RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 2:33:52)

@ Johnny: I think we have talked about this before: Attacking other clans,especially LUCIAN just won't work! Ask the rest of your clan's memebers...I'm sure they have figured that out by now n they would most probably agree... [;)]

So,ok. ALL clans will soon be back into the negatives! Is THAT what you really want??? I strongly believe that DEFENDING one's clan AND Unity is the way to go!!! The rest,in my view is just WASTE of TIME n a good way to block activity on Paxia.It goes withought saying that people who might be willing to defend are much more reluctant seeeing all those negative scores n thinking that "it's no use" anymore...that's not "chaos'',in my view.That's simply "commiting suicide"! [:D] Sooo,reset or no reset,that's no excuse! DEFENDING MIGHT be the answer but we have to really give it a chance...

@ DRUMMY n Balu: As far as I know,defending BOTH clan AND Unity seemed to be least for a while!!! Going back to DEFENSES,in my view,is NOT a bad idea! Not bad at all!!! :-)

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 12:21:46)

From my point of view, defending Unity is a lost cause. What is very beneficial is protecting our own clans, end of the line.

137ben -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 17:29:20)

On top of that, the fact that you are in the negatives doesn't mean you are losing, if you are at -1 and everyone else is at -100000, you are winning. Defending works better than attacking for a totally different reason: attacking every other clan (including unity) once is basically equivalent to defending your clan once, but takes 8 times as long. Defending ends up winning not because of fear of the negatives, but because it gets your clan ahead 8 times as fast as attacking does.
As for defending unity, unity is what originally killed activity in paxia, so I don't really like it. But if you still want to defend unity, go ahead. It means that you are taking away from defending your clan, which puts your clan at a disadvantage. It isn't a quick way out of the negatives, it is a set-back.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 17:33:41)

What a wonderful explanation of what I've been thinking. Thanks for supporting my point of view.

Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 17:54:46)

I also agree. Thank you for expressing yourself so well, Ben.

johnnyquest.aqrocks -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 22:31:03)


@ Johnny: I think we have talked about this before: Attacking other clans,especially LUCIAN just won't work! Ask the rest of your clan's memebers...I'm sure they have figured that out by now n they would most probably agree...

So,ok. ALL clans will soon be back into the negatives! Is THAT what you really want??? I strongly believe that DEFENDING one's clan AND Unity is the way to go!!! The rest,in my view is just WASTE of TIME n a good way to block activity on Paxia.It goes withought saying that people who might be willing to defend are much more reluctant seeeing all those negative scores n thinking that "it's no use" anymore...that's not "chaos'',in my view.That's simply "commiting suicide"! Sooo,reset or no reset,that's no excuse! DEFENDING MIGHT be the answer but we have to really give it a chance...

@ DRUMMY n Balu: As far as I know,defending BOTH clan AND Unity seemed to be least for a while!!! Going back to DEFENSES,in my view,is NOT a bad idea! Not bad at all!!! :-)

< Message edited by theosenia -- 6/17/2010 2:57:59 >

Obviously, many people still enjoying raiding clans and not defending....

drmonkey22 -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 22:31:10)

I agree defense is best. I just attack unity for the purpose of supporting chaos

johnnyquest.aqrocks -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 23:01:54)

^^sounds contradictory, doesnt it?

drmonkey22 -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/17/2010 23:16:33)

No I'm saying I defend more and that denfense is best and my occasional attack on unity doesn't actually help it just makes me feel like I'm helping chaos

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/18/2010 4:22:10)

For one reason or another ( for EVERY possible reason actually IF you ask ME ) DEFENDING one's clan works much better than a supposedly 'help to chaos' or whatever... Personally,what I see on Paxia scores I prefer to call it ' a mess'! Yes,Ben! You said it as clear as I couldn't ever express it in English...I agree! Sooo,back to work!!! [:D]
...As for UNITY,well I guess that's everyone's PERSONAL choice so I cannot really see much to be said there...I believe that there are players who can/try do BOTH! Clan defense n Unity defense if there's time for it...still I see that most of us agree about the 'key word' here being DEFENDING!!! [;)]

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/18/2010 6:53:29)

Constantly fighting with no end in sight is what killing Paxia. This endless war should stop once and awhile, as you can see clearly by sudden huge point swings that large amount of people just gave up fighting. This isn’t a question of true Paxia defenders as that was proven months ago. It’s a question of when this endless war will end or when will there be a point when our actions affect Paxia as a whole and not just the point counter.

I don’t believe unity killed Paxia; the culprit is the absence of the finishing line.

And I like to warn johnny not brag here as you just stir the sleeping Lucians. :P

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/18/2010 11:03:43)

Hey hey hey gentlemen. Let's not worsen the situation as it is right now (though it would not change much).

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/18/2010 13:54:14)

LOL! Don't 'worry' Dread_Shadow_Max!...I won't 'let' them. [:D]

...And as far as I know,there is NO such thing as 'sleeping' Lucians!...Kind of hard to sleep really with all that sunshine around... [;)]

Balu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/18/2010 14:43:35)

The nerve of some! To stroll into a Lucian thread, brag about the fact you are attacking the clan, and express your happiness that all the hard work of the Lucian defenders has been reduced to nothing. The nerv of some people!

Edit: I wonder...if Unity was in the positives, would the clans loose fewer pts?! Cause I just can`t see how it is possible to get attacked 2000 times in just a few hours(for example). It`s gotta be an ingame trigger thing.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/18/2010 15:12:47)

Believe it or not,Balu I've seen even worse than 2,000 Lucian attacks in a few hours...n don't worry! As I've said: LUCIANS rarely sleep! [;)] Plus I'm sure people who read this short discussion on the matter know/understand much better now WHY defending gives clans an advantage over attacking especially now that ALL clans are back into the negatives...!

EDIT: As for whether Unity's score would help clans IF it was higher,I don't exactly know why,but I believe that,too! That's why personally, I try BOTH!...At least whenever I can... [:D]

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 5:55:44)

I think its now obvious the lucians are now sleeping. I'm to busy to defend and the others are having breaks.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 8:48:34)

LOL! Is that so???!
Well,in that case: 'WAKE UP,PEOPLE'!!! [;)]
Somebody caught us...'sleeping on duty'...! [:D]

Seriously,now.As I said! LUCIANS rarely 'sleep'...blame it on the SUN! :-)

Beastwarrior Nocturne -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 13:56:45)

Wolfie's right though, I'm currently taking a break. Although I might spend some time in the defenses tonight.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 14:24:13)

From what I know,Wolfie's always right... [:D]
So let me repeat what I said in case of 'sleeping' LUCIANS: WAKE UP,PEOPLE!!! [;)]

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 15:24:27)

Okay. Okay. Enough already...I'm awake. [:D]

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 15:50:14)

[8D] Nice! Also,I forgot to mention that there's some tasty hot coffee if anyone needs any...Sooo,everybody let's get back to work!!! [:D]

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 21:17:54)

I don't know if this over-zealous temperament is actually a good thing or is giving me a headache...

drummy -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/19/2010 21:32:45)

Its giving me a headache.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/20/2010 2:31:48)

Did they ever say if defending it did anything? I think there has been a lot of assumptions about it's purpose which likely aren't founded.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/20/2010 2:37:35)

Actually the whole system doesn't really tell how much of a impact defending or attacking it does.

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