=Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Baron -> =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/4/2010 21:46:51)

Cross-Clan Communications: If you are from an opposing clan and you'd like to speak with diplomats from the home clan, please use this thread. WARNING: Be nice and respectful. Do not curse, flame, or antagonize one another.

Comprehensive Forum Rules and Clan Rules apply to each thread. Please see the Clan Rules and Information Thread for important information.


Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/6/2010 22:57:45)

Great joy!

The CCC is open once again!

Welcome to any visitors.

sacchi -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/7/2010 20:03:43)

Hi Nauticans! How are thing around here in these hard times for Paxia?

I hope you're all having fun- Is that fish that I smell?

birdy -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/11/2010 17:49:43)

A fishy smell is about as much part of us as hydronautics are (meaning, alot) xD

Doing reasonable well I assume, people still post :)

Beleqwaya Melamin -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/11/2010 19:22:57)

Wow barely any posts. Something is... FISHY around here.

bunnykiller -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/12/2010 22:15:54)

Lol in this case the armour is practically an armoured fish(which you cant see the fish in it......)
So er can you stop with the fish jokes?Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm........how about some fish and chips?

birdy -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (4/17/2010 3:14:20)

Hey guys, someone popped this site in another board and I thought I'd just show you.

Especially this, it's from one of our earliest times :D

History was made there, our identities (atleast in the case of the three original clans) were forged in those months.

Shame we can't see the individual threads :l

Maureu -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 21:43:00)

Aww, you guys aren't as dead as I had hop--er, expected.
How's the water?

masterwolfie -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (6/3/2010 4:41:00)

On behalf of the Lucian clan as the Head of army.

It's my duty to inform you that if you want to renew our past treaty between our two clans, which was an NAP between Lucian and Nautica. Then please post the treaty on either the public cross-clan communications thread or the private one located here. Failure to do so will leave our clans at a neutral standing.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (6/20/2010 8:10:37)

Good Work in the Paxia Defense Nauticans. I'm glad to see the River is still flowing. [:D]

sacchi -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (6/22/2010 16:37:57)

Hey people, it would be cool if any Nautica member is interested in writing a chapter of a collective Paxia story. If you are, check the Paxia Story Comments thread in the Paxia board.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (11/15/2010 9:59:43)

Are there any Nauticans around?

Well done for the recent rise in your Paxia Defense score.

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (12/20/2011 17:50:11)

Anything going on Nautica?

Just checking in, it's been quite a while.

Have a great day, best wishes.

tommy2468 -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (7/5/2013 17:07:48)

Hello Nauticans! I see that there has been very little communication with the other clans here so I'll begin for this newest revival of Paxia [:D]

With your liquid and our solid H2O, I'm sure this little Xov will run off with her tail between her legs :P

Nightie -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (7/7/2013 19:09:30)

I second the last three posts. Would love to see some more people from the original three roaming the forums.

dragonfire1423 -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (7/8/2013 4:17:37)

^ Am I the only one laughing about how the posts you are referring to were posted ruffly a year apart EACH?

anyways, besides that, we have been getting more activity.

tommy2468 -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (7/30/2013 17:47:43)

Are there any Nauticans that would be interested in being in my war story? So far Nautica and Dynami are the only two clans not represented :P

If you want to take a read of it so far (and it is a quite long by this stage :L) then here's the link:


Kilvakar -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (8/9/2016 19:46:43)

Wow, it's been years, and still I'm the only one to check in on my clan...

Kilvakar -> RE: =Nautica= Cross-Clan Communications (1/7/2018 19:32:51)

Alright! The clan forum has been moved back to AQ where it belongs, and hopefully out of obscurity! May we soon see members of all clans returning home, and new members being welcomed into our ranks!

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