pain -
Better get out my umbrella!
How Long have you played Mq for?
Since the AvP war... not quite sure when that was date-wise.
-Edit- Do you know that there is an infinate amount of numbers between any 2 numbers?
whats your favriot Mq char?
Hm... don't really have one
whos more of a devil you or korin?
Well, considering neodiabolus means new devil, me
Do you like cookies with choclate chips or Raisens?-if you say chocalte chips ill give you a glass off milk and a BOX of cookies O.O-btw theres a bug i dont know where to post about it so its just this you know the new shoulder Item Mera Tuba Gun A1 - it causes Dimanesional Poisening now it seems the poisening Reduces enemy Hp and what happend with me is that the poisen made the enemy hp-1 when he had somthing like 2 or 5 health left iam not sure if this is inteneded just thought i should say- Tell me if i need to add more info -
Chocolate chips! And the bug is known.
Nyway on with the questions!, what do you like more a kitty or a dog?
Cats ftw
Favriot Iscream?
Do you like Balaony if so do you put cream ontop of it ? -i do it-dont ask i weird stuff-
Eh, it's ok
Do you have any habbit of mixing Different Juices togther ?
Do Chicken Cows Have Udders ? and if so how does there Milk Taste ?
Yes, like chicken
This is More like a Request to everyone-
What is?

I already took my cookies, silly

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (6/26/2010 9:00:19)

Whos your favourite forumite named Robofire2?
You, I guess
How did you become a Archknight?
(Answering Questions, Being Nice to other Forumites.)

See Ya.

Heavnlywind -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (6/26/2010 16:28:37)

Lol hey its me agin.
Anyway iam happy you actualy Replied For one and as i read your answers my Curiosty Grew so on with the questions if you dont mind :P.
Do you like Puns?
Which Of these is crazier Cysro or Korin?
Do you have an Idol?
Did you ever watch the movie iam Legend?
Do you think Typo's are overated?
Do you care for small talk ? -i assume i know the answer to this-
Is the world going to end in 2012?
What do you think is stronger a panther or a Lion?
Do you think that a day will come when pigs fly?
What your Favriot color?
Whats your Favriot Food other than stake or icecream?
What is your Dream in Life?
Do you have any Future Plans?
Where do you come from ?
How Old are you?
Do you belive in the spehgitti monster? or the Just the cookie Monster?
Do you care to answer all of these questions?
Your Awseom if thats a yes , your awseom if thats a no -Just Reading this is a pain Belive me-
Are you gona be working here Perma or just Temporarliy ? - i dont mean anything by that question-*whistles*
And what Evil Deeds have you commited to make you supprior To Korin , ok so your name is evil so what? Prove that you are !:P
And oh btw i am trying to learn how to hypnoss people making that the ultimate way of self defnence which makes me own karate Kong Fu or Anything else for that Fact ! Brain Powa Ftw
Do you know where my Left sock is ? I Lost it on Dragonfable and cysro knows x.x!
Thats all thanx for baring with me have a good time ! :P
-Edit= and i assume to become an Ak you have to contact Ae Entertainment schedual a meeting and have them interview you ,looking threw your Cpr and programing and epthical Experiance. but thats just me :p.
Come to the dark side we have cookies.

UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: neodiabolus (6/26/2010 17:32:04)

Now I know I've see you around and...hey...wait a minute...
This has been up for over 3 months and hasn't been locked yet? I'm awe/shocked...or something...*cough*

So...(very late) congratulations on ArchKnightship...or along those lines, considering you've been in the position for 3 months now...Anyhow...

Math Time: Pi/Infinity =/= Infinity/Pi?

So how has it been working at the source of all bugs, Lag and glitches? You must have at least 3 complaints by now... ,_,

BugStyle or BugCross?

IF there was one bug or glitch you could destroy forever, it would be _____?

Favorite type of cookie. Correct answers recieve [_____] type of cookie in the amount of [One]

And one comment: Because I can do that.

Would you prefer the Shadowed lion or ShS Trog?
ShS Trog definitely. It's great for farming.

Lies, BC ShadowWarrior is great for farming. Still, Trog is good and simplistic. But that's another thread. (Or PM, I suppose. Your call)

Senseless rambling aside, hope you continue to do a great job in BuggyLand (it's a theme park, ya know.). See you around sometime...or somewhere...

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