RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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SIGMUND -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (9/30/2010 14:44:08)

Thanks for the recent sig you made for me balu. I am back to an older one now which is possibly connected [:D]
Thanks also for your recent assistance in Paxia.

Watch out for this new Event, it might bring some big changes and some new hope to Paxia???

Balu -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (9/30/2010 15:44:37)

Your welcome SIGMUND!

Yeah, with the current war going on, I`ll sadly not be active in Paxia for a few days. Falerin said that the outcome of this war might take some ingame content from us or add some new content. We shall see. :-)

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/4/2010 16:35:37)

Congratz on your creative title balubamboto, when did you get that by the way?

Balu -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/5/2010 5:34:43)

Hey Clan Head Bell!

Thanks, I got it a little over a week ago.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/5/2010 11:08:23)

Guess that shows I need to be more active.

brianspenceni -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/12/2010 17:14:24)

Congtatz on getting under -10k in Paxia wars! Geoto's really picked-up recently.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/13/2010 12:09:17)

Well we need it if we ever hope to get out of the negatives.

drmonkey22 -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/17/2010 22:49:01)

Its good to see our efforts finally paying off. If we keep at it we an hit positives in no time(ok maybe not no time but we'll get there)

Balu -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/18/2010 16:21:12)

Yay Geoto! :-)
We got attacked for ~50 pts and briefly went in the 5 digits, but now we are good again.

brianspenceni -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/21/2010 20:30:15)

Wow - Geoto's motoring. Up to c.-9,500! Glacius is playing catch-up (you're about 2k ahead of us) but you guys seem to be defending staunchly.

drmonkey22 -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/29/2010 17:05:15)

I'm devoting this weekend to Geoto defense. Anyone care to join me?

masterwolfie -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/29/2010 18:29:27)

What about devoting the weekend to that story?

drmonkey22 -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/29/2010 18:33:57)

dont worry I have the chapter done. I'll proof read it tonight and have it up tomorrow

masterwolfie -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/29/2010 18:53:00)

Awesome, thats really great to hear drmonkey. I was just nudging you there.

brianspenceni -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (10/30/2010 19:32:09)

@drmonkey22, hope your defending's going well? With the exception of Unity, Glacius and recently Geoto, the totals have been very static recently.

masterwolfie -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (11/1/2010 18:54:28)

Lol DRmonkey, whats up with your tomorrow? Lol hows that post getting?

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (11/3/2010 12:46:09)

Looks like a lot has happened during my absence. I will have to check the stories thread to see what drmonkey22 has written.

EDIT: It is definately interesting, I will keep an eye out for the next chapter.

ruleandrew -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (11/11/2010 7:01:08)

Defence level is -9657 and slowing moving up for next 30 minutes or so unless someone else help us.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (11/16/2010 11:33:38)

Activity seems to have dropped a bit. Looks like I will need to help keep this forum active.

drmonkey22 -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (11/17/2010 22:17:03)

Looks like were losing points. We have to get our defense moving again

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (12/9/2010 16:50:07)

I'm back again and this week end I will do what I can about our points.

Balu -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (12/11/2010 15:37:24)

Haven`t defended in more then a month or so, due to some RL issues that have kept me even from logging in with my char for days sometimes, but things are clearing up and I even started defending So maybe we will get to 4 digits in the near future.

Always good to see you around these parts clan head! And since this is a good place as any, check the level tracking thread. I leveled up good since you last updated it. :-)

DigDog -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (12/12/2010 23:43:53)

You're an AK now balu? Congrats!

Balu -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (12/14/2010 9:54:21)

Thank you kindly! :-)

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Geoto= Cross-Clan Communications (12/19/2010 12:35:20)

Congratulations on becoming an AK Balu, i will look at the level tracking as soon as I have time.

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