Dagin Fields (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Dagin Fields (4/1/2010 8:28:10)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Dagin Fields
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Dagin Fields
Prerequisite: Level 47

Dagin Fields

South from Cigeli Canyon and Edress Point, you come to the open spaces of the Dagin Fields. The enemy is spread thin here for now…

Fight two monsters then get a full heal then fight two more monsters from this list:
All monsters are level scaled.
Level 29 and Below
Brilhado Warrior (8)
Seed Spitter (8)
Fire Seed Spitter
Am-Bush (3)

Level 30-49
Brilhado Warrior (8)
Mondrogor (32)
Sneak (25)
Am-Bush (20)

Level 50-89
Brilhado Warrior (60)
Acid Spitter
Mondrogor (32)
Am-Bush (60)
Sneak (50)

Level 90 and Above
Brilhado Warrior (60)
Mondrogor (82)
Am-Bush (60)
Sneak (75)

You: Giliara! You found your brother!
Diviara: ….You have no idea what you are talking about.
Giliara: Brother, please, I love you
You: Oh, uh, I seem to be interrupting something.
Diviara: Love is a disease, a weakness.
Giliara: Is THAT what you believe?
Giliara: The stories say that even The’Galin loves. Yes, brother, even your lord loves.
Diviara: …Stories…
Giliara: Return to our true leader, Diviara… join me.
Diviara: I---
Giliara: Yes?
Diviara: I cannot. You have come well more than halfway toward your demise. Why end it now? I will see you at Deep Lake.

Diviara flies off

Giliara: I am sorry you must witness this, (Insert your name here). But perhaps the fate of the world will depend on what you make of it…
Giliara: Now, to Deep Lake we must battle!

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