Strange Whispers (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Strange Whispers (4/1/2010 9:20:26)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Strange Whispers
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Strange Whispers
Prerequisite: Level 57

Strange Whispers

Strange whispers have been heard in Granemor. Is this the work of the Devouer, or something else entirely?
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    Wolfwing: So you agree to my terms then?
    Cenara: Of course I do.
    Dewlok: Why am I needed here, again?
    Wolfwing: Because you are a friend to many, and you are a qualified witness to make it known Cenara acts voluntarily
    Cenara: Don’t be ridiculous, Grandfather. How could I act otherwise?
    Wolfwing: Go then and seek him out and try to speak reason.
    Cenara: I will go…

    «Cenara leaves»

    Wolfwing: I am in your debt again, Dewlok.
    Dewlok: If you say so, Wolfwing. You protected me once when I most needed it.
    Wolfwing: You have repaid that aid already, many times over.
    Dewlok: Whatever. I still personally consider my presence silly…and also dangerous, this close to Mogloween.
    Wolfwing: I did not consider the one witness I already had to be enough.
    Dewlok: The moon? The appearance of the eyes bothers you?
    Wolfwing: They do no bother you?
    Dewlok: It is but a manifestation of his power. Moglin legends say it tells of his coming.
    Wolfwing: I know, but—
    Dewlok: Perhaps it is a vessel. He is not limited to any such form. They are not even really eyes.
    Wolfwing: Perhaps thou they do observe.
    Dewlok: They do, much as Louis Zephyr – who goes by the name “Ojo” – does.
    Wolfwing: Ojo?
    Dewlok: Apparently Terran. It is short of “Ojodeldevourador”, which means “Eyes of the Devourer” in some Terran dialect
    Wolfwing: Zephyr is from Terra?
    Dewlok: So it appears.
    Wolfwing: How is it you know so much, Dewlok?
    Dewlok: Do you think I just sit around mystically appearing at random battles or something? Or maybe that I just stand outside Boog’s Tavern for my entire life?
    Wolfwing: You seem to be there often.
    Dewlok: Boog’s has an interesting clientele, but as you well know I am not satisfied to sit idly. I did not get to where I am by doing that.
    Wolfwing: Ha! Nor into that condition, Moglin. You seem to know more about this than even travel can allow.
    Dewlok: I have spoken to Nel and Falerin. The void moon will not harm us, nor is it particularly concerned with us.
    Wolfwing: I know that, but it is still uncomfortable. Have you continued watching the spider?
    Dewlok: Something makes you uncomfortable? I find that funny. Yes, I continued my watch. He is moving. He met with some human in a Sandy Claws suit.
    Wolfwing: That is what I was afraid of…

    Discover the reappearance of Nightbane, a creature important to both Wolfwing and Cenara. Find Nightbane’s fortress in Darkovia to learn more about Cenara and Nightbane.
  • The NightBane Chronicles Part II
  • The NightBane Chronicles Part III
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    Thanks to ZeltanX. Link from noamba.

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